Why do you think I asked you that?
What do you think the age of consent should be?
Mayorkas again
That Pisser Guy
Fans? What fans?
Are there any references to Israel, it's lobbying, or the Israel/Palestine conflict?
No, we haven't. Israel wants to send Muslim refugees here. As long as their lobbyists remain embedded we will never fix immigration.
Then why does he want to eat my foreskin?
That website is for some sort of pro-refugee activist organization, too. He is referred to as a donor in this section.
難民支援協会の活動は、様々な背景から難民に思いを寄せ、関心を持ち続けてくださる方々に支えられています。寄付者として難民支援協会(JAR)の年次報告書にメッセージを寄せてくださった、ロックリー・トーマスさんもその一人です。 日本で10年以上教壇に立ち、国際的視野に立った日本史を教えるイギリス出身のロックリーさんに、ご自身の研究や難民に関心を寄せてくださった背景について、お話を伺いました。
The activities of the Japan Association for Refugees are supported by people from a variety of backgrounds who continue to care about and take an interest in refugees. One such person is Lockley Thomas, a donor who contributed a message to Japan Association for Refugees' (JAR) annual report.
Thomas Nosely?
Does YHWH really love me? I'm not Jewish.
The breast milk thing sounds like they are saying he is a big baby putting on a front.
I know you won't just give something away for free.
What's the catch?
Basically, he was the average reddittor.
Where can I get a free copy of the Tanakh?
I agree. I'm not opposed to digging into it more just in case, but it needs to be strong evidence and not schizo shit.
You can also see how they take advantage of the schizo right with that Iranian angle they threw out there, too.
This Hashem sounds interesting. Can you tell me more?
If Biden's immigration policies weren't so terrible, Trump would have a harder time winning, and he wouldn't have had that chart to look at to get him to turn his head. Biden's immigration policies are costing him the election in more ways than one.
Just spoil it man. I'm not watching that shit.
Are you talking about my ass or the script?
Still worth it for the "spear chucker" joke
I know a new network they can broadcast it on, my ass after they kiss it.
You don't seem too bothered by Israel's "yes all Palestinians."