ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't consume media much anymore, but, one of the best movies I've seen lately was Godzilla Minus One. No diversity (everyone is Japanese, as it's set in Japan post WW2), good story and characters, good messages, and extols the virtues of the Japanese people. I thoroughly recommend it.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Metatron is fairly big in the YouTube history sphere, usually focusing on European weapons, armor, and warfare, and includes channels like Shadiversity, Schologladiatoria (who admitted to being a big lefty a few months ago), Modern History TV (Jason Kingsley), and Tod's Workshop. Most of those guys know and work with each other, although Matt Easton (Schologladiatoria) cut ties with Shadiversity due to his right wing positions.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure. There were some senior profiles which were involved, though. Some were dormant for months, and then started commenting again to crap on c/christian, and the mods KosherConservative and Scipio. For some reason I was spared the downvote brigade.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's obviously a few alt shills operating on this site. We saw it blatantly in action when a few pinned threads a month ago advertising for c/christian got shilled heavily in the comments, wildly manipulating vote totals beyond what we'd ever see in a normal ConPro thread. We also get lots of "users" on ConPro that post a few comments out of nowhere, and then disappear, which I suspect is so they can eventually use those profiles later on after the handshake status is gone.

Then there's the jew defenders on TheDonald (like Pandas4Trump), which are openly supported by (at least) a few mods on that forum, and the pedo pajeet, to name two other instances.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, it relates to both. It's why the term "pizzagate" was coined in the first place when people figured out there were mountains of CP innuendo in the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks in 2016. The research going on in r/conspiracy, r/TheDonald, and 4chan (at least the main boards I saw it on) back then was amazing, but led to all manner of disgusting stuff, which had tons of connections to pizza, pizza restaurants all over D.C., satanic stuff, politicians (on both sides), and Hollywood. It was around that time the shooter psyop occured, resulting in most of the investigations getting nuked and the entire media establishment "debunking" it.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

As far as I know, ConPro didn't permanently get rid of anyone. We still don't have the ability to IP ban anyone. We just have a lot more active mods, and a lot more of them, and a user base that reports the bad stuff, so the bad stuff gets removed quickly.

The pedo pajeet got tired of constantly getting nuked within an hour or two on ConPro, so he came over here a few months ago, as Dom is way, way less active in his mod duties. He occassionally posts on ConPro, but is far less active there now, obviously because this forum's mod enables his behavior for far longer.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

A family is more important than an individual, or the individuals that make it up.

Only a man and a woman can come together to produce children (i.e. a family). This ability to procreate continues the genetics of the man, the woman, the ancestors, the community/tribe, the nation, and the species. If your philosophy results individual freedoms but a birth rate below replacement level, then your philosophy is flawed, in part or whole.

This doesn't necessarily mean that individual freedoms should be curtailed, but that they're not the only consideration. Whether retarded brainwashed mainstream right wingers want to admit it or not, groups exist. We group up to pursue mutual goals. This is called collectivism.

For a group to continue to exist, several things must be done.

  1. The group must protect itself.

  2. The group must protect its members.

  3. The group must protect its borders, and gatekeep out undesirables.

  4. The group must control who enters.

  5. The group must espouse, enforce, and maintain certain standards, ideas, philosophies, and/or traits to keep the group healthy and homogeneous (along the lines of why the group exists in the first place), and keep the mutual goals of the group clear and followed by everyone within the group.

  6. The group must pursue things which enable it to continue to exist.

All of the above must be followed. If even one rule is abandoned, the group will cease to exist at some point in the future, depending on circumstance.

The mainstream right has swallowed the lie that individualism, by itself, is meritorious. It's not. It leads to death, since it completely abandons the group/collective. Healthy individuals produce a stronger collective, but healthy individuals who are atomized are really easy to conquer and control.

Some collective interests are more important than individual freedoms. like survival, and continuation of the species. People used to know this, which is why certain "freedoms" were curtailed (like women voting and entering the workforce en masse). Animals understand this intrinsically, too, as many will often die to protect their offspring, or even die so they can reproduce. And yet, so many coddled people today can't muster the courage to lay down their comforts to even express that anything is above "individual freedoms".

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ha! I don't even get warnings any more. They just delete and shadowban most of my comments (where they appear for me, but not for anyone else).

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can say, as an expert email and phone haver for a while now, pretty much all the scammers are Indian.

I've recently been getting a lot of bogus large sum "receipts" via email, I'm guessing so they can get financial info from idiots wanting a refund. It's hilarious to see that they sometimes do it en masse, and there's dozens of email recipients. Always spelling and grammar mistakes, too.

