Here, I'll just list a few that I have instead.
He trusts too easily and it basically ruined a lot of his first term, in both his picks and allowing Covid to unfold as it did. He is old and stubbornly stuck in a lot of outdated frameworks of how the world used to work. He is pro-Israel and falls for a lot of their manipulations.
Just because I criticize how someone goes about something, doesn't mean their point is wrong. It means they themselves are a useless idiot in how they choose to go about it and they are actively sabotaging themselves by being so shortsighted and zealous about it.
I did nothing of the sort. I made a low effort joke post to an obvious troll to point out that all they do is list flaws and failures without proposing any form of alternative or other possibility, including that compromise might be part of the game. Its just complaining endlessly to sow division.
There is a large valley between "ignore his flaws" and "not throwing your entire plate out because it had peas on it and you hate peas." Which is what many people do, they see Trump make a bad decision and then decide to throw out everything he does or might do.
Which is especially retarded when we live in a "winner takes all" government system. So the alternative is Harris and all judgements must be made with that in mind.
The barrier for entry was too low, and way too many companies/people wanted in on the pot and invested a shit ton of money thinking it was an infinite growth industry.
Its the standard failure period basically every bubble goes through.
I'm always in love with when they pull the "homosexual is NATURAL" card.
Because then I remind them that most homosexual acts in nature are stronger men beating weaker men and fucking them to show dominance. Which usually makes them, who are always smaller than my gargantuan self, realize the implications of and ends the conversation.
Or with women, the prevelance of rape in nature in general. So much so that ducks evolved special vaginas for it and dolphins doing it is a sign of their intelligence.
I said nothing to the contrary. I was giving a flippant and dumb answer to a low effort troll, and minimizing my beliefs into the most barebones form to your low effort gotcha question.
But in the end, he is still better than the alternative today no matter what else happens.
I don't believe things can change because the necessity to reach the changes I want require dismantling of far more of society and culture than we can get through a government, especially an elected one. Women will never vote to give up their right to vote, blacks will never get deported or genocided, and we will never get a mass Rope Day for all the Leftists/Israel Dual Citizens in Congress and across the Nation. My politics will never be actually represented by a single person running.
If the revolution starts, I'll be there. I've even spent a long time sowing seeds for it. But we are nowhere near close to enough people joining to make it any more than suicidal and worthless. As such, the lesser of two is simply prolonging the relative stability of daily living until the conditions are prepared for such a day.
I'll still act the same and withhold or give support as per needed. This isn't absolving of action, its a mentality to maintain my own mind from becoming obsessed with politics that I lose the forest for the trees. If Trump fails, I won't have a Nick Fuentes level meltdown about how he is the worst shit in existence and no one should vote for him because that's counter productive in all forms.
As someone who never got into GI Joe, I went to see what else I might recognize her from. And outside that one character, it was just the bad Spiderman cartoon from the 80s that nobody remembers where she was Aunt May/Black Cat and then basically a lot of bit work in the 80s before a complete desert after the 90s started. Must have made a lot of money off that one role or went into different work.
Its a tragedy regardless because I assume her complete dominance in the role was for a reason and probably a good part of a lot of childhoods.
I do. I phrased it the way I did because if Trump did nothing of value he was still better than the alternative because of how bad they were.
My primary objective will always be fulfilled by voting for him (Not Harris/Hillary), everything else is just various shades of lackluster/disappointing to great.
Mimimi Games (gaming studio)
This one is quite annoying because as someone who bought and played well past refund before the kerfluffle got noticed (sucker for stealth games), its one of the laziest SBI consultancies ever. Because literally all they did was make the "new guy" character the ugly black pirate that you can just bench after the training wheels come off (because she sucks), and everything else in the game is very non-progressive.
Because the story is literally about a fat white guy pirate captain that is so beloved and revered that the literal ship simps for him hard enough she can't resist his voice, the antagonists live in constant fear of what he did, and the whole ship stays on out of loyalty to his memory. And the only other non-whites are an Asian ninja (who is so caricature that its hilarious) and a plant lady that is clearly meant to be a voodoo black. Otherwise everyone else is some form of very white. Scottish, English, Austrailian.
Its one thing when an SBI game fails because its got woke tied to the very foundation of it. Its another when SBI themselves screwed the company by putting in no effort and simply attached themselves to something that would have been fine otherwise (a nigger in the Caribbean committing crime) a few months earlier.
And in exchange, one of the most niche genres loses its only regular contributor.
We all got played by Trump.
I got exactly what I wanted.
Just like I got exactly what I wanted in 2016. Not-Hillary.
Until you doom and gloom Fuentes types can name how the alternative would be better in anyway, then its just mindless whining from a retard.
This guy does such a perfect job of illustrating how Leftist indoctrination and NPC regurgitation works.
Its in those little phrases he keeps peppering in over and over.
