Its not useful to anyone because it can change on a whim. Its also far less sacred than it once was and now people will gladly pick and choose what parts they like, including the actual series owners.
DB is a great example. Super is literal garbage*, so a lot of fans like myself just ignore its existence and keep the prior Canon (that Toriyama retconned). Bardock is still badass, Broly is insane, and Trunks had purple hair and grew up instead of staying a loser Twink forever. We can even slot in Tapion giving Trunks the sword, Garlic Jr. kicking off Z, and Cooler having the better 5th form than Frieza ever could.
Which nobody can complain about it, as Toriyama himself treated his canon as shit and ignored things at a whim, so we can do the same back to him.
*It will never not be ironic to me that he saw an awful adaption of "his series" and it inspired him to ruin his actual series himself so badly that people turned their opinions on GT around. Great guy, but he should have let it stay dead.
Canon was useful when designating what was the actual show and what was fanfiction being written by a random person.
Once fanfiction became more than just shitty webrings and instead AAA productions by the "owners" of the IP, it became a useless concept.
Those factors are what leads to the lack of self control
They do, but at the end of it all, the self-control is the final decision. Its where all those tragedies cease to evoke sympathy and you make the choice to be the harm-er instead of the harmed.
Getting molested or abused is a major factor in being a pedo, abuser, child hurter of some form. The same applies to them, whatever background they have is tragic but they still made the choice themselves at the end of the day.
You don't stop people from getting addicted by condemning the already condemned
By teaching someone that their actions are forgivable, you take away from the evil of said action by giving them hope that they can come back on the other end clean and absolved.
Every developing junkie thinks they will still be loved, or able to control it, or this or that. That's why they can be tempted to "try it." The consequences have been brushed aside with a lackadaisical attitude of unconditional positive regard and forgiveness that tempts people into that sin.
There are millions of people who've lost their way through no fault of their own more deserving of our time, sympathy, and help. Junkies of any form are not that and hardly deserve not to just be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
Its not just about social media, its about never being exposed to alternatives to begin with. If every woman in town is happy and coupled, then they don't get inside their own neurotic heads about doing X or Y and those possibly being better.
But if one woman alone isn't, then she will act as a constant temptation for all the rest to join her in rebellion. They might not blow up their lives to do so, but they will still become worse in huffy moods about not being allowed to do what she is doing and missing out. All without ever knowing how miserable that woman's personal life was, and only looking at her party hard lifestyle.
This problem predates social media, which has only made it 999x more widespread. Its why boomers created thousands of "traditions" that are actively draining on the rest of us as a society.
the ones that still have a traditional upbringing are usually married in their late teens/early 20s so are out of this stupid culture
Which then gives them extreme FOMO seeing the "greener grass" all their friends, social media, and movies are living that will create someone who grows to resent being "trapped" and "missing their chance to live."
Women are women first, no matter how "Trad" you raise them their nature will still bleed through. As long as they can be tempted, that temptation will win out. Just as Eve did with the one fucking fruit after a minor amount of being told "you could have more."
For adults that may be true but many addicts start down on that path during childhood.
Well that was the original point I was responding to. If your child starts doing drugs, then you forfeit any "poor me" or claim to being a "good person" as a parent because you have failed horribly. While Susan's son was 19 and an adult, you also don't immediately go for the cocktail he had without a failed upbringing just recently before.
So I won't blame you for cutting ties with your mother
I didn't cut the tie, I was there with her until she died with only a pretty normal distance growing due to regular adulthood independence.
And most of the time it isn't as simple as "they didn't have enough self-control"
Except it is. That's the core of it no matter what. You can dress it up with dozens of factors and mitigations and be absolutely correct that they influenced and pushed one towards it, and should be worked on removing those as a society and on a personal level.
But at the end of the day, all of that culminates to a single moment where they lacked enough control to not do something. And in doing so, all those factors no longer matter going forward. Sin is sin, even if the whole world was pushing you to it and by indulging yourself in it you no longer have anyone to blame but yourself.
