ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. As to her accusations:

LOL what? I liked Sydney Watson when she was only going after the stupidity and evil of feminism several years ago, just like how Lauren Southern was decent back then, too. But now? They try to dip their toes into the wider arena and show how stupid, vain, and hypocritical they are.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't remember the accusation. What did Watson accuse Schaffer of?

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

Soon they'll be saying:

Not killing your patients is White Supremacy.

Although, the medical system is absurdly corrupt, and has been for a long time. Even competent White doctors and nurses can't be trusted because they were trained and certified through that corrupt system, which is why medical malfeasance is one of the leading causes of death, and doctors usually have no idea how to properly diagnose illnesses, and instead opt to prescribe medications to treat symptoms, rather than cure, so they can get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies.

The entire medical industry needs to be burned to the ground, and restarted from scratch.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

It used to be a joke, but it's already become a law, that the only way to tell if someone is your friend is if they'll utter a racial epithet against a non-white.

It's been repeated enough lately, but the severity warrants another. White people have 2 choices:

  1. Be genocided while not being racist.

  2. Not be genocided while being racist.

Everyone who allies against the far right view racism as the greatest evil, either through brainwashing or because they're the ones dispensing the propaganda. The far right are racists.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

With one caveat to your summation:

...only if you're White.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even though I find the entire genre of conspiracies fascinating, I try not to go all-in with the "deep" conspiracies unless there's a lot of proof. With that said, the amount of hinky shit the government has been involved in, the number of UFO stuff that's been blatantly covered up, and the amount of openly satanic worship and behavior in government...I'm willing to leave that theory in the "possible" category. We'll probably never know for certain until after boog 2, with public trials for those responsible, and have the citizenry able to scour all the secret stuff that's being hidden from us.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +9 / -1

For those that don't know, (I'm pretty sure) unscored was made by u/Elvis_Interstellar at ConPro, about 11 months ago, as a means to see all of the censored comments on TheDonald, as their mods have long been deleting anything outside of mainstream right wing talking points. Here's a link to the post where he first shared it:


ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

It was obvious even in the potato quality video that the black guy had a gun in his hand, and then started to point it at the cop, which is why the cop shot him. I don't like either demographics in this video, but the shooting was justified. The useful idiot lefties strain themselves to find black people being oppressed, but almost every example they provide proves the racists right.

ApexVeritas 33 points ago +33 / -0

I wouldn't want them anywhere near my food, in any form. Their bodies are filled with seed oils, microplastics, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, diseases, spike proteins, and every other imaginable hellprize they've earned by allegiance to satan.

ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

That's because every "authority" keeps telling them that it's not due to race, but because of "racism", and anyone telling the truth is censored off of every mainstream platform where the brainwashed are fed the propaganda.

The only time a useful idiot is exposed to truth is when the censorship misses someone, or real life hits them in the face, and both are becoming more common as the world becomes more insane.

ApexVeritas 22 points ago +22 / -0

Every time the inverse happens, and a White person is replaced, the excuse is always "we chose the best person for the job", which is a hilariously hypocritical and an obvious lie, as the globalists and political left are openly against merit, and their "merit" mysteriously always gets rid of White people, and injects endless wave upon wave of non-whites.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +4 / -1

You've been lied to about everything. Stop blindly accepting the history you were taught. It was either an outright lie or, at best, carefully curated half truths to distort reality, to push a false narrative and conclusion (i.e. propaganda and brainwashing).

You should read these:



ApexVeritas 7 points ago +8 / -1

While you're not inherently wrong, you're forgetting the huge fact that it was Britain, France, Poland, and bankers that wanted to instigate a war against Germany after Hitler took power. There was a secret agreement with Poland to antagonize Germany into a war, and regardless of who started it, Britain and France would ally with Poland against Germany. This is why Briain and France declared war against Germany for invading Poland, but not against Soviet Russia for doing the same thing, just a few weeks later. Furthermore, just like during WW1, every peace envoy Germany sent to negotiate peace, was denied, or imprisoned.

ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

They get free (taxpayer paid) organ transplants in the U.S., and get put at the top of the waiting lists.

ApexVeritas 16 points ago +17 / -1

While not perfect, I thought the CGI was pretty good. Even if the CGI was garbage, I still think the movie would be good, because the characters, writing, acting, and messaging are all good.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

It might also be because they're afraid of being sued for slander/libel/whatever by an extremely rich person, who has thus far shown she's fine with fighting back against (some of) the insanity in current clown world, and who can throw money at numerous high priced lawyers which could lawfare anyone dumb enough to take the role into destitution.

ApexVeritas 23 points ago +23 / -0

I used to wonder why our "enemies" like Iran called America The Great Satan and a certain other small Middle Eastern country The Little Satan.

I no longer wonder why.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

No governmental body can ban any firearm or weapon without breaking the entire contract of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Any infringement gives the people the right to remove the government, with force if necessary.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can't wage a war, or fight off tyrants and their armies with handguns. You need rifles for that, which is why they want to ban rifles.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

As pretext for what I'm about to say, I've had a few very close family members that were in the military. With that said, anyone (most especially White men) who join the military now, are openly supporting globohomo, and deserve everything that happens to them. I hope they do serve the military lab grown meat. Load it with glyphosate, seed oils, highly processed sugar, vaccines, microplastics...they deserve all of it.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah okay, I remember that shitshow now. Thanks for the recap.

ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

I help to moderate ConPro, and we've dealt with the pedo pajeet for a while. It's actually not difficult to do. If the users actively report his comments, the mods can ban his accounts quicker than he can make them. It doesn't take a lot of effort, but it relies upon active users and mods, which is why this forum needs another mod(s).

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think I'm out of the loop. What happened to c/gaming? I thought it was always modded by the admin Paleo, who refuses to appoint any other mods.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +11 / -0

If the regular users report the pedo comments, and the mod(s) are active enough, it doesn't matter how well the trolls prepare. They'll get their account nuked, and be forced to make a new one. We dealt with that troll on ConsumeProduct for months, and he still occasionally makes a new account to push his degeneracy. However, the users there are quick to report him, so the mods quickly ban him.

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