AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

Except the end result is the same. The government gets to censor the public. "Voluntarily" going along with it doesn't change that fact, and it certainly doesn't change their intentions.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

>implying it wasn't already dead

Reboots will never be in your favour. These companies hate you, and you cannot forget that.

Franchises just aren't worth it anymore. Do I want sequels to some shit? Sure. But I'm not investing any hope into it anymore. If it happens and it's good? Great. If it's shit, and there's a good chance it will be, oh well.

Getting excited for new media is already a dumb move. Getting excited over reboots is even dumber, and in fact, I don't think there has been a good reboot/revival movie for any franchise in the past 10 years. Mad Max: Fury Road would probably the best attempt there is, but I still wouldn't say it lives up to the prior films. You could argue Ghostbusters Afterlife, but that was only after the god-awful Fem-Reboot. And let's be honest, it took something that was, at the time, made for all-ages and made it a movie that was for teens. It's was satisfactory, but I wouldn't say it was good. I wouldn't go and re-watch it any time soon.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

My biggest beef with anyone who says "[Service] is a human right" is ultimately suggesting that slavery needs to exist. Then again, slavery with extra steps already exists, but most people aren't ready for that truth.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Of course it's semantics. The entire complaint is "well, the superintendents aren't the actual teachers", and while that's true, it's still a step in the right direction. Hopefully at least.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's nice and all Jimmy, but I don't care what someone from Hollywood thinks about anything.

And frankly, working in the entertainment industry seems to be a far greater giveaway of any sort of "toxin", considering how many of your degenerate fucks are pedophiles and rapists.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aren't these the same losers that refused to even acknowledge Azov Battalion, the well established Nazi portion of the Ukrainian Military? Aren't these the same losers that refuse to acknowledge Biden and Clinton's ties to the KKK leader Robert Byrd? Aren't these the same losers that routinely refuse to acknowledge literally any of the people that get found out for objectively being pedophiles?

Fuck off, Tiedrich. Being an actual shill isn't a job, you're just a fucking subhuman piece of filth.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve had more fun playing risk of rain 2 for the 10 bucks I spent on it playing with friends

So wait, you get to add value to RoR2 through playing with your friends, but Rimworld doesn't get that same benefit for modding? Sounds arbitrary.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Australia has banned, or heavily censored, many games.

Hotline Miami 2 still isn't allowed in the country (with the devs outright saying that Aussies should just pirate the game. Left 4 Dead 2 was censored for years (removed zombie cops and zombie bodies would vanish after being killed, often before even hitting the ground). Even Disco Elysium: The Final Cut was originally refused classification (what the government calls banning a game*) until there was enough outrage.

And then there's shit like how they've forced changes like how Fallout 3's Med-X was originally going to be Morphine and show the user taking it, before Australia said "no" to that, and Bethesda decided to just keep the game as one consistent entity and change it for everyone.

Australia is a nanny state, and always has been. And this is even with an R18+ rating that we only got in 2012. Mind you, it's rarely fucking used, but it's there. This is a decent site that seems to document a lot of the titles that get Refused Classification or have issues with classification within Australia, along with looking into the supposed reasonings.

*Refused classification is banning a game because all games are required to be classified under the rating system. If it's not classified, it cannot be released within Australia, so refused classification is defacto censorship.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Problem is that our buying power is still weaker. Sure, we get more money, but everything costs more as well. It's just inflation compared to other monetary values, except we also have less buying power in a shit-ton of industries, ESPECIALLY in housing.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rimworld isn't dying any time soon. Tynan has also largely ignored the SJWs so far as well, so it would be odd for him to suddenly cave for no reason at all when ignoring them has worked just fine.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

If a person is fired from a company and a) business continues as normal and b) nobody was brought in to replace you, then you never had a job, you had a grift. Obvious exception is downsizing, but then business isn't really continuing "as normal" so much as it's following a downward trend, but that's a little more complicated.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

The mods don't detract from the value of the game. If anything, that still enhances it being worth it due to the fostering of an active and thriving modding community, something most games can only dream of having. You're grasping at straws to put down a fun game that you can get hundreds of hours out of, all to suggest that $35 isn't worth it.

I just don't get why this would be a hill to die on, when most AAA games won't get below $20 in 5 years (Rimworld being 4 years old) and you're lucky to get beyond 15 hours in most of those games, and those that do have more are exclusively open world and padded to all hell, and even that is usually less than 40 hours. Do the math. $20 for 15 hours, or $35 for 100+ hours. Sounds worth it to me.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Meh, if people still want to pirate it, I'm not going to lambast them for it. It's their life. But the idea that the game isn't worth the price? It's a load of shit, and that's as someone who still hasn't bought 2 of the 3 DLC that has come out (mostly because I haven't picked Rimworld up for a while and I'll probably get them when I relapse to play another couple hundred hours, not because "they're too expensive".

