Adamrises 8 points ago +9 / -1

Some of us have been here from the start, we don't need retarded speculation about things because we literally were there as things happened.

Adamrises 15 points ago +17 / -2

He literally made the place, and never asked for more mods. Its pretty simple.

And he wasn't that unliked at the beginning. People had a pretty positive opinion of him back on reddit KIA2, especially compared to Antonio the more bullheaded and aggressive of the two. Even for the first few years here, opinion of him wasn't that negative even if there were disagreements. Not positive but not constant complain topics either.

Its only within the last year when the JQ became a much more spammed topic and he himself got very emotionally invested in it that things turned around on him. Made worse by the pedo pajeet making everyone aware of how little he actually shows up.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

.they aren't searching through all coupons and thus are painting a false picture.

In this way, I absolutely agree with you it is a scam through a false picture.

But as its also a free program that is kinda doing what it says it will, then I think its simply marketing overhype instead of an outright total falsehood.

Which is still bad, and we should hold them to account on. But that's also like 80% of all ads for any service as well. Most don't have "the lowest prices in town" or "the best pizza" etc. So from a legal standpoint, I don't think its any worse than most advertisements other than being an internet thing (and thereby feeling more new/personal to us).

Its one of those deals where if we were going to hold companies to task for misleading advertisements, we missed the ship a long time ago and now its too normalized to really get the rock moving.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Equating drug addicts with child molesters or serial killers is a tad extreme, don't you think?

No, all of them are negatives upon society with no balancing positive side to them being so*. They may not be on the same level guaranteed, but they are still a danger to all by their existence.

That's without getting into how much cross over group A and B have. I'd wager a large percent of those molesters and killers and every other violent crime (and even many non-violent ones) are on some form of drug.

*A serial killer might be arguably having a positive effect if the killing is of the right people, but that's a very murky and dangerous position so let's ignore that rare possibility.

Being addicted is an affliction

A self-inflicted one, that's what you keep missing. They've chosen to do this to themselves. They damaged their own life and usually the life of everyone around them by their own choices, and its in the pursuit of mostly hedonistic self-pleasure. That is evil in all ways.

That's without even getting into the societal problem, wherein someone has wasted all the time and resources put into raising them to be a productive and upstanding member of society, and is instead choosing to be a complete burden on it.

What's your definition of junkie?

Anyone who does unneeded drugs. Personally, I'd even throw alcohol in with them but people aren't ready to hear that.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know someone would have an issue with that part.

It doesn't really matter to me much because I A)reject the presupposed notion that "higher IQ makes you just better as a person" that comes along with it and B)know that higher IQs are heavily correlated with so many negative drawbacks that its just as detrimental to have (see their insane neuroticism).

Regardless, they believe it to be true, which is why they keep allowing IQ tests to exist despite it otherwise being anathemic to their politics.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

But this always fails because the mean of 100 is actually not a consistent amount

Its not consistent because we rarely re-adjust it anymore due to becoming a "fully globalized" world instead of a lot of independent countries who can have their own mean and bell curve. Especially due to the politics of the "global 100" putting half the planet as sub 70 retards.

Your IQ raises rapidly as you grow, stabilizes into a slow growth, plateaus, and begins a gradual decline after 40, never to rise again.

Your IQ is a capability. Its there with you from the moment you are born and we literally select for age because the guys who made it weren't so retarded they thought a 150 IQ 4 year old could do the same feats as a 150 IQ 50 year old.

If someone is unable to demonstrate their full IQ, that is a problem that the creators of each individual test should be accounting for to draw it out. They fail at it, often because of the politics of the entire idea of having to make a Pidgin test makes whitey uncomfortable talking to African tribesmen.

The entire reason its an IQ test and not a generalized test like from school is because its meant to have controlled for those environmental factors post-birth, and find the genetic brain capabilities.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly, its easy to be smarter than lower percentile people as an animal just because your intelligence isn't being blocked by higher order thinking and emotions to the extent that humans are.

