Young people in the United States were killed by firearms at a rate nearly three times higher than by drowning. This means that for every child who died from drowning in 2023, nearly three died from gun violence.
Black children and teens in 2023 were more than eight times as likely to die from firearm homicide than their white peers. Since 2015, firearms have been the leading cause of death for Black youth, according to CDC data. Since 2018, firearm suicide rates have been highest among American Indian or Alaska Native and white children and teens. In 2023, American Indian and Alaska Native youth had the highest firearm suicide rate of any racial group.
Wrong, you made a false assumption about my claim and poorly absorbed the data. Those fluctuations absolutely exist, but they are counted within the 38% who are sentient.
Maybe learn to read, the 38% were those who the study WAS ABLE TO INFLUENCE.
Uh, yeah. That's called overlap. Same separation of sentience vs non. Both cross sections (asch has been repeated far more times than any study into internal monologues) imply that some humans are simply not independent entities capable of free thought. And both seem to imply that number is well above 50%.
They don’t. In fact that number is only a majority when you COUNT ON A GLOBAL SCALE. Again you can’t read or even understand the study you tried citing.
“But muh social science conjecture!”
The asch experiment showed that the majority are above outside influence, not your claim. The audacity to pretend there aren’t massive fluctuations in this based on sex, race and nationality is also completely contradictory to every single study on this. This is shown repeatedly on agreeable/ disagreeable studies that women are 2:1 over men on agreeableness. Just like people with lower/ mid IQs tend to be more conforming than higher IQs. The same is seen with people who have an internal monologue are more disagreeable than those without one.
Iger was the worst decision Disney ever made, the man managed to single handedly tank every single IP that was built by others before him and even under him and for the ultimate fuck you, they brought him back after his toxicity was the reason everything started losing money.
Black single moms absolutely destroy their sons psychologically, black men have a higher gay and trans rate than white men. The “matriarchy” is just pure social authoritarianism without any moral grounding structure of good/bad or right/wrong, only what is told by the leaders of the longhouse is the morality of the day. These women are truly terrifying in how absolutely vicious they are, if they had any of the dominance of men they would kill thousands on a whim, and for some insane reason both sides of the US political structure is pushing to give them more power.
Bill Burr is the poor mans DiPaolo