Word on the street was her campaign basically forced it on them at the last second as a desperation move. Because it was announced literally hours before the show aired, and basically had no real writing behind it other than her giving a campaign speech.
So while I'm defending them begrudgingly, I think SNL probably intended to hold to that. But they also can't reject the Dem's who own them if they make demands.
Doctors won't tie the tubes on women with no kids or under a certain age without a very good reason.
Because as it turns out, you can't escape nature, and they always want it reversed once they hit 30~ or find a man they really like. And reversing their procedure is far more risky than mens, both in terms of actual harm to them or sterilization being permanent. And that leads to lawsuits to the point where the doctors just reject them outright.
So they've put themselves in the position of needing abortion because they couldn't live with the consequences of their actions in the past and needing to dodge the consequences of them in the present.
Lot's of AI generated assets and content around the game he actually built.
"Procedurally generated" games are literally indistinguishable from AI created games in the end result, they just became commonplace before the "AI craze" took off and it became trendy to call it that. It might actually be the same thing, but I don't know enough about the software to be certain.
And that works pretty well for a lot of games, because the foundation and loop is already built for them and the engine just creates the world around it. For example, Hades probably wouldn't be able to have an absurd amount of spoken dialogue if they had to manually build every single possible room path and its variables.
But if anyone has played a bad procedurally generated game, you already know the faults. The quickly apparent re-used assets, the lack of originality or soul in their use, and the ability for purely dud runs because the AI either used computer perfect play to get through or just generated an impossible set up.
And that's just on games where its used for level design after a human created most everything else for it. Giving the AI full control of everything will only make those problems more pronounced or create more like them.
Almost every criticism Atheism as a movement made of religion was just a show of how little perspective they had beyond their tiny, Western bubbles.
In the absence of the obvious religions, new ones will always crop up and they will be even more unhinged and horrible. Like the American born worship of niggers and abortions, and their violence is excused harder than any Christian has been in centuries.
One of the most obvious is when that soyboy roundhouse kicked a woman who was beating him in an argument over prolife a few years back. Roundly applauded because she was a "sinner" to their new religion.
And you, living in your body, must be aware of how hard it is for you to do basically anything.
I get the point you are going for, but this is usually false. Fat people are usually fat their entire life or became so so gradually they didn't recognize the changes until they forgot a lot of how it used to be.
They, like a lot of Leftie adjacent groups, assume their experiences are universal and have trouble imagining a life that isn't their own. To the point where they don't often recognize their obvious issues as being issues, and instead just think its normal human function.
There's an old Tom Segura bit about him having to find out from his wife freaking out that normal people don't have explosive diarrhea every day from their garbage diet. That's how far gone most of these people are from "normal" functioning, and they've "made it work" for so long it doesn't register as that abnormal.
I'd also argue it does harm because people see those videos and vicariously feel like a good person not helping them.
That is a real problem that's hard to combat, but that's a problem bigger than this one dilemma. Its a major flaw in the human mind.
For example, half the people here who quote the Bible do nothing but repeat verses over and over to justify things they wanted to do. This makes them feel like a good person, so they don't go out and volunteer or give to charity or do any of the parts they don't want to do. Just acting holier than the sinful masses fulfills their need to feel like a good person and then they don't do anything further.
Not to put that label on you because I don't know your life, but its just as bad on this side of the "glory to God" aisle as it is over there.
others get the dopamine hit of feeling like good people as they watch it so they themselves don't go out and help or give
The balance here is that how much will their cumulative help equal to compared to the one? For a lot of guys like Mr. Beast if their charity was true, it would equal to more overall people helped than probably their entire audience combined both in terms of willingness to do (most of them wouldn't do shit regardless, let's be honest) and monetary accumulation (5$ to a dozen charities goes nowhere as far as 60$ to one).
To bring it all together, its a question of "do you want the most people helped?" Some argue utilitarian and that helping people is the number one goal. This isn't a case of justifying committing evil to justify a good end, its impure intentions creating one.
Probably only marginally more impure than someone who goes out and volunteers/helps just because it'll make him look better to God and feel good about what a good Christian they are. Because even if you never let anyone know you did it, that is the mindset and to pretend otherwise is to assign godly perfection to flawed humans.
Its a question of morality versus pragmatism.
People getting attention and praise for altruism and deeds might not be morally that great, and downright selfish a lot of the time, but if it ends up with more people helped then the end result is a net good.
Problem being, the guys who do it that way often are not fully on the level about it and seem to be addicted to also never following through on that altruism beyond the surface level. Which ends with it having none of that balancing act.
Its like raising children. The attention and praise must be doled out to get many people to actually do something, but if you do it too easy or often then it ends with them only emulating the trappings of the good deed.
