Agenda47 3 points ago +3 / -0

NHI (not necessarily "from space")

This paper keeps getting spammed on 4chan:


(tl;dr some researchers theorizing that there is an unidentified plasma life form that lives in the upper atmosphere and occasionally dips low enough that we see them - this would also encompass "ball lightning" phenomena which are apparently still not fully understood)

Two categories of sightings have been observed: drones and orbs. Many orbs turn out to be chinese lanterns or bokeh effect from distant drones and aircraft, but assuming any of the orbs are real and something novel, the non-civ drones could either be studying them or part of the gaslighting/disinformation campaign.

Agenda47 6 points ago +6 / -0

overtly game-ified combat loop

Thank you, Doom aside this is the first time I've seen a gamer on a forum like this complain about that sort of thing. It's why I tend to enjoy so-called immersive sims because they try to hide the game mechanics from you so you don't notice you're in some kind of explore-struggle-win-level-up-repeat dopamine loop. Anyway Doom 2016 was awesome but I totally ignored the powerups and shit and just played it like an oldschool shooter. If DE doesn't let you do that it's a pass.

Agenda47 14 points ago +14 / -0

Every month is black queer fuck whitey and we're coming for your children month comrade.

Agenda47 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not because of inflation it's... *checks notes* corporate greed.

Agenda47 3 points ago +3 / -0

My sides. 🤣 Hope this isn't why that guy shot Abe but damn he got roasted good. I also like how the subtitles gradually start breaking down to where it's just writing the Jap sounds at the end.

Agenda47 7 points ago +7 / -0

We had to fight the AXIS OF EVIL bro it was just like my heckin WW2 videogames.

Agenda47 5 points ago +5 / -0

A reliable indicator of TDS since 2016. When you confront someone who claims he's childish or mean-spirited, and point out their dishonesty in not calling out his critics, either their eyes glaze over, they scream "muh whataboutism", or they say it's different for Trump because he's supposed to be presidential and held to a higher standard.

Agenda47 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes that was their initial excuse with the initial wave of canceling. As always, that was never the real reason and now they have dropped all pretense.

Agenda47 2 points ago +2 / -0

China is largely behind amplifying our leftists who hate America and the native White population and supporting ESG while banning it at home.

Agenda47 1 point ago +1 / -0

His claim (which I don't buy) is that the Secrets Act which allowed the feds seize Tesla's technology is being used to hinder fundamental science instruction. This is claimed by the types of people who say "cold fusion" is being hidden, or that String Theory is a psyop to spoil physics. They will point out that multiple textbook companies are all controlled by a single entity that determines what gets widely taught for political reasons.

All companies in China are part of the CCP, but it doesn't seem like they are trying to keep tech like AI secret. I doubt they hold any new fundamental math or algorithms we don't, but they are doing a good job at optimizing and creating new models.

I'm more curious as to why Elon reposted it. Is he just stoned tweeting or is there a hidden message about something he actually knows. (perhaps about OpenAI's relationship to Microsoft and the government)

Agenda47 4 points ago +4 / -0

She does know about it. She's arguing that censorship is OK and good for reasons.

Agenda47 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah it's weird that I never heard of them being a "failed state" growing up. Before we decided to regime change them they were just another normal "moderate" Arab shithole like Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon. I didn't hear about Assad being bad until the 2nd Iraq war and them claiming that Saddam snuck his chemical weapons over the border to Syria and Assad denied it to so he was obviously helping the axis of evil.

Agenda47 3 points ago +3 / -0

On 4chan Groyper is the name of the fat frog. The groyper army likes to use the image in their posts. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/623/958/76d.png

BTW the most common little pepe is called Apu.

Agenda47 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think James Lindsay was specifically talking about puritan cons with "woke right", but come to think of it some of them do fit in that box like Walsh and Sargon. Razorfist had several mini rants against them on his stream last night (even though he agrees the term is stupid) because he considers them Collectivists at heart and dangerous to the American political right. He said a lot of them are inspired by European right-wing parties and he hates attempts to fit the American political spectrum into the European paradigm. Two flavors of socialism. As for Lindsay's point of view it sounds like he simply meant anyone who applies critical theory style dialectic in service of right-wing politics, or anyone who philosophically argues for RETVRN. He's not really right-wing himself afaik.

Agenda47 7 points ago +8 / -1

sexy beautiful fan-service

warped perversions of Slaneesh

These are basically the same issue.

Why do you do this? I mean if you're lumping them together as instigators of lust from a religious moralistic perspective that's understandable, but that shouldn't be political. You'll never get most voters to agree on that.

Agenda47 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or they're just going to ramp up the random anti-White violence that's been going on everywhere since 2020, especially in NYC. White people stupid enough to still live there or too poor to move wind up dead in the streets and we won't hear a thing about it in the news.

Agenda47 0 points ago +1 / -1

Or let a Chinese developer copy Palworld whole cloth with the sphere mechanic and laugh when Nintendo tries to sue them. It sounds like Palworld already cucked so what's to defend? Fuck Nintendo, fuck pocket pair.

Agenda47 15 points ago +16 / -1

She is a rabid man hater, but afaik her "tantrum" was the simple statement that transwomen aren't women. In non-clown world that shouldn't be controversial.

Agenda47 3 points ago +3 / -0

America was founded by rich fatcats. Not "corporate oligarchs" but they were literally our version of nobility. Otherwise revolutions of "the people" all end up communist.

Agenda47 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is something leftists especially don't understand: Democracy DOESN'T work everywhere.

Does it work anywhere? I used to think it can work in a small ethnically homogenous population, but after the martyrdom of St. Floyd and COVID-19 and decades of refugee worship I saw that no population is immune from pressure to collectively commit national suicide as long as it saves one life and let's us signal that we aren't heckin racist nazis, and that's assuming elections are legitimate which as we saw recently they often aren't. Blame the media or Israel or globalists or whomever for tricking us but that's the situation we live in so in this context democracy can't work. All it does is give fake legitimacy to the regime in charge.

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