Among all the other reasons people listed, its also because they suffer from extreme crabs in the bucket mentalities.
They absolutely hate to see each other succeed and will sabotage themselves constantly to make sure no one else gets better than they have. From top to bottom of the stack, they pull everyone down with them.
If a black guy starts a business anywhere near other blacks, it'll get looted and destroyed by his own people. If he gets a job, his girl will get fucked while he is gone and his buddy will flex the 1000$ he made selling drugs while his buddy was "acting white."
Every other group is capable of running small communities of parallel societies within other countries. They may be shitty little places, but you can have a Chinatown or Mexican ghetto in town that has its own stores and systems in place. Whereas blacks live in ghettos that are only capable of living because of the government propping it up, while they have to go out and interact with other races to get their daily bread.
This is why Intersectionality is such an unstable movement.
Because you got the Feminist talking points that lend themselves almost too perfectly into anti-black to an almost ironic level.
That's why the only proper response to that is "migrant men are still men aren't they?" Which probably won't work, but any other engagement will run off them like water to NPC line training.
Threads like that make me lean towards maybe that place is a shithole that exists just for people who are too much of a sperg to be welcome anywhere else. Not for their beliefs, but just because they are that insufferable.
Because both him and Imp are the exact type of retards that you can agree with them and they find something to complain about in what you said because you aren't 400% extreme enough for them.
makes up literally all 25 entries of moderation from pages 3 to 13 in the last 2 days. So that's 233 entries.
Probably because he went on a tear about this supposed secret Japanese book about the Jewish evils and was going off constantly about it. I imagine that Dom hit him for all of them at once as he did his weekly pass of modding.
Moana is the disney sequel to one of their films that was legitimately hugely popular with kids. It was always going to make a solid buck. Frozen 2 made a shit ton of money as well off the same trend, it was also completely forgotten about and no one cares that it exists.
Wicked is a psyopped broadway "megahit" that every woman got convinced to go see at some point and become emotionally invested in. Just like Les Mis a decade ago, its part of the basic white girl cultural history now.
Woke or not, there is a lot more going on in the industry than just these singular deciding factors. And it takes something serious (like the brown slut in Snow White constantly going off) to really start taking down these additional factors.
It's just matter of judging if the change is real or not.
I agree entirely.
But I do not believe people make giant, dramatic changes that easily. They say they do, but its just painting themselves a new color. The personality traits or defects that made them X way before are still there, and likely unaddressed, and are just now being channeled in a new direction. And they will just as easily change with the next tide too.
AA has stuck around so long because it understands that change is a lifelong process of daily work. You can't just declare yourself sober and suddenly you are. Under the newfound 40 church services a month and peppy attitude you are the same person waiting to snap back.
Which is why people who "change" once the tide does, consequences become obvious and imminent, and they've already contributed to the damage immensely are just showing themselves to be cowards or fools trying to dodge responsibility and cozy up to a new side.
I wouldn't go that far. A lot of us came directly from KIA to KIA2 to Win-KIA2 organically, and I don't doubt a lot of the more meme oriented people found legit overlap in interests with places like ConPro.
It would be hypocritical of me to say it, because KIA1 said the same thing about T_D way back and wanted to ban all of us for trying to actually care about something besides gaming.
Problems caused by liberal policies cannot be fixed by the people who created, advocated and implemented them.
And yet a bunch of the people here and sprinkled across our side are "former Leftists" who are totally for supporting detransers and other former Liberal advocates if they say "Sowwy, I was twicked" or "DAE JEWS?!"
They also get super mad if you point this out.
who had gone to the USA with all of their data
Which was all worthless nonsense that was barely worth the paper it was printed on unless you really wanted to know the specifics that killing someone in X way is 3 seconds faster than Y method.
They were hoping to get something on the level of the Nazis who had leaps ahead in numerous fields of science, instead they got "the Japs are fucking savages."
Speak with some conviction
That would canonize these comments. Canon opens it up to the rules of plot and continuity, and detracts from the work permanently if it fails to gel properly with the rest of the established canon.
Saying maybe allows it to be interpretation instead. Which means its "true" until someone points out how it doesn't work within the story or history, then its easily dismissed as just implied or inspiration instead of hard truth.
Its the "nose on, nose off" Jon Stewart method applied to creating works.
That might apply to other industries, but in Hollywood?
Absolutely not. This is the industry filled with true believers who demand their opinions be heard and taken seriously as "artists and activists." The moment any of them get power, money or control they will make something inevitably Woke.
When comics and video games were still just existing and making things for profit/passion, movies had been happily Woke (for their day) without end.
Wokeism is a spectrum, what sets it off for one person won't for another.
Diablo 4 is pretty low on the "in your face" woke spectrum, its something you really only notice if you are tuned in enough to catch what they are doing which I doubt Musk is. You can 'turn your brain off' and basically miss all of it.
Compare the woke design of the fat Druid lady from Diablo to the woke designs from Concord and you can see how one would skate by while another would get noticed by anyone.
I don't even think its really normies causing these types of problems.
Its the same type of guy who runs pump and dump schemes and does venture capital investments. Someone who already has a lot of money (aka not normies) and is trying to make a lot of quick bucks injecting money into something and then pulling it out without a care about the product/company itself. Or some ultra rich guy whose only in it to feed his ego and need for control.
