That's great since it also seems to skip all logos. I hate how games have like a dozen of them now. Probably one of the first mods I get for any game or delete some video files or edit them with empty ones is always the no logo shit.
The circle of shit is closing again.
Still not too happy about some of his opinions but glad he's covering this notorious tranny. Also it's not a her, it's either an it or a he. YWNBAW
Expect a lot more amazing moments then! Tequila Joseph though, now that one was hilarious to me.
El Psy Congro
Also the but he's a guy moment was one of my highlights, I still quote this on occasion.
EDIT: Guys, I said "World History," not "American/US History," you're not going to find Christ mentioned in the latter.
Mormons and delusional jojo fans would disagree ;)
Child abuse, simple as that. I hate how we use kids for activism, like literally fuck. I don't want kids to be pressured into things they have no idea of knowing what they mean. Case and point I doubt even the grandma knows the bloodshed on both sides. Can we just leave kids out activism and classify any of those that do put kids there as child abusers?
Loved RDR, sadly can ONLY be played on PS3, emulation's just not there yet last I checked.
I miss my FAT ps3, was my first console I myself owned(I usually shared with family members before), died due to overheating also.
If you could even buy them in the first place. A lot of Sonys woes are due to the scalpers making buying a PS5 a chore. Now though? You can buy them but they never made any games. Could also be due to the low amount of people buying said new games. Oh wonder, people probably gave up trying to get one, kind of a vicious circle.
That explains it then. I don't play on console.
And more lard.
Huh, might have skipped it then and didn't see.
I am in the same boat, literally none of the games are in any way worth getting a PS5 for. I can just as easily play most of the stuff that comes over to PC in a yearish which is often times a better experience for me, too. Sony has dropped the ball, hard.
Didn't see that tbh. No idea where that would pop up.
I am beyond thankful I grew up right before this shit slowly crept its way in. I would have been an easy target. I was always a loner, only became more outgoing with time, I felt "bad" and had multiple bad encounters where flirting was taken as something bad. I even felt bad and that is where they could've gotten me at the time. Now I know that I was just clumsy and socially awkward but back then I could've been pushed into becoming one that isn't gonna harass someone.
Ironic btw, trannies with their going on women's toilets are 100 times worse than some socially awkward dude wanting a chance.
Tbf she always was talking politics. This guy was actually about true crime and random creepy things, video about BLM and Floyd came out of nowhere and I probably saw all of his videos twice over before that.
I forgot what youtuber it was but someone I enjoyed to watch, made non political videos on a niche topic. Then Saint Floyd of fentanyl happened and what did he do? A BLM video, I mentioned my disdain for that and what happened? Comment deleted. Cannot state my own opinion cuz that's the "good" side. Mind you, at the time I wasn't sure about Saint Floyd of fentanyls death, I still did not want politics there.
[current year+1]is always the year of the Linux Desktop!
Is it still worth checking out? Never ran when I was a kid, I've only ever seen the Spiderman series.
How does GG still live rent free in their heads? Isn't it almost a decade now? We should rent out that space, could be billions of dollaridos by the amount of people still coping about GG's existence(just look at the amount of likes in the first tweet, jesus.)
Literally know only one lefty friend who votes for something other than the AfD. Everyone from family to friends to even Co workers and other acquaintances seems to vote for AfD. Somehow, the lefty BS still gets high polling(though granted its slowly going down)... Something doesn't add up. Not to grab the tinfoil hat but there's at least some level of influencing of elderly I know.
Granted, I don't know how it looks in big cities, I don't wanna live in a big city, ever.
My issue with the ending is how both paths invalidate anything you have done up until now. I've saved the fat chick multiple times from harm, yet when I give up the Bay she alongside everyone else dies. If I give up Chloe it has never happened. It's the laser beam ending from ME3 all over again.
I agree with the game being solid overall, you did feel how it fits the setting and it was right at the precipice of when games turned super woke. I just wish there was a better ending, the canonical good ending also doesn't seem like the correct choice. I love Chloes step dad though, actually solid guy who deserves some recognition imho.
I love to bring up Goku as an example for representation. He's, as you stated a monkey man from outer space. He's not even human per se and yet everyone can identify with him, be it black people, white people, Asians obviously, everyone. We don't need black people to represent, we need characters with great values like Goku who fights for what's right.
It seems like it's mostly political activists or women pushing for this. Actual men don't give a fuck, we can identify with anyone if the message is correct. Sorry for the tangent.
Even the normies don't like that shit it seems. There's a fine bottom line, I doubt it would be the same for the famous spiderman flag mod or similar.