Anyone who's played the game knows that the price isn't too steep, and if you do think that, maybe Rimworld isn't a game you're going to get the most out of to begin with.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

And rimworld is notorious for never going on sale for more than 10%.

Yes, I did make reference to that by also poking fun at/criticising Nintendo.

Im sorry but even triple AAA go cheaper, sooner

Even on discount, those games are neither worth it, nor give anywhere near as much in hours of gameplay. This isn't a good metric for comparison.

It seems that your concern is less the price, and the fact that the price doesn't go down. The game is worth the price. Even just doing the "dollar per hour" metric, the game is incredibly cost effective for the entertainment you recieve.

You're so used to indie games being cheap that when one knows its value and just how much YOU, the end consumer, will get out of the game it's somehow deemed "not worth it".

A better deal does not mean that Rimworld isn't worth the price. It just means that others are willing to sell what they've got for less. "Is the game worth the price" has nothing to do with whether or not it goes on sale. It's purely about whether it is worth paying that price point for what you get out of it. And the answer is resoundingly that Rimworld is worth it, even when there are better deals out there.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

I have to disagree about being worth it. It's given me hundreds of hours of content. That's a lot more than most other games.

Are there other games that can do the same thing for cheaper? Sure, I can name some as well. But the idea that Rimworld isn't worth it just because something like Terraria also exists isn't really addressing whether Rimworld is worth it, and more that there are better deals that exist.

That said, Tynan (Rimworld dev) definitely subscribes to the Nintendo model of discounts.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, that does have a high impact as well, but even just the top three make a massive dent. Taking out politician central would take the average lower again, and we can't have that.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's specifically 3 cities. Chicago, New York and San Fran. It's no coincidence that they're also the cities with the most stringent gun control laws.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, it's just a few urban areas really. Remove Chicago, New York and San Fran, and violent crime on the whole (so that includes gun crime AND other crime) goes down to average international levels. Note, those are also the cities with some of the most stringent gun control in all of the United States.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0


It's not "the right of the militia", it's the right of THE PEOPLE.

What's more, this argument has been debunked for DECADES. Here's a linguistic breakdown of the 2nd Amendment from 1993. Just shy of 30 years ago. Oh look, it too confirms that it's the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

But it doesn't matter. These people know they're wrong. They've seen the arguments, they see the logic and rationale, they just don't care.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

If the vax worked, why are you stress about the efficacy of the vaccine?

Why do these side effects still happen to people who are clearly not stressed, least of all by people who aren't vaxxed?

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's amazing how much of media is explicitly geared towards promoting the notion that you should never better yourself, and just how blatant it is when you finally notice it. Degradation is everywhere within the media, and so many people refuse to see it. Then they wonder why so many people get fed up with the media, as if it's baffling that people get fed up with being pushed down in subtle ways.

The first step to breaking out of these things is to not make light of it. I used to make dark jokes about myself. Shit like joking about suicide and all that crap. And then someone showed me how it's harmful and not really some "coping" mechanism that some retard had pushed. And for a little bit I just tried cutting it out of my life and it's amazing just how quickly you mentally turn around from that shit.

So then you start to ask "why is this being normalised", and it quickly becomes scary just how effective fear and weakness is at controlling people.

They want you at your lowest. They want you to defeat yourself. Don't let them. Better yourself because you are capable of it. Learn a skill, get in shape, stay well adjusted. It's not easy, but if you're looking for easy, you might as well roll over, because that's easy as fuck.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same principle applies to America and Mexico. By literally every metric available, Mexico should be a world power on par with America, China, Russia et al. But mass corruption prevents that. What's the solution to mass corruption? Revolution. What prevents revolution? Release valves. Oppression only goes so far before people start trading their lives for their brothers and sisters. But a release valve? That will ensure shit never changes. When things get too hot, run away. Run to America, a free nation.

There should be NO immigration not because "fuck Mexicans", but specifically to force a revolution that they need and deserve. Anything else is either cruel (allowing mass suffering to continue) or explicitly imperialist (like annexing Mexico and making it a part of America).

Immigration is not a solution. Immigration is not a kindness. It's a release valve to alleviate societal pressures.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

There's a reason the vast majority of lottery winners end up right where they started a year after winning, if not in-debt through over-spending.

People who never earned money don't know how to keep money, nor the wealth that it can provide.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have to disagree. I think they can see that, and they just don't care. Knowing that something is wrong and still using it for their end goals? Textbook partisanship.

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