A full force no-function autism guy has an IQ on par and above probably a lot of animals, but because of his "more developed" brain he loses many basic instincts and ability to properly react to stimuli due to a failure in the computer that animals just don't have.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

The US literally started an incredibly bloody war over niggers that ripped families apart and made brothers shoot brothers.

We are past "my distant ancestor might possibly live there, we can't be too mean."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is, but its useless when you can provide no other valuable service besides it. The EGS spent much of its existence missing critical features and generally being worse than alternatives in almost every way, including actively destroying consumer goodwill by bribing devs with exclusivity contracts (with many devs also burning goodwill in their responses).

The foot in the door is only useful if you have anything worth selling inside, and for the most part EGS is luring people in just for them to nope back out.

Adamrises 1 point ago +2 / -1

The consumer side is a scam but its also one of those situations where "nothing is ever free and you are a fool for assuming such."

So while bad, its harder to evoke sympathy for that because its obvious they'd be getting paid off you somehow.

Adamrises 59 points ago +61 / -2

The entire purpose of IQ is to find someone's intelligence value mostly independent from environmental circumstances. The tests are literally designed with that purpose in mind and are adjusted to make sure they don't punish people for things like literacy or simply not knowing formula, at least in theory they should be.

A genius level IQ wouldn't stop being a genius just because he was born in a hut and never got to go to school, short of extreme malnutrition or damage actually rotting his brain. The test would be written in his ooga booga language (or entirely verbal) and work with basic human instinctual concepts that had nothing to do with education, poverty, or any other excuse blacks use.

That's why this topic cannot even be given the tiniest of spotlights. Because IQ tests by design are a mostly genetic test, and those genetics show all non-Asian PoCs to be borderline retarded on average. Its hard to even discuss them without running afoul of some really non-PC discoveries and topics.

I'd wager if Jews didn't top IQ tests (which I believe because it goes hand in hand with their consistent neuroticism and mental illness), and that feeding into their superiority complexes, they'd be banished entirely. But because they do, we get to play this fast and loose game about it.

Adamrises 34 points ago +34 / -0

Most of them heard about the War of 1812 as a child and have never stopped masturbating over it since.

Adamrises 35 points ago +35 / -0

I like how they, and many of our "allies," will spend years shitting on us with actual malice, interfering in our politics to a dangerous level, and generally trying to undermine anything we do out of simple pettiness.

But the moment one of our presidents jokes about not taking it anymore and flexes how easy it would be to literally stomp one under heel and make them our property, suddenly its a "real and dangerous threat."

Its such an actual pathetic reaction that makes them look so much worse than if they simply said "lol, try it DRUMPF."

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironically, it happened entirely by 2k trying to prevent that type of issue as it all happened because they removed their launcher from the games that used it. And it seems to be working fine on games like Xcom 2.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

GVH is about half animated and half "2d models vaguely moving behind a text box" like all VNs are.

I think the joke was closer to "we will make an entire game from scratch before these yahoos stop delaying it and release it." And considering they did so with one guy and a bunch of random volunteers doing it for fun, compared to a founded studio with actual experience and history being funded partially by Sony, its still an impressive feat to do so.

Its a classic example of fans giving people what they actually wanted (a game where you can fuck the Snootgirl) while a developer spends hours huffing their own farts making some sort of "statement" in a game about high school dinosaurs.

Adamrises 26 points ago +27 / -1

Considering how many influencers did and still do sponserships for Better Help, a company that actually gets people killed by failing at its singular purpose, I feel nothing but joy seeing them get scammed by it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Toriyama "canonized" him in a random one shot, so now instead he is a caring loving father (only to Goku, never even spares a thought about Raditz) who literally developed a conscience randomly after years of genocide because he saw some aliens who reminded him of his wife and younger son. He is also super duper smarter than any other Saiyan because he somehow was the only one who thought for a second and realized all the red flags Frieza was putting out about killing them. It also added Goku's mother, a literal void of personality who is just a generic nice and caring woman who is nothing like any other Saiyan we've seen.