It was never about "ignore all factors to put all blame on the person." You can in fact do both. See how and why they fell into the pit, while also reminding them that they jumped into it on their own and are owed nothing but the derision that brings. Doing both is how we grow as a society. We see the multiplicative factors and work to minimize them, and not tempt people further into sin, while also condemning those who do as a staunch fear lesson that they will not be granted mercy in doing so.
Its not an "or" situation. Its like researching serial killers. You can equally discuss the environments and genetics that created them to prevent further creation, while also treating them as the boot scum they are.
If a product is free, then you are the actual product.
EGS would have zero foothold if not for suckering people in with free games constantly (and seemingly the quality of those games drops by the year), and then it will do what Chinese companies do on your computer.
GVH had its reveal trailer a very long way from its release, with a lot of delays. Half of the joke of Snoot Game being started was that it would be created and released before GVH came out and completely eclipse by being the "original" that all art and discussion linked back to.
Which worked, nobody would even remember GVH if not for the constant dance around Snoot Game.
Both games are deliberately allowed up to push the narrative of racism and homophobia being a rampant and constant threat in the 00s. Ethnic Cleansing is almost entirely there to dunk on and mock, while Class of 09 is one of those "claimed" games by the Gays who make up most of its fanbase.
Snoot Game has neither of those things. Its a legitimate game that is only vaguely "evil." Which will make it hard to turn into a dunk page, while also hard to either pretend its reclaimed or attack without dragging down the original.
Its just like Wikipedia, certain things will just get completely deleted to avoid uncomfortable discussions (Kodomo No Jikan used to have a very detailed TVT page) while others will get gutted and left up to pretend they aren't hiding anything but also preventing anyone else from creating something about it.
It was destined to be from the start.
Its a game made by the evil 4channers in complete mockery of a "deep, emotional" VN meant for progressives and gays, entirely starting based around wanting to fuck the characters and memes like Snoot saying "Goodbye" through going full Columbine. And without the nostalgia and "feel good" moments of games like Katawa Shoujo to give the TVT people deniability.
TVT is always Leftist politics first more than being a catalogue. Look at how many "creator" pages will have detailed sections of Right-wing controversies (or even non-troversies like just saying right wing things) versus Left-wing ones who've committed legitimate crimes. Or how many random villain pages link back to Trump as if his election was Hitler.
I work in an industry that gets destroyed with increased production come Christmas time, so I'm on my first full day off in about 2 weeks and enjoying the heck out of it. Hoping no last minute surprises give us a post-Xmas catch up the rest of the week.
But as someone with no real extended family either, I'm glad to work so other people can have theirs and I can pocket the excess money for my own small clan.
I don't think he will either, he doesn't seem the type to push for war in this regard.
But I also don't see him trying hard for peace with Russia if they stand either. Much more likely to be stern and defensive, but not actually aggressive.
Trump is also one of the most pro-Israel presidents around, so if Israel gets in his ear about Putin hard enough over this kind of insult, its a fast track to making sure he doesn't give an inch towards peace without Putin grovelling an apology.
Something Putin as a man would never do.
The same way it works in every industry across the board. Networking and nepotism.
While you slave away through passion and getting skilled for the job, these are the guys schmoozing around with all the big wigs at all these companies with their prepared speeches and friendly (to them) demeanor.
And like it always happens, when they need to fill the position they pick the guy they know and like who impressed them and was good friends with guys they know are good at things, instead of the faceless resume on their desk.
Its also how Jews and Blacks always go from one hire to literally the entire department or industry.
Anyone who knows what Taquiyya is almost certainly also takes about "bring back the Crusades" in some form instead.
Muslims commit acts of open violence against our country and people that we can point to regularly, that's why its easy to recruit people to openly want to war and and remove them.
Jewish aggression is more insidious and subtle. You need to actively be looking for it to catch the tricks they are pulling and then tie it to a consistent pattern of behavior, which often requires either time most normies don't have or listening to a raving loon screaming about it at top volume. So even though its far more damaging and a problem for all of us, its that much harder to get people to even recognize its a threat let alone want to commit acts of physical aggression back.
Getting addicted can happen very, very quickly
Everything you said is true, but it still requires you to start using it. Your pain and grief won't just conjure a meth addiction from nothingness. You need to make an active choice to begin, and that's the only thing that matters regardless of if its easier or harder for you to fall down the hole.