Also small rodents just don't carry rabies in any real amount that isn't a statistical anomaly, probably because their size means they'd just fucking die from getting bitten by a rabid animal instead of able to limp away and getting infected.
Its like shooting a guy when he coughs because he might give you the black plague.
I been alternating Monster Sanctuary and the remake of Romancing Saga 2.
Monster Sanctuary is probably everything a Pokemon game should have been a long time ago, and it managed to seamlessly blend a full Metroidvania into the capturing system. Which means its beneficial to try and capture everything because it might have a new or upgraded utility or traversal ability, rather than catching just for the sake of it. And because every battle is 3v3 its a lot more about synergy between monsters rather than pure stats.
Which is why the tiny mushroom at the start of the game that in any other would be a throwaway temp guy is actually one piece of the strongest team comp (Poison Eater).
And having never played a single SaGa game, I picked the remake on a whim. And the freedom of character building and non-linear progression in the game is mindblowing for a game now, let alone from the SNES era. Being able to just decide "you look like axes and earth magic" and then build a guy that way because you gain exp with whatever you used that battle is incredibly nice.
I'd also be a liar if I didn't say one of the factors that pushed me over was seeing the big titty anime girls you can recruit, which meant the remake was likely very mildly censored if at all.
Its likely only correlated in some extent rather than a direct cause, but its a a belief held the world over from many unrelated cultures. In those cases, I'm willing to believe in old wisdom rather than assume all humans for thousands of years were just retarded.
Until science gets a direct answer of course instead of theories that are just as easily not the case a lot of the time.
Regardless, that's irrelevant to the point. I'm willing to guess their extreme ease of ear infection/inflammation from the wetness does a number on weakening/distracting their immune system to fight it and that in turn lets other otherwise weak or dormant infections come through.
But even if its not true, they certainly believe it heavily. And that's why its such a common trope for them, enough so that its reached the Vatican.
Well for the cops, its less that they give a shit about the negro and more that he tried to take the law in his own hands by standing up for himself.
That's the kind of thing cops, especially NYPD type cops, hate. They are supposed to have the monopoly on violence, control, and defense. Him doing what he did might threaten that.
Its a girl in a yellow raincoat. That's the default color that most of them would be. If we are basing it on that picture, all you've got is "young girl" and "once wore a similar coat in a random picture." If it was one of Greta's more famous images (like her outfit from the "How dare you" moment) then I might let it just be a stretch.
Its that kind of overreach that makes me doubt everything else in the article and dismiss it as a clear grifter trying to outrage bait me.
Because regardless of who made it, its just a simple anime girl mascot with nothing outrageous about it in the slightest. Trying to make it degenerate and tied to him is worse than just letting it be wholesome.
I love that during an election where they pretend Harris was a powerless person not responsible for basically all the bad stuff they are blaming on Biden in the last 4 years they are also running ads fearmongering that Vance will be half dictator himself during his reign.
So was she just being lazy these last years while shit went to hell or what? Clearly they think the fucking VP has considerable power.
They have a gene difference (ABCC11) that determines if a human has wet or dry earwax and if they have underarm odor. One of the downsides of the dry wax is that if it gets wet then it can inflame very badly (swelling their ears shut) and allowing them to catch colds from cold, wetness easier (the reason for that isn't as known, might be unrelated).
Its why "ear cleaning" is a common thing in Japanese media too, because they genuinely need to clear out that powdery nonsense in a way that us sticky, wet ears don't.
Wet wax is the dominant gene, so only in the insulated East Asian countries can the dry wax be common.
Harris just keeps going on shows with and talking to the most unlikable cunts, and then a lot of the time the conversation is centered around how they need to appeal to men because she is losing them hard.
In what world has "two women talk about what attracts men" ever yielded productive anything?
.it just looks like women are dumb and shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.
Literally every statistic and study on voting shows that women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Like, they are the primary demographic that puts "attractiveness" as a huge factor in someone being elected. Which is a huge reason for the famous "radio listeners think Nixon won" bit, because JFK was super attractive compared to sickly Nixon and the fucking words they were saying meant nothing next to that.
Its not even a weeb thing. Its a literal real Japanese thing that just happens in anime because anime is from Japan.
Due to that genetic difference, getting their ears wet is a really really bad thing (its why that cliche of "got wet for two seconds, caught a cold" exists). But if they have to do more than walk home in the rain, an umbrella doesn't cut it and so raincoats are also common.
Though its usually the clear ones not the bright yellow, but that would be less iconic.
Sex with Hitler is one of those games you buy just to have it show up on your friends screen that you are playing it and give you all a good laugh.