So basically he just made the "Superman" rip off much more exact, destroyed every reason why fans loved the original Bardock, and retconned a shit ton of Saiyan established lore. Just for a throwaway character he never again references or uses. He ruined him just so he could "own" the character himself (instead of being an original creation of the anime team like all the movies).

At least nu-Broly is still an interesting and good character who was used very well so far despite being a lot more generic.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

And it usually offers a more stable version of any older game on offer.

Its currently the almost the only way to legally play XCOM EU due to 2k destroying the functionality on Steam.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

Its not useful to anyone because it can change on a whim. Its also far less sacred than it once was and now people will gladly pick and choose what parts they like, including the actual series owners.

DB is a great example. Super is literal garbage*, so a lot of fans like myself just ignore its existence and keep the prior Canon (that Toriyama retconned). Bardock is still badass, Broly is insane, and Trunks had purple hair and grew up instead of staying a loser Twink forever. We can even slot in Tapion giving Trunks the sword, Garlic Jr. kicking off Z, and Cooler having the better 5th form than Frieza ever could.

Which nobody can complain about it, as Toriyama himself treated his canon as shit and ignored things at a whim, so we can do the same back to him.

*It will never not be ironic to me that he saw an awful adaption of "his series" and it inspired him to ruin his actual series himself so badly that people turned their opinions on GT around. Great guy, but he should have let it stay dead.

Adamrises 29 points ago +30 / -1

Canon was useful when designating what was the actual show and what was fanfiction being written by a random person.

Once fanfiction became more than just shitty webrings and instead AAA productions by the "owners" of the IP, it became a useless concept.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those factors are what leads to the lack of self control

They do, but at the end of it all, the self-control is the final decision. Its where all those tragedies cease to evoke sympathy and you make the choice to be the harm-er instead of the harmed.

Getting molested or abused is a major factor in being a pedo, abuser, child hurter of some form. The same applies to them, whatever background they have is tragic but they still made the choice themselves at the end of the day.

You don't stop people from getting addicted by condemning the already condemned

By teaching someone that their actions are forgivable, you take away from the evil of said action by giving them hope that they can come back on the other end clean and absolved.

Every developing junkie thinks they will still be loved, or able to control it, or this or that. That's why they can be tempted to "try it." The consequences have been brushed aside with a lackadaisical attitude of unconditional positive regard and forgiveness that tempts people into that sin.

There are millions of people who've lost their way through no fault of their own more deserving of our time, sympathy, and help. Junkies of any form are not that and hardly deserve not to just be put down like the rabid dogs they are.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

Women can want two completely opposing things at the same time, that's a baseline ability of being a woman. Its in fact the famous ability of theirs that ruins their lives constantly.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its not just about social media, its about never being exposed to alternatives to begin with. If every woman in town is happy and coupled, then they don't get inside their own neurotic heads about doing X or Y and those possibly being better.

But if one woman alone isn't, then she will act as a constant temptation for all the rest to join her in rebellion. They might not blow up their lives to do so, but they will still become worse in huffy moods about not being allowed to do what she is doing and missing out. All without ever knowing how miserable that woman's personal life was, and only looking at her party hard lifestyle.

This problem predates social media, which has only made it 999x more widespread. Its why boomers created thousands of "traditions" that are actively draining on the rest of us as a society.

Adamrises 17 points ago +17 / -0

the ones that still have a traditional upbringing are usually married in their late teens/early 20s so are out of this stupid culture

Which then gives them extreme FOMO seeing the "greener grass" all their friends, social media, and movies are living that will create someone who grows to resent being "trapped" and "missing their chance to live."

Women are women first, no matter how "Trad" you raise them their nature will still bleed through. As long as they can be tempted, that temptation will win out. Just as Eve did with the one fucking fruit after a minor amount of being told "you could have more."

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