BandageBandolier 8 points ago +8 / -0

All the straight women I know always pick women with sharp cheekbones and manjaw to say are examples of beauty. I assume they're just terrible at separating their own preference for men from the abstract concept of beauty.

So maybe all the ones that get some men and all the women picking them get voted to the top more often than the ones that even most of the men are voting for.

BandageBandolier 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think imp really counts as "here" anymore, he's banned over 90% of the time these days

BandageBandolier 21 points ago +21 / -0

You don't support the constitution, so in following with your beliefs, you won't be given any liberties by me.

Ah yes, they're stauch supporters of the constitution that famously says only my friends get rights to things like life and liberty. Such upstanding civic responsibility from the jannie(s).

They deserve a reward for all their hard, unpaid work. Maybe an ocean cruise on a sailless catamaran, or a free helicopter ride. I'm sure lots of people would come to wave them off with big smiles.

BandageBandolier 32 points ago +32 / -0

Given the allegory you're trying to make here it's very funny to me that Frieren's canonical super power is literally hiding her power level.

BandageBandolier 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, not saying it gets credit, if anything it's more dangerous for being more insidious. They used the subtle shit years and years ago to get the upper hand in the first place because it worked better, then once they had the upper hand they got lazy and blatant agenda pushing became the norm.

Even though the blatant shit is crashing and burning now, it does no good to get complacent and think just sperging out will solve everything. KCD2 is still well liked by the general public despite the quiet subversiveness. The subtle stuff needs to be carefully undermined in the public eye until the rose tinted glasses fall off before critique of their motives will be seriously listened to. Not just jumping headfirst into spamming that the game is fag loving anti-White Jewish propaganda to everyone.

BandageBandolier 1 point ago +2 / -1

Which begs the question that if it's much more effective for being subtle, does the best defense to that mean treating it differently to the blatant ones rather than lumping them all together?

BandageBandolier -4 points ago +1 / -5

I guess it makes sense that the brand new handshake called urafag doesn't understand how subtlety works, disappointing nonetheless.

BandageBandolier 5 points ago +5 / -0

"He's got more balls than DeNiro at least"

Well yeah, DeNiro hasn't popped his murder cherry, he really should have guessed that.

BandageBandolier -9 points ago +4 / -13

Again with the lazy simplifications. Being louder doesn't push the window any further than being subtle, as long as both are still pushing for the same goals subtle can push just as far and is less likely to engage defensiveness in the undecided.

It works better, not worse. The downside to subtle is it takes more work. So if you don't need to be subtle it's more efficient to be brash and fast instead.

BandageBandolier -14 points ago +6 / -20

Eh intolerance for the intolerant is lazy midwit opiate. For one there's other ways to eliminate things than naked intolerance, so you don't need to become intolerant if you for some reason think it's evil. For two, intolerance is neutral not evil. It's the reason you don't tolerate something that matters, not the intolerance itself.

You should be against something for the real root reason that it sucks.

And in the case of KCD2 that root reason is brain washing the useful idiots into helping ruin everything by erasing and replacing the ideals that eventually created a great society.

So yes, it still should be on the list. But being on the list doesn't mean you have to treat them all the same. When the attack is subtler so should your response if you're talking to normies. Veilguard and Concorde get open derision and insults for being blatant and ugly. KCD2 gets disappointment that they fell off and how it's bland and soulless compared to the first one, it forgot the dedication to its roots that made it great and focused too much on including all the weird outliers and lost it's luster (ahem, like an allegory for society, ahem)

BandageBandolier 24 points ago +24 / -0

Ah, I see they're stealing the sovereign citizens' memes today.

BandageBandolier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just to clarify since OP seems a bit confused himself. The granny made the incredibly mild comments about the councillor resigning as comments on both public and private Facebook posts, in response to the private WhatsApp group chat messages the councillor sent being leaked publicly.

That's the still active councillor of the ostensibly more progressive UK party in a WhatsApp group called "trigger me timbers" wishing conservatives voters would die and laughing at them getting hit by trucks. The granny who got the stasi treatment just went on generic local Facebook groups and said he should resign for that.

BandageBandolier 7 points ago +7 / -0

Maybe they are, they haven't been pushed as far as the factory slaves in China yet.

BandageBandolier 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know the scene in every prison movie where the new guy punches the gang leader even though he knows he'll get his ass kicked for it? It's that.

