Studio 4C straight up did a more brutal adaptation of the Passion and Death of Jesus than even Mel Gibson did and it really puts into perspective how hardcore the Japanese are willing to go when they finally do pull something.
Unironically a short film that should be shown in churches and the like, simply for how powerful it hits.
Trump rewards loyalty
Especially after his first term was plagued with people constantly betraying him and selling his loyalty for asspats at every chance despite him giving them stations beyond what they'd ever get otherwise. I can't imagine that preventing that isn't high on his list this go around.
I don't like putting in women, but there is something to be said of extreme loyalty to a person/movement being stronger than competency or experience.
Mortality seems to be the big overarching "theme" of the series, and how despite humans having the most fragile and short form of it they seem to make the most of it. In contrast to the elves and demons (and lesser extent dwarves, but they don't get much focus) who have all the time in the world, yet treat it so lightly that they let decades or centuries just slip by while only improving passively.
Fern is narrowing the gap between her and Frieren basically every time we see her fight. Its still a massive gap, but its still getting smaller despite the extremely short amount of time relative to Frieren's life Fern has been learning from her.
And that's someone who isn't really all that interested in magic herself, just is innately good at it and has a good teacher.
They'll win against anime, but anime is only a fraction of its own industry. Its the most front facing part of the manga/lightnovel/doujin treadmill, but its also the most commitment heavy and costly. They can subvert it, but they'll never be able to stop all those other forms because the barrier for entry is so low.
So it doesn't matter if they win. Most of the same stories will get told, you'll just need to read it instead of watch it. And the sheer mass scale of scanlaters mean they can't even control the flow of those to Western countries.
Problem being that its all in the same puddle with a load of other religions to them.
So they will be putting the coolest looking Jesus next to 4 Gnostic demons, a Hindu god, 3 Yokai, and Zeus.
Which is cool, but very offensive to a lot of people to put some of those on the same level as others. Especially the Gnostic ones.
Yeah, its being hammered home in the background again and again that humans will be the most powerful force eventually. They are simply held back by the fact that they actually die, instead of getting to be bums for centuries that still just stumble into massive power.
You not being Catholic just makes everything you've said useless, because you have no skin in the game other than trying to manipulate people you don't agree with to do your bidding the exact same way whatever loser made Luce is.
My message only seems strange because you aren't actually engaging with it. You are just repeating the same pithy lines uselessly.
The people who run these kinds of things usually did complain about the "promotion of genocide" in Goblin Slayer, and usually things like "the false rape accusation myth" in Shield Hero.
Its actually a pretty common thing for tourists.
They are perfect predators only because they simply power scale us through raw mana and the like. The fact that humans can stand up to them and fight back given time/research shows how poor predators they actually are because of how single minded and simple their existence is. One of their strongest was defeated by a simple idea of "not flexing your magic muscles at all times to deceive about your strength."
The background lore is actually quite a good representation of humanities climbing of the natural order. Because there was a time when something like a bear or lion was our perfect predator for similar reasons, but we evolved to turn them into mere threats the same way that things like the Killing Beam (can't remember its name) was evolved in Frieren to turn most demons into mere threats.
That's the entire point of the Macht arc. To show that no matter how badly they want to feel something resembling human emotions, they cannot and will not ever be able to. Killing humans and doing what we call "evil" is as second nature to them as breathing. Coexistence is impossible because their very existence will always be preying on ours.
They even make sure to point out numerous times that the demons have learned how to abuse simple emotional ploys (like calling out "mommy") to get humans to lower their guard.
Like, its a critical failure of reading comprehension to miss the fact that the story keeps hammering home that the demons cannot physically stop being a threat to humans. The story keeps bringing up the question to answer it again and again with a resounding "fucking no."
Not to mention the ones like Grande who cake on so much makeup that it literally changes their race among other effects, and they wear that daily for years.
Every teenage girl learned the lesson about doing that quickly and the consequences it brings.
unlike Evil who can only appropriate.
I can paraphrase Tolkien, I am very smart
They literally created something right there in the topic we are discussing, and its having its effect on culture. Its funny you try to attack other people for thinking they are super smart and clever when you've tried to do the exact same in the next sentence while missing such an obvious fact. You should try to calm down and think about what words mean as you say them.
There is no inherent degeneracy in Luce. Its an anime girl in a raincoat. Whatever its creator is is an irrelevant detail to the fact of its existence because it is not reflected in it at this junction, and its inherently less degenerate than the appearance of most anime girls who are made with pure intentions.
Of course create your own, there is push and pull to this. You must have offense and defense. But to ignore everything your enemy is doing and rely purely on offense is a losing strategy for the side that is outgunned, outmanned, and already losing.
I do appreciate though that a comment about having fun with a dumb little anime icon and how the Catholics cannot let themselves have that fun had you compelled to turn it into "philosophical warfare" and being super duper serious about rejecting everything. Proved the point almost exactly, even if I know you won't see the irony.
tends to impede productive and intelligent dialogue discussing other reasons and causes
Including actual intelligent ways in which the Jews are in fact the cause. Its a continued theme that the "muh Jews" discussion brings both sides of it down several dozen IQ levels until its just them screaming nonsense at each other.
They don't have to think about why something makes sense, its just "humiliation ritual Early Life check they are evil done." Any disagreement on that makes you a Jew defender and thereby free to talk around instead of engage with.
And then it flips the otherside to just making nonsensical accusations about paranoia and idiocy for anyone who makes some comment about how Jewish a situation might be. You can't have a clear and logical observation, you must be a screaming Nazi out to ruin this place and thereby they can continue to spew nonsense at you until you get tired of dealing with it.
Its truly amazing to watch people who you know are capable of better discussion, even in complete disagreement, devolve themselves into Leftist level monkeys over this singular topic. Seemingly, just because they still treat it as something sacred, whether to defend or feel edgy by mocking.
I've literally got to watch in real time them destroy, subvert, and steal my own brand of "white culture."
Nothing else matters to me but protecting what I was once not strong enough to be able to, and to see people like him brought low.
Yes, because its going to get used regardless. It exists now, period, you can't get around that. You either claim its existence to spread your own message or your enemies will do so for you.
Like, you seem to be under the impression you/they can just ignore it and deprive it of any power. Which is the same laughable naivety that keeps Christianity losing its grip on literally every corner of society.
I agree completely, but that's the exact point.
They are playing the Russian warfare game. Throwing infinite disposable men at the problem with no care how many die or end up broken, and succeeding quite well at tearing down every wall they come across.
If we don't do the same, its not a case of "high ground faggotry" but simply "I am not throwing my X to the meatgrinder for probably nothing."
Well then where are they? Why aren't you out there weaponizing them before the Left can offer them a crumb of pussy to turn them into simps?
I've offered a pretty obvious statement, while you've offered back "nu uh, I know lots of losers!!" Which, great for you then get them to work, otherwise they aren't accomplishing shit to a point of being useless to the equation of "the frontline 'soldiers' of this culture war."
It amuses me greatly that TIA managed to slip mostly under the radar as a funny little place until the TERFs took over and made it pro-feminist/woman central and now it will forever be only known for that form of its existence.
Book burning has always been a "we took a photo at a specific moment that looks really bad, so now its a talking point" type event. Every side commits it, everyone is guilty of it in some form, its a complete nonsense thing to grandstand on and always has been.
And considering all the other research the Japs were big on at the time, I doubt there is anything of value in there besides gore and confirmation bias. I'm not against it existing, but at this state of the universe its not going to tell us something new about Jews that people who are open to the message don't already believe.