AccountWasFree 16 points ago +17 / -1

There's a reason that fatherlessness is the leading correlation for things like likelihood of turning to crime or drugs, increased chances of depression or suicidal ideation, more likely to drop out of school, becoming abusive later in life, and more.

The destruction of the nuclear family and similar models has been the most devastating thing for society at large. There's a good chance that this explains a significant portion of why black culture within America is the way it is and results in a "Thug and Gang Culture" with rampant fatherlessness. It's not the only reason, but I would probably argue it's the leading reason.

AccountWasFree -1 points ago +2 / -3

If you see "this group wants to control the world" and immediately think "jews", that's 100% on you and your prejudice ass, not anyone else. Nobody thinks vampires are a jewish metaphor, and it's retarded to even pretend that.

AccountWasFree 24 points ago +25 / -1

"Nobody knows I'm trans"

No, you haven't told people you're trans. People know.

by folx
AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

If the only way you "feel comfortable" is through "acceptance", then you admit it has nothing to do with the way you feel, but through the way others feel and perceive you.

Transgenderism is overwhelmingly about being perceived, just like almost all other body image issues. And, just like most other body image issues, the solution isn't to mutilate yourself or to force the language of others, because that doesn't fix the issue. The solution is to work on yourself both physically (as in working out to improve both your perception of yourself but also bodily function, including various chemical balances) as well as mentally.

You don't help the depressed by cutting for a fleeting feeling of euphoria, and you don't solve transgenderism by mutilating your body for the same reason. You fix it by actually bettering yourself.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

The irony is that I actually miss those days, because more people were willing to say "yeah, this is fucking stupid" about the whole otherkin shit. Now even people who once said that are accepting it with open arms not realising how easy it was to acclimatise them to the situation. Didn't even take 10 years.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Oh cool, are we wrapping back around to otherkin stuff again? The shit that even (some) leftists once mocked is coming back around to be taken seriously again.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +7 / -2

As good as it is to have that longer explanation with several dozen sources, there's only one fact you need for explaining the fact that Feminism has always been shit. And that is that it's based around Conflict Theory. The commies were based around conflict theory. Nazi Germany was based around conflict theory. In fact, any authoritarian movement is almost certainly going to be based around conflict theory.

It's basically group Y is the root of all problems faced by group X. For Feminism, Y is men and X is women. For Communism, Y is the bourgeoise/rich and X is the proletariat. For Nazi Germany, Y is the Jews and X is the German People.

Patriarchy Theory is a core tenet of Feminism and reaches back to the original movements, and it's the theory that states men are the reason women have problems in the world. You cannot severe Feminism from Patriarchy Theory, as it's no longer Feminism without that basis for Feminist Theory.

Conflict Theory is one of the most manipulative methods out there, and it utilises victimhood as a form of currency while promising a better life. It absolves you of failures or hardships you face and puts the onus on someone else. Doesn't really matter who else, just someone else. It's how Leftists have operated for centuries. This time around, it's a multi-identity tactic: men, whites, straight, and "cis" are the villains, and the hardships face by anyone else isn't their own fault, it's "cis" straight white men who are to blame, and without them you would definitely would have succeeded in life. Doesn't amtter if there are countless examples to the contrary, because it's not meant to be rational, it's meant to make you feel better. Which is why so many that believe the broader umbrella of SocJus ideology are so often mentally ill.

Conflict Theory is the basis for all of it.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

It's from Glastonbury, but it's not from Thunberg's speech.

A reverse image search turned up this article from 2015. For those that don't want to click through, it's from a music festival that included Kanye West, Florence + the Machine, The Who and Lionel Richie, just to name a few.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

Of course accelerationsists have a point.

There is no such thing as too far. Even just 20 years ago, if you suggested that "changing your gender", "banning farms", "lockdowns" or "eat the bugs" would be a part of modern discussion, they'd lose their shit. But guess what? That the stage we're in.

Too far is a lie people tell themselves in the hopes that shit will start to revert. The only truth is that it can be too fast for people to accept. Throw a frog into boiling water and it'll jump out. Put it in cold water and slowly bring it up to a boil and it stays put.

Obviously, there are really fucking stupid accelerationist ideas as well. For example, the NZ Mosque shooter was an accelerationist, and he's rightfully behind bars. Terrorism doesn't achieve accelerationist goals, because it actually provides a tragedy and rationalisation for the extremist ideologies to be further pushed. Accelerationism works best when the extremist line cannot be rationalised with their pushes by utilising tragedy and such.

by folx
AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

These "people" actually think normal people will see this for a joke while they actually have strip shows in front of children. It's not a joke if it's actually happening, ya freaks.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are we ignoring the years of buildup? Regardless, I'm not saying that it was perfectly timed, just that it lines up with the culmination of rising international tensions that were almost definitely going to result in a conflict somewhere that the States were going to (want to) get involved in.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yeah, but it's still military industrial complex propaganda, right as war is back on the menu with the Ukraine vs Russia situation. Regarding media, it's better than woke shit, but that doesn't mean it's good either.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

If only all leftists would just leave.

by folx
AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are literally shaking because of vaccine side effects, not because of RvW being overturned.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +12 / -1

This shit is also a lie. Ectopic pregnancies aren't solved with abortion in most circumstances. The solution is keyhole surgery for the removal of the length of affected Fallopian tube.

For a more rounded rebuttal, septic uterus or "incomplete miscarriage" refer to the same thing where the baby is already dead. An OB/GYN will need to perform what is called a dilation and curettage (D&C) which is essentially extracting fetal remains (so, already deceased) from the uterus. This is also not an abortion.

To call either situation "abortions" is inherently dishonest, ESPECIALLY when the vast majority of abortions are not done on a medical necessity, but on an elective one.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

says one study of the "toxic turn" in comic book fandom

What study? I know the whole "sOuRcE?" thing is cringe, but what was the study about? Who the fuck is studying this, and how was it quantified? It sounds like they just dropped "study" as a way to legitimise what they were saying with nothing to back it up.

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