BandageBandolier 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I get you. But I didn't say the secular Muslim conversion paths and degrees were the same as that under theocratic rule. Those were all examples in response to the statement "People convert to Islam when the ruling authorities are Islamic." and just to show that even when the authorities aren't Islamic a conversion can happen. And yes I'll accept I was a little hasty that converting from moderate to extremist Islam in Iran wasn't quite the same kind of conversion, although I do believe it's a close cousin on the same slope of sliding towards your inherent preferences in the absence of outside forces.

I will say I don't consider Sicily shortly after its transitions to be as firmly Muslim or Christian ruled as other stable areas of the time though, and as such the barriers and taboos of conversion would also be marginally lower. After all there was a 40:60 split of Christians and Muslims inhabiting the local area and being buried in adjacent cemeteries in the time and location of the linked study, that's already quite aberrant for the rest of Europe at the time. I think the political reality of a gradual conquest and reconquest kept the cultural boot from being put down as hard for the sake of not losing control of the area.

BandageBandolier 13 points ago +13 / -0

They could have used the budget for something good.

The budget was already in the BBCs hands, that hope was long gone.

BandageBandolier 23 points ago +23 / -0

We are under a duty to inform her that she is the subject of a complaint. The genuine threats that have been made to local councillors recently have meant it has been more necessary to ensure all reports are looked at.

Their entire gov has been hanging by a thread since the Southport riots. These whip cracks and attempts at silencing smack of desperation that the general public don't realize they're actually all in agreement about what politicians deserve.

BandageBandolier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, a lot of old Bernie supporters talk more like a jilted ex who got cheated on these days. He had to shit on their bed like Amber Heard first, but they realized their trust was misplaced eventually.

BandageBandolier 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alright, so what does this mean exactly? It seems to me that this meant that there were no native converts in the 12th century ... Doesn't it make more sense that (1) there's great intermarriage in the Islamic group, so native genes get mixed up with the invader ones in the Islamic one (perhaps sometimes due to marriage, which guarantees it)

It means there were definitely no purely native converts in that last generation. And also that the native converts in the past were either a very likely a small minority, because if a large number of natives converted and mixed heritage kids by intermarriage, and two of those mixed kids intermarried, some of their kids should randomly end up with pairs of the the native versions of genes again. Or there was a significant number of native converts that intermarried and had mixed kids that intermarried, but on the random chances their grandkids recombined without the uniquely foreign DNA they were also much more likely to leave Islam before dying and being buried.

People convert to Islam when the ruling authorities are Islamic.

Certainly much more, but that's far from absolute. Europe has plenty of modern islamic converts. Islam exploded in Iran when it's authorities were still secular. The nation of islam spread through the USA (disproportionately through populations with African heritage, a continent where islamic uptake has also spread very easily) even as a minority religion and little institutional power. There's enough apparent baseline conversion in mixed samples that it seems an exception when you find a population with zero conversion.

BandageBandolier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it's not a wide angle snapshot, the framing is mostly just a chan-y contrarian crowd. The snapshot was supposed to be the main point, as in the anonymous of today has nothing to do with the anonymous of the past.

The society part was just so I could make the society is gay joke.

BandageBandolier 6 points ago +7 / -1

I mean the point of anonymous is that it isn't a contiguous thing, it's a snapshot of society at any given moment.

So, society became super gay.

BandageBandolier 12 points ago +12 / -0

To be fair this basically what LLM type AIs are most suited for. When you have a tool that massively increases the capacity to directly surveil every citizen 24/7, there is some reason to be nervous.

BandageBandolier 42 points ago +42 / -0

Gotta love how they somehow think "woke" is the most insulting part of the phrase "woke mind virus"

BandageBandolier 8 points ago +9 / -1

"We've discovered an internet destroying terrorist conspiracy" - links to a discord where seemingly a couple of dozen pro-palestine activists will spam report pro-israel activists for hate speech

The lede's a little too sensational for the content, ain't it?

BandageBandolier 10 points ago +10 / -0

"This ignores the 5.6 million Americans born intersex"

This bitch is crazy, the current actual intersex occurrence rate is ~0.018%. Aka ~64 thousand Americans born intersex, not even accounting for the even lower diagnosis rate when most older Americans were born.

So not only is her research area stupid and redundant, she's also criminally incompetent at it anyway. She's exposing herself as a poster child for why Trump's cuts are justified.

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