Barndoorbanjo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope your people are ready for THE great demographic collapse that will happen in 20 to 30 years. No one is having babies in China, Japan, Korea ect.

Barndoorbanjo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dutch will be fine. It's everyone else that's fed by them that are screwed. Second biggest ag producer only to America.

Barndoorbanjo 12 points ago +13 / -1

Then thier life expectancy has been reduced by at least half. Look up the effects of myocardial. It's not a one off episode that you just get over. It ruins how you live and shortens what time you have drastically.

Barndoorbanjo 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least they know where the line for violence starts.

Barndoorbanjo 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're on it. That's the mask slipping off. They don't care about inclusion or acceptance. They only care about pushing demonic power. Make no mistake about it. These are not just people with different opinions from us. They've gone way past that. These are just evil people.

Barndoorbanjo 7 points ago +9 / -2

Islam is not a race for fucks sake.

Barndoorbanjo 10 points ago +10 / -0

This has been my exact conclusion as well. And it hasn't been an easy one to reach. These people are bad actors. They're not arguing in good faith. It's like you said, this is all a power game for them. Truth, justice, honesty, they do not believe in these ideas. They only use them in so far as it will deliver them power. When you have an argument with one of these people they have no interest in coming to an objective truth. They only care about winning. Even if the ideology that they are winning for is bringing hell on Earth.

Barndoorbanjo 19 points ago +19 / -0

Q: What is the difference between the Constitutions of the US and USSR? Both of them guarantee freedom of speech.

A: Yes, but the Constitution of the USA also guarantees freedom after the speech.

Barndoorbanjo 5 points ago +5 / -0

This all stems from a shift in our culture's philosophical perceptions of what sexuality is. Most people in our society have been tricked into thinking sexuality is an inherent state of being. It isn't. It's an act.

You wouldn't accept somebody that came out and admitted they were a kleptomaniac right? It's the same thing. A person isn't inherently a kleptomaniac. They might harbor proclivities towards stealing things but that isn't an inherent trait to their being. It's a twisted state of mind that causes them to act immorally.

You probably fell for this mind trick as well even if you are against "being" gay. Your friends need to know that this is an immoral act and not an intrinsic attribute of their daughter.

Barndoorbanjo 4 points ago +4 / -0

This could have the opposite effect to what those activists want. The standard for the media back in the day used to be to not over report terrorist actions so the terrorists don't get the advertisement they are really doing it for. The biggest reason for a terrorist act is to make a statement for everyone to see. If you take that away then you take away the main reason for the act in the first place.