'and natural' 'and good and beneficial' 'simply cruel' 'which is certain' 'and from life itself'
These are designed specifically to emotionally manipulate you as you read. They thought kill you into not arguing specific points by preemptively addressing them, and by arousing certain emotions in you to not even want to acknowledge them. Every sentence he writes is designed to set up those little barbs. Which is given the most power with:
I could get into these if you want
Which is a challenge, a taunt. Its him flexing that he thinks himself an expert and is ready to school you if you question him. He already knows every response he will give and will puke it back in a nearly practiced response.
Its also built upon a singular stance that has no biblical basis. Which is "harm is bad." The Bible is filled with stories of harming for good, including out of love. Its a complete Modern Day Leftist position to think "harm prevention" is the end all be all of all thoughts, which is the cornerstone of all pro-gay and other pro-X activism.
I've been listening to Blood Meridian for the better part of a few months while I drive, because reading it seems like a legit chore with how its written. Maybe that's a pleb opinion but I have so little reading time now I can't enjoy it. Its a wonderful time though, just a brutal read interspersed with philosophical musings that cannot be easily dismissed.
Its read by a guy named Richard Poe. This is my first ever audiobook, but this guy is out here reading it on a level that I think my second one will be just another thing he himself has read. Doesn't stumble on the word nigger, assigns pretty fitting voices to a whole host of easily identified characters, and maintains a tone that is fitting throughout.
That is a very true risk. I usually only buy from there when I'm certain I'm going to enjoy it (which is the only way I'll buy a brand new game anywhere near full price) or its on such a deep discount I can consider it a lost gamble if it sucks.
Though GMG is pretty good on refunds themselves if something else comes up. More than once I've had a game where they legit ran out of keys and couldn't give a lot of people their game, and they just refunded us no question on it.
I usually go with Isthereanydeal to comb for discounts across multiple storefronts. Its shown me some that look like they'd be iffy, but all of them have checked out fine with no risk factors or nonsense.
GMG is just my solid choice for consistently discounted newer stuff. Because anything cheaper than what they are offering is usually a scam. And since I've had an account for so long I already qualify for all their "Gold XP" deals, which is usually an additional discount on everything.
The original is a lot more arcadey, which means its such a joy to play that you can just redo your favorite little sections and then stop playing and be satisfied.
REmake wants you to do the multitude of "challenge" runs for its Checklist of achievements. A lot of which are fun to do, but have to be done on an immediate replay as trying them after a year gap will be far less fun than just playing normally, not to mention way harder with forgotten knowledge.
And, as you said, the speedrun requirement on many of them (and nearly all the ones with good unlocks) basically ruins the fun as speedrunning a game is often the worst way to enjoy it. Doing Prof on the original was a game of replaying sections to be smarter and more deliberate in my actions to make them count, while doing the Prof Rank S+ was a game of praying shots landed because I didn't have time to aim.
Word of warning. Endless Legend is a really good 4X overall, but its famous for how horrible its combat is. Its over complicated and never satisfying. If I remember right (its been a long time) you can mostly auto-resolve it and not get involved, but that leaves you at a permanent mercy of the AI judge.
But its a testament to how good it is otherwise that people still love it despite such a huge hole in it.
They, to my knowledge, handled Epic exclusivity the worst of anyone, ever, anywhere
That's hard to do, because there have been so many legitimately awful handlings of it.
Its almost impressive how many companies managed to find a unique way to destroy their own games by taking Epic's money and then making sure to burn it on bad PR.
Reminder to everyone that basically any and all games on sale on Steam are usually on a better sale on Greenmangaming, which gives you a Steam key anyway. Heck if you are certain of buying a new game at full price on release its usually 10-20% off there to begin with.
The "deep discount" games Steam has right now is one of the rare times I've seen games cheaper on Steam itself and is a good sign to have alternating and competing discounts again across multiple fronts.
But me personally, I've not bought anything this go around. I'm still wrapping up the Romancing Saga 2 Remake (for an example of my point, Steam has no discount on it as its brand new, but GMG has 20% off) which I highly recommend as an all around good JRPG experience with minimal woke anything I noticed.
Interesting. I wonder if someone got really mad at him and reported every comment he made and queued up a huge log, even if most weren't over the line.
Or it still was but since he was already banned Dom just let them all go.
Moana functions pretty well like any other mythical fairy tale type story. Its flavored towards Polynesians but has no other fundamental difference. But that's likely why any followup can't work, because sequels to fairy tales never have the same magic.
Its why nearly every Disney sequel in the past was regulated to DTV lower budget releases. Because they weren't going to have the same level of soul, but could work for super fans. Which based on what I've seen so far, is the only people interested in Moana 2.
Frozen was them showing their own greed at it being a billion dollar franchise machine and them wanting to dip on another movie, and the complete lack of value showed through. Which is why it was the first sequel that got a theater release since, I think, Rescuers 2 in the 80s.
Oh, is this where you realize you were wrong and now start accusing me of doing things because to retroactively justify yourself?
He was retarded, got a low effort response. You asked a retarded gotcha question, got a low thought response. It ain't that deep fam.
Imp1 and I both hate women and have many of the same criticisms of them. I still called him retarded daily.