Impossible to downplay this one. If it's true, the implications are too massive to keep under wraps. The paper is already out there.
I'm leaning toward it actually being true. At the very least, if it isnt, it will be exposed fairly swiftly. The material is very cheap and not extremely difficult to make. From what I can tell it has already been replicated by multiple entities so this might be the real deal.
The insane thing is, because of the relative simplicity of making it, this is something that could have feasibly been discovered 100 or 200 years ago by chance.
FWIW, my boss (Japanese dude) watches Spy x Family with his family and apparently his kids like it. His kids are 14, 12, and 7. Oldest is a son and the younger two are daughters.
That being said, I personally agree that Spy Family is more oriented towards the really young girls and the older ones, while kind of skipping over that middle young adult demographic (not that it can't be enjoyed by them as well).
Seems like there are already a lot of good recommendations for things early teen girls would enjoy; most of what immediately came to mind has already been said.
For the one that likes romance, perhaps Taisho Otome Fairy Tale would be enjoyable. Very wholesome.
It's super naive to think that wouldn't play out the same way today. Wasn't the court case just a year or so ago? If it's a case where even boomer conservatives are tripping over themselves to say how racist the dudes were, they never had a chance. Regardless of how much the facts were on their side.
We aren't talking about him in this subthread. The conversation shifted to some other dude.
The difference is you are using the globalist definition of the ethnicity, AKA magic dirt theory, wherein just being born in the place makes one "German." Under such a definition, someone named Mohammed bin Shamahad who has nothing but disdain for German people, culture, and traditions is German just because his mother pooped him out in Germany.
Not many people here are going to agree with that even if the average normie might bob their head up and down like a bobblehead and clap like a seal at the idea.
Okay? Point is, his activity is far from rising to the level of clogging up the board. And even if he's a meme, it's not like he never has worthwhile comments. People can and do downvote him if his comments are retarded.
Ahahaha now that you mention that it sounds familiar. Thanks for the heads up, I totally missed that one lmao
What exactly am I missing here?
Over the past several years leading up to 2020, they had been building up a borderline religious devotion to the word "vaccine." Anything that receives that label is infallible in their eyes. Which is why the sleight of hand that was pulled to change the definition of the word such that the mRNA shots could be called vaccines was so crucial.
Another thing is the shitty personality flaws these people have. They really care deeply about what others think of them. They really love, and base so much of their personalities around, being in an in group and being able to be snobby, insufferable bitches to an outgroup. So when questioning even one aspect of one vaccine let's them be insufferable towards that person and call them "anti-vax" they gobble that shit right up. And perish the thought of them ever questioning their secular religion. That might have them be associated with the outgroup and effectively exiled. Can't have that.
It might sound like a stretch to some, but trust me when I say, the minds of many of these insufferable lunatics work very similar to the above, even if they aren't aware of it on the conscious level.
Edit: it's very similar to the whole thing with flat earthers (with the only major difference being flat earthers aren't correct). You ever hear leftists who are just very loud about how much hate and disdain they have for flat earthers? They are gaining significant satisfaction in placing themselves higher than these people when they themselves havent done anything except believe what they've been told. I should clarify that I'm not a flat earther, but when I overhear people talking about it who are I just chuckle, think "who fucking cares what these randos think" and move on with my day. I don't start on an impassioned rant about how uneducated they are. It comes down to fundamental personality flaws that these crazy leftists have.
This forum isn't high enough traffic to justify banning people for milquetoast shit like that even if he can be annoying. Let people downvote his comments if it truly is that bad.
That isn't a very fringe opinion when it comes to leftists. Quite common actually in my experience. I've heard people say similar things in real life. Sometimes I take solace in thinking certain things are just for crazies on the internet to say under conditions of anonymity, but people are crazy enough to think that one is a normal thing to say.
I couldn't resist immediately checking what the retards on the NBA board on plebbit were saying about this. Legit the comments there might have given me cancer. The sheer lengths to which those retards will go to twist their minds into a pretzel to think that things like this aren't more common post's borderline impressive. But kind of horrifying when you stop and think about it.
It's frustrating when so much of the time it isnt even just them disagreeing with us on fundamental issues, it's just them being blatantly retarded. Not being able to understand that that has nothing to do with the type of censorship that is normally discussed in the political arena means you are so retarded you don't deserve to be able to vote.
Funny that you say that though, because I literally just responded to someone on plebbit 5 minutes ago who said I'm advocating against free speech for saying it's a net positive if twitter collapses because it was a leftist cesspool before.
Hate is a strong word but he grates on me a lot at times that's for sure. I feel a bit guilty about it because from the outside we look like good buddies since we often get lunch together but internally half the time he opens his mouth I'm just like "ugh."
I can see why you would think that. And if I saw someone saying this without any knowledge of the person I would probably come to the same conclusion. But trust me when I say this dude's memory really is that bad.
He's the type of guy who if you are around him long enough will tell you the same story 3 times in one week thinking he didn't tell you yet. And, the most frustrating part of it, sometimes he gets the details of his own stories mixed up and I have to correct him because I've heard it already....
Sometimes it's easy to forget just how dumb normies can be....
Yep. Fortunately this specific dude doesn't vote, but plenty of people at his level or worse do.
To add onto this, some people aren't just conformist, they're retarded on top of that. I have a coworker who would be best described as "NPC-lite." He will believe most things unquestioningly. That includes when I push back on his occasional NPC-like remarks, we will often discuss and he will admit he isn't super knowledgeable and that what I'm saying is probably more close to the truth
And then a couple weeks later the same topic will come up and he will spout the same NPC talking point that we had already came to a mutual understanding were BS. He will just completely forget entire conversations. That's just a specific example, but I've had similar experiences with multiple people. It's like they don't even have the baseline mental capacity required to be non-conformist.
twice-divorced beer belly trolls with yards full of rusted cars
Lmfao so specific yet so true
Yooo OSRS let's go lol. Make sure you are using Runelite. The official client sucks ass in comparison.
It's not impossible, but I dont consider that likely. It would put too much of a spotlight on a topic they would prefer most normies remain ignorant of. For all the talk about election fraud and fortification that might happen in these circles, the average American normie can't even tell you what ballot harvesting is. They would prefer to keep it that way.
The thing is though, there are plenty of states where, as bonkers as it sounds, ballot harvesting is perfectly legal. Immoral and a huge security risk? Absolutely. But legal. In places where it isn't I totally agree though.
but I cannot fathom how anyone could fail to see a good-faith objection to producing or consooming sexualized images of fictional children
For me I can certainly understand how one could object in good faith. My issue doesn't come with "I think this is bad." My issue, and I suspect it is similar for most others, comes due to the fact that those objections are always a razor's edge from the continuation of "...and I think it should be banned."
Add in the context under which this discussion tends to be had. Things like anime and manga have held out against woke retardation and caving to moralist retards much better than other mediums. There's a general consensus that all it will take is a single major crack to form in that armor before the floodgates open and a lot of good shit gets ruined.
All that to explain why virtue signaling how much one hates lolis is irritating.
For what its worth, I haven't gotten the feeling that Ohio has much fortification going on. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, but I wouldn't count on it.
The thing with this is, a lot of well meaning right leaning people have been tricked into voting no. Whereas the November amendment is much harder to trick an anti abortion person into voting for. If this proposal barely fails then I think we have a good shot to gain a few percentage points to win in November. Especially considering the state does not support abortion and that turnout will be higher then.