Obviously everyone knows blacks are prone to violence. In every society they are in they commit the most violent crime by a lot. As a whole they have a lower IQ and are quick to react without thinking. Not trying to be racist, just honest. Im a mexican and my whole family knows how they are. So these communists tell them everything is white peoples fault so they will go after them and do shit like this and they hope whites will retaliate against blacks so they can pull another Jan 6, theyre all terrorist bullshit. The only one at fault though are the fucking global elites of whatever race.
Does it? I got knocked off Twitter for criticizing people who I voted for over the Unemployment/ Stimulus several times. Even if you are a democrat you cant criticize democrats, I was a democrat. Screw social media, I dont know why people stay on that bullshit.
Well in the two states Ive lived in the only natives Ive seen are the drunk ones with the homeless signs. I call the one that use to sit outside the Walmart, "Chief sits with a beer." Really, truly the feds did this. Free money has ruined them.
Henry makes stuff up for a living. I want his job. )