If someone gets hooked and gets clean, that's great for them and for the rest of us. But its also not something to be lauded either. I don't get a cake for doing the correct thing and just not doing drugs to begin with, so neither should someone else for fucking up their life (and everyone around them) and then fixing their mistake.
I tossed my own mother in jail for her junkie habits, I'm not going to be nicer to a complete stranger for theirs.
Music is one of those things that just sits in your subconscious from your youth and you'll just always be attracted to it without any good reason because of that. Its hard to even verbalize why you enjoy it, you just do regardless of its quality.
I think if more people recognized that instead of trying to argue that their nostalgic band is actually good we'd get a lot less of these angry rejections of now irrelevant bands.
Almost nothing about Kurt or Nirvana is special as a musician other than the fact that they everyone else tried to copy them, which pushed them from just another idiot to this "icon" everyone hypes. Same with him dying before he could really undermine himself fully, just like Sid Vicious.
Like, its beyond bad how much almost every genre and even most bands fail the basic human decency tests. They are riddled with druggies, political nonsense, and overall the most damaging lifestyles out there that make Hollywood stars look normal.
We could even repurpose your title for them and it works. Metal is just a bunch of Scandinavian Leftists screaming about Satan. Rock is a bunch of different junkies whining about sex and drugs. Rap is a bunch of niggers acting like they are heroes. Country is a bunch of Rich whities LARPing as poor rural guys.
Point being, we need to raise our standards across the board for musicians if we judge them by anything outside their music.
Well considering that both of my parents and a bunch of direct family members all got sucked in, and I myself consistently struggle against an addictive personality (see aforementioned near gambling hole), I'd wager whatever genetic component exists is likely present.
I'm not "immune" due to being unable to be addicted, I'm immune because I never fucking put myself in a position where I begin to consume in the first place. You don't just wake up addicted to alcohol or heroin by accident, you have to actually use it in some way. And for those with legitimate uses like pain killers, you don't become addicted due to using it once, you begin down a path you need to watch yourself from going down through personal discipline.
Nothing you've said is wrong, but it just jumps over the most key component. Personal agency. Its not a random tragedy of life, its a deliberate choice made at some point that spiraled out of control. Even you yourself weaseled in the phrase "using the first time" as if its just a thing that happens through magic and chance.
I won't waste effort looking down on those who are mostly only hurting themselves, like a smoker who keeps that away from his family. But I won't offer them any sympathy either when their consequences come.
It doesn't help that its probably the first time most people got to meet an actual non-obese black woman and see what they look like constantly.
Hint to everybody, they are incredibly mannish. The fact that most of them are fat hides this for most of them, the same way being fat makes men better pass as tranny women. Its why they need "mixed race" blood for the hot looking ones to appear.
Big Mike just looks like every middle aged black woman in America that isn't 200+ extra lbs of weight. The fact that people think its a tranny is just proof of how rare of a specimen it is.
I've never touched anything harder than caffeine, and I've kicked that a few times just to prove to myself I could. Almost got in the gambling hole, but recognized it happening and got out.
Which is why my stance on it is so hard, for both those who come have everything like Susan's son and those who think they have nothing but to turn to it. I've lived as proof that there is no excuse, ever, for it.
Toriyama "canonized" him in a random one shot, so now instead he is a caring loving father (only to Goku, never even spares a thought about Raditz) who literally developed a conscience randomly after years of genocide because he saw some aliens who reminded him of his wife and younger son. He is also super duper smarter than any other Saiyan because he somehow was the only one who thought for a second and realized all the red flags Frieza was putting out about killing them. It also added Goku's mother, a literal void of personality who is just a generic nice and caring woman who is nothing like any other Saiyan we've seen.
So basically he just made the "Superman" rip off much more exact, destroyed every reason why fans loved the original Bardock, and retconned a shit ton of Saiyan established lore. Just for a throwaway character he never again references or uses. He ruined him just so he could "own" the character himself (instead of being an original creation of the anime team like all the movies).
At least nu-Broly is still an interesting and good character who was used very well so far despite being a lot more generic.