ApexVeritas 22 points ago +22 / -0

Isn't that what a lot scifi horror stories are about? Someone, or something, snatches people up, and uses their bodies as skin suits. They look (mostly) the same, but they're different, and not themselves, and are slowly trying to take over the world.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a wee bit annoying. I feel like an old type writer scrolling back and forth to read the mile wide sentences.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

The new "system" that White people are forced to live under has very simple rules.

  1. Racism and Nazism are the worst sins imaginable (but only if White people do it).

  2. If White people protect themselves, become aware of the bias and crimes against them, or collectivize for mutual protection, in any way, this is equated to racism and Nazism.

  3. White people are denied the following naturals rights: to have their own homes, to protect their homes, to protect the people within those homes, to control who enters their home ("home" in this context is applicable at all levels, including the national level), to form groups with people of their choosing, to collectivize for mutual goals, to assert their political will in whatever community or society they inhabit, to espouse for their own interests, to be led by their own people, to have their own property, to have children, to raise their own children in a healthy environment, to be able to protect themselves, to be able to protect their fellow Whites, to be able to live. Trying to assert any of these natural rights now denied, will result in said White person being labeled as racist and Nazi.

  4. Both false choice political parties adhere to this dogma.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been on a long search for a non-aluminum deodorant that doesn't give me a rash. The rash is usually caused by the baking soda or "fragrances", and is quiet common among "natural" deoderants. Dissident Soaps' deoderant works, and smells nice. They're also espousing the things I do, and many of us here do, so I can support someone that does more than to keep quiet merely for making money. It's not a schtick, either, to sell more product, because many of the things they espouse will get them cancelled by the false choice left and right.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great comment.

We can't expect to enjoy the virtues of a good society without embodying those virtues ourselves. That doesn't mean we remain forever peaceful. Indeed, a truly good man does not tolerate evil in his presence. He destroys it. How can a good man be good, if he allows everything he loves to be destroyed? Lies can't be defeated with more lies. Evil can't be defeated with apathy.

Anyone telling you to remain peaceful while evil persists, is not your friend. They're either a great fool, a coward, or a liar, perhaps a mix of all.

Mainstream culture has convinced "good" men that violence is the tool of evil. Read your Bible. God has zero problems inflicting great violence upon his enemies. The violence of evil is a pale comparison to the wrath of the righteous.

We can absolutely have a virtuous society again, it only requires good men to act.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

But stopping the open borders, ending birthright citizenship, and greatly reducing legal immigration are much bigger measures to take towards the end of preserving the white race and cultures than shitting on the occasional white dude for producing a happy family with a non-white girl.

Let's try to parallel race mixing with something else, and assume it's entirely because White women are insufferable. Would you buy a termite-ridden radon-poisoned foundation-crumbling roof-holed house in the middle of crime central Chicago, because the housing market sucks and you can't afford a house in your area? Would you not be making your situation worse, shooting yourself in the foot because you can't get what you want? Would you become a pants-shitting car-crashing life-ruining alcoholic, because healthy food is too expensive in your area?

You're trying to claim that if a White man can't find a decent White women, then it's perfectly fine for him to miscegenate and ruin his blood line, to do exactly what our enemies want us to do. Why? It's not like that's the only option. Foreigners, regardless of country or nationality, shouldn't be in said country in any meaningful numbers. This diverse utopia is just another lie put forth by our enemies.

Unfortunately, no matter what measures are taken to course correct in the future, an entire generation of white women are brainwashed to hate men, want to systematically execute their unborn children, etc.

Do you remember what happened under Covid and the BLM riots? In the course of 24 hours, all of the Covid fearmongering propaganda about face masks, social distances, flattening the curve, all of it was reversed, and accepted by the normies, because the BLM riots were happening. And then, when they were done, the exact same reverse course on the propaganda back to fearmongering, and the normies accepted it. You're acting like this is permanent, and we have to wait for all of these people to die. It's not, and we don't. Many people in society, unfortunately, are NPCs, and simply go along with the status quo, regardless of what that is. However, there are numerous examples throughout history where the current status quo can be quickly overthrown and replaced by a minority of others (like us).

Women mold themselves to the strongest man in their presence. The voting stats prove this. Married White women vote right wing, in accordance with White men voting majority right wing. Unmarried White women vote in accordance with the strongest male (protector/provider) in their presence, which is government and globohomo corporatism. There are also numerous examples of women completely changing their minds, on every subject, after they attach to a strong man.

We need the men who actually snag traditional, untainted girls to have many kids.

There is a huge, huge caveat to that statement. We need White men to have kids with White women. Everything else supports the Kalergi plan. Race mixers, no matter how "based", will always have divided loyalties. One of the primary reasons we've gotten into this mess is because of divided loyalties, because we've been intentionally divided from within, by changing the mindset and demographics of our nations.

