One of the biggest things I believe is what people define as "god" and when that definition ends up being very different from their experiences they then say "god isn't real" based on everything they learned.
Instead of defining god as something like "the total of all truth in the universe" they define it as "a single being that has power over everything" it doesn't help that there are many personifications of god to help people like rural peasants understand the concept.
Classical Liberalism failed because it lost solidarity. Even now you will have people of all stripes and colors saying "Don't use identity politics!" and even I (and many others here I imagine) fell for it for a long time. This is because politics based on your identity is the only way to create a human organization with significant longevity.
That is by design when you create a regime around the denial of natural truth.
If you think that men and women are biologically different, or that white people should not be replaced in their native countries, then they will call you a white supremacist.
If you end up spending all your time saying "No I'm not!!!" then they have narrative control. They don't actually care what you believe in.
The money is not the only factor, it's about controlling the public's actions. Money is only useful if it can get you what you want. You can't outright pay somebody to change their mind. You need to use both rewards and punishments to do that, as well as control their sources of information.
If you create a slave class you end up with not only endless money, but also labour and other material desires. It's one reason that people have been heavily pushing for automation as well.
Yeah, this is really about the domestication of humans. Anybody who think it's about the virus or public safety is well along that process. And if people are too stubborn to get domesticated then they will be replaced by those who will.
The way I see it is that "leftism" as we call it is the belief that man made beliefs are more powerful than natural truth. It doesn't matter what the natural truth is if you can get the vast majority of the public to behave as if it's not true.
It is driven by things like envy and resentment, but also ego and overconfidence. Obviously this house of cards will not last forever, but it may become big enough that when it does fall it takes the whole human race or intelligent life in general with it.
I tried watching it when I was younger but got bored and stopped fairly early in. I did the same with Evangelion though and ended up liking that later so I should probably go back and try giving it another watch.
Considering that it started as a series of novels it's to be expected that it's pretty slow. A different sci-fi book that I would recommend is Dune.
Your account is 1 hour old and this is your only post. Here is an archive of this article. Spiked Online is edited by Brendan O'Neill, a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and a self-proclaimed Marxist. And instead of that, here is a much better article.
It's because she has no proof obviously. At the most gracious the guy she's talking about was a security guard looking to make sure she was safe. The reason she did not tell the truth in the first place was because she wanted pity and attention. Just because people are calling her out on it does not mean she's going to admit anything, she's going to use the accusations to try and get even more pity and attention.
I would say just show them what you believe in, and let them cut you out. The only time I would really suggest cutting people out of your life is if they're legitimately psychotic or consistently abusive. If somebody's just stupid that can be overcome.
There isn't much use trying to "debunk" something like that. If somebody ardently believes that it's a serious problem, they will not listen to much reason contrary to that. You won't change anybody's mind with a burst of logic if their only foundation is emotional.
He does so because he is essentially ineffectual opposition, like the rest of the "Intellectual Dark Web" they are meant to enforce the "boundaries of reasonable discussion" and to do that they still need to engage with the mainstream progressive institutions. At the least his opposition alone will not result in meaningful change or damage to the institutions so they don't need to worry as much about censorship.
It does seem like that their main logo is that stylized T and F. That triangle swirl is just one of the symbols that they have for page filler.
With Morris 'Rosenberg' as the President and CEO, that symbolism may have more meaning behind it though.
Sometimes you can get logged out and the account info takes time to update. If you get logged out try putting in a wrong password first, if it still lets you in then the site is compromised. Otherwise it should be fine.
I believe the admins are still good. There seems to have been an attempt to impose censorship after Jan 6th but I think they removed the moderators who were pushing for it.
Basically anywhere that had chariots there was an aryan/indo-european nobility. I would also suggest reading this article which goes over the same topic.
He has been doing a lot of kvetching as well recently. It seems this is the straw that broke the camel's back for him too.
"National" means people group, with the Latin root specifically referring to being born. Every identity is ultimately traced back to genetics in some way. To try and avoid genetics and look at simply a shared "spirit" will erode the foundations by which it was made. Culture and society are ultimately expressions of biology, because the brain is an organ.