The normies buying a handful of tiny shares hoping to increase their wealth just a bit are very unlikely to even have their opinions heard, its just assumed what they want is "money" and the board talks for them.
self aggrandizement, and a feeling of purpose and superiority
That is the petty and childishness I was talking about it. That is the most weak and teenage form of gain imaginable. That's talking about "finding yourself" as if that's a fucking thing that you can do.
Its a woman throwing away her 40 year marriage and family for a one night fling with a foreign dude. You can see the "gain" of it, but its still the type of gain only a hedonistic child would commit acts of evil for.
Even the Elites committing acts of truly massive evil is banal, simply because its often for money when they are already richer than they could ever spend.
That is true, but the issues arises when you are forced because the shareholders themselves demanding you stick your head into a trap because they want that short term gain. Because they, or at least the board representing them, are doing more than just throwing money at it, its also their opinions and beliefs.
You may try to explain it to them, but its not always going to work. Because most of them will be the force behind things like "a new study from Harvard says more blacks equals more money, hire more blacks immediately" and anything otherwise is racism to get you ousted from the company.
Its the "out of state landlord" problem. When someone has a lot of money invested in something, but has no actual investment mentally about it otherwise. So all they care about is the money flowing, even if less money now means more later.
The banality of evil is what always makes it so hard to swallow. It makes sense to be evil for real gain, real change, real something simply because you can see the temptation.
Instead its always the most petty and childish of things that brings about the most evil from people.
In fact, I wouldn't even be surprised to see people roll over and accept a game like Avowed if they find the combat decent enough and some gameplay loops just barely engaging.
Baldur's Gate 3 is right there and it still has defenders on this forum saying "well you can kill the woke characters" or "just mod it out bro!!"
Probably for the same reason they are Schrodinger's White.
They can be successful and do just fine on average, unlike any other minority group. Heck most of them have home countries that are doing just fine. But at the same time, there is still that inkling of victimhood because they aren't actually White.
So it creates a lot of wierd complexes in a lot of them about their position in society. They are too successful to be anything but the bottom of Leftist politics, and they are too not-White to really fit in with most Right-wing politics in the West.
A basic boss rush Soulslike with the same Monkeyman as half of all Chinese media is objectively better than 95% of all things? Thanks hyperbole man, I certainly feel my opinion changed by someone who clearly only plays AAA slop himself.
Therein lies the issue. Its a fine game, pretty good even. But people are treating it like some mega Godsend because "he said no to the woke mafia!! BASED!!!!" Because don't pretend like a single person here would have given an iota of a shit about the game if that didn't happen.
But it did, and now everyone gives China, who is objectively evil, more of a pass because "eh better than the evil we know" when they produce their own literal slop and let us partake.
Though, since it is objectively that good I'm sure you can name all the specific ways its better than its competitors in its genre besides "no niggers or girlbosses." What does it do that blows Dark Souls or Nioh or Sekiro out of the water? After all, that's how objectively better works.
Horizon probably would have been sold on people if they owned a calendar.
Both games were released with like a week of Massive IPs releasing their own Open World action games that both of which, BotW and Elden Ring, would go onto become literally generation defining levels of popular with every corner of the industry.
If Horizon had come out 6 months earlier, it probably would have become a top icon level with everything they had behind it.
The AAA industry can either stop being evil, or go extinct as they are replaced by indies and malicious actors like China.
The only problem with this idea is that it presupposes people must and will continue to buy games as they come out in some form.
Which might be true for some, but isn't a guarantee in any way. Gaming isn't like cars or food, where you are required to keep consuming products as they are made and must pick from the best course action. You could just stop buying games and play a stupidly large back catalogue indefinitely.
Exactly. Konami tried to keep going and instantly fell on their face. All they have left is porting and "remaking" the classics to modern levels, which is working decently but is going to run out soon. While Kojima seems to be happily doing whatever the fuck he wants and making a shit ton of money/connections doing it (even if the product is iffy).
From is in a worse position if they lose Miyazaki. All the Souls games are readily available and most are PC already. The Demon's Souls well is tapped and Bloodborne is the white whale left. The games are far too new for a "remaster/remake" to make much money (since unlike DS1, the online works on all of them). They have a catalogue of non-Souls games to draw from, but we know Sony isn't interested in that.
So they'd end up with the B-team who made Dark Souls 2, hoping they don't botch it this time and also make something better than Elden Ring. While Miyazaki would be snatched by literally any company he wanted.
Moana functions pretty well like any other mythical fairy tale type story. Its flavored towards Polynesians but has no other fundamental difference. But that's likely why any followup can't work, because sequels to fairy tales never have the same magic.
Its why nearly every Disney sequel in the past was regulated to DTV lower budget releases. Because they weren't going to have the same level of soul, but could work for super fans. Which based on what I've seen so far, is the only people interested in Moana 2.
Frozen was them showing their own greed at it being a billion dollar franchise machine and them wanting to dip on another movie, and the complete lack of value showed through. Which is why it was the first sequel that got a theater release since, I think, Rescuers 2 in the 80s.