I should also add, that civilizational collapse is right around the corner. The system has become too corrupt to maintain itself. The system is being further degraded because good men are dropping out of society, and the non-white replacements can't maintain our systems. A civilizational collapse will turn even the most blue haired REEEEE feminist into a trad housewife in 24-72 hours. True hardship will reverse 100 years of propaganda and brainwashing moot in less than a week, and the traditional gender roles will return, with a vengeance.

ApexVeritas 0 points ago +1 / -1

The same people pushing the Kalergi plan, open borders, mass non-white immigration, and miscegenation are the same people that push feminism, corrupt women, and antagonize men. You can't solve one by capitulating to the other. You talk as if White women were born that way, were always that way, and will always be that way. It's simply not the case.

ApexVeritas -1 points ago +1 / -2

Have you not actually read what the people in power have said they've wanted to do to White countries via the Kalergi plan? Miscegenation is one of their primary desired ways of replacing White people. Why do you think they're making all couples interracial in media? It's normalization and genocide priming propaganda.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know a lot of people who still believe official history because they continue to think the people in power, and the people writing the history books, are good people. Most of them are right wing, too, and know the media lies to them all the time.

I think it's because they're good people, who prefer to judge others by their own standards and morality, or from the people around them. In that regard, they're very insulated from the evils of the world, as they're not being punched in the face with it every time they walk out their door. White flight is a hindrance in this regard, as it enables naivety to last longer than it should, because we prefer to live among our own kind, among good people.

I can speak from personal experience that it can take quite a bit of time for a good person to finally wake up to the evil in others, and to be able to spot it and its behaviors. It took me a while to fully realize, as I simply don't think in the terms of what truly evil people do. I was judging others based off my own naive metrics, and it wasn't making sense, which resulted in quite a lot of pain (being fucked over by people who took advantage of me). Once I realized the truth and began to see the obvious evils in the world, it made way, way more sense. I no longer ask "why would someone do that?" or make the statement "no one would ever do that". Also, studying confirmed conspiracy theories helped a lot, too, showing what people are capable of (the enslavement, poisoning, starvation, and murder of hundreds of millions).

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +14 / -4

Gee, I don't know, probably not someone bought and paid for by Israel. Probably not a politician, of any stripe. An average Joe off the street is more virtuous and trustworthy than pretty much every politician you can find.

Does Trump not have a lot of actual friends who would help him out, who aren't in politics. Not one single law requires someone to be an establishment politician to hold office, or to be an advisor, or a cabinet member. This is why the repeated "mistakes" of Trump don't make sense. A smart man doesn't let himself get stabbed in the back twice, much less over and over for years.

I'd also add, that your attitude reeks of Republican voter capitulation. You might not have intended it, but you're tacitly suggesting that "this is who we have, and we have to deal with it". That's precisely what enables the two party system to persist, for people to vote for the "lesser evil", to tolerate people who constantly fuck us over and fail, because we try to convince ourselves that "this is the best we can get". BULLSHIT!

Right wingers rightfully abandoned the Republican party for the Tea Party years ago, and the Tea Party was captured and dissolved. The same thing happened with Trump and MAGA, and now the same process is happening all over again.

We deserve better than this. We deserve, and need, better leaders than this, if we're to actually fix our problems, rather than just bitching online voting harder [current year] until we're dead and buried, our countries captured, our people slaughtered, and the perpetrators reigning over the ashes.

I refuse to settle for "these are our only options".

ApexVeritas 15 points ago +18 / -3

There's another possibility...

Trump picks these back stabbers intentionally, for plausible deniability for why his plans are constantly undercut. That he's part of the system, playing the role of "outsider", to slowly reign back in and neuter any effective resistance for as long as possible.

How many times can a man be screwed over, but keeps making the same mistake? How can a man's followers continue to support and trust him with such an obvious flaw? Most people, even half awake, are aware of how controlled things are. Why ignore the very real possibility that we're being offered false messiahs as just another form of control?

The question then becomes: how do we tell who our friends really are? What is the litmus test?

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +16 / -7

He also (((prayed))) at the special wall wearing a tiny hat. Seriously, are all "vetted" politicians required to suck Israel's dick on camera? A race traitor and jew worshipper isn't an ally. At best, he's just more of the same civic nationalist "conservative" failures we've seen on the right for decades. I can't believe how many times this lesson needs to be repeated for people on the right to get it.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

This always happens in a shitshow. The incompetents, cowards, and corrupts try to blame everyone else, hoping to hide from their own failings, so they won't get punished. Only the virtuous own up to their failures, and it's usually the only way (in these situations) to figure out who the good people are.

ApexVeritas 21 points ago +21 / -0

Thomas Crooks is a jew by the way. Here's a Gab thread with picture evidence:


There's also an article floating around that his parents said they're of Scottish jewish descent.

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