AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nearly anyone who says "All X are Y", and is a part of group X, is almost assuredly telling on themselves and trying to make it seem like Y is normal or out of their own control. It is the most definitive form of projection, as they take things they're guilty of and assume everyone similar to them must also be guilty of those things.

AccountWasFree 37 points ago +37 / -0

There was nothing in the movie for a new audience.

That's the problem Jimmy. There is no "new" audience. It's a load of crap. A massive cope for a washed-up has-been that forgot what made his movies good.

Again, there is no "new" audience. It doesn't exist. And the reason nobody went to see Dark Fate was because you rode on false nostalgia and everyone, fan or otherwise, could smell that turd from a mile away. Having prior leads make cameos isn't a selling point. You still need substance.

AccountWasFree 23 points ago +23 / -0

You're assuming that their moderation system is broken and not working as intended.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Worst thing about the Capaldi era is that he actually plays a really good Doctor, but it's all wasted with the storyline that focuses on Clara all the time. You end up wading through knee high feces in the hopes you'll get scraps of some good content.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

"I probably shouldn't have said that" said the woman who spent the last 4 hours practicing that line.

Does anyone seriously believe anyone with a lifetime career in government is ever genuine? That any of their interactions are anything less than practiced, curated and prepared for?

This whole "I own a gun" thing is EXPLICITLY trying to pander to fudds. Joke is, they were already voting for her. She's gaining no new votes from this, but it is funny.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda funny how they probably don't believe the shit they're spouting, they're just being actually reactionary against leftists and their support of worker rights or something.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I also find it funny at the idea of a job grinding to a halt and being this big burden on others because someone takes a couple days off sick. What happens if you quit? Gonna feel guilty and embarrassed then as well?

Should you also think you're so important that the company would collapse if you were to, God forbid, unexpectedly die? Unless there are single digit employees, that sounds like a company with a terrible structure if it could cease to function with the loss of a single employee for a few days, let alone longer.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine unironically needing to posture that much that you think being sick is a sign of weakness.

Posturing has to be the weakest thing a person can do, and that is pretty damn embarrassing.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people who think they're the most immune to propaganda are often the ones most susceptible to it.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depends. If I'm writing in cursive as I mostly do, I'll go with a 7 and come back later to cross it. But if I'm writing in print it's mostly 8. Probably why I struggle with writing an X in cursive if 8 is my default.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact there is a distinction between blocking and muting is criminal. It should be solely the same thing.

Because I'm fine if you don't want to listen to certain responses. It's not fine to simply be able to prevent anyone from responding to you bullshit.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +6 / -2

That's great rhetoric, but it's not the point. Invaders is a term that's easy for people to dismiss because it's intentionally meant to be dramatic. And I agree that they're invaders, but it doesn't accurately define the issue that normal people can understand the difference between. Asylum seekers are victims in their eyes, economic migrants are opportunistic scavengers.

And it's something that smarmy politicians can't fucking deny that these people are actively gaming the system to avoid normal immigration policy. We all know it, but even the people claiming to support immigration reform refuse to state the cold hard truth that these asylum seekers are not seeking asylum, they're seeking migration. And correctly labelling this reality is, in my opinion, the first small step to admitting the truth. If they cannot even call a spade a spade, they're never going to do the right thing. So why should this too little too late stuff even be acknowledged as being too little when it's not even a step in the right direction, but entirely about saving their own skin and nothing else?

AccountWasFree 19 points ago +19 / -0

AKA "Wah, we need a slave underclass!"

I swear, leftists routinely expose themselves to be the worst people possible.

AccountWasFree 31 points ago +32 / -1

How about you start by not calling economic migrants "asylum seekers"? Because we all know they're not. Asylum seekers don't stay in a country. They leave. Migrants migrate. It's that simple.

Oh, you're not going to acknowledge this simple, basic truth? Then you can get fucked.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +9 / -6

I don't entirely blame him. Imagine having to come to terms with the reality that your kids death was entirely avoidable if not for scumbag politicians? It's easier to tell people to shut up and bury your head in the sand than come to terms with how preventable it could have been.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Will do. Won't change that reputation you earned for yourself.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think a really important aspect of the delineation between small homes and pods is the intended purpose. Pods are, first and foremost, designed to be nothing more than glorified beds with some added luxuries. It's not living, it's barely above surviving. Meanwhile a small home can be a viable type of living.

I think the clearest and best way to see the difference between the two is both the available amenities (pods generally opt for shared amenities, meaning it's not yours), and environment. You can have a little cottage out in a rural area just fine, while a pod is designed to fit as many people in as small a space as possible.

The end result does dramatically differ for the end result. One is a choice. The other is pushed by those that don't have to live in a pod.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if he isn't the same pedojeet, it's not like D&C tactics haven't been tried for a long ass time regarding KiA/GG/Anti-SocJus groups. Remember how long and cautious people wanted to be with KiA2 in the first place? And it (arguably rightfully) was cautiously dismissed as a D&C attempt at first until it proved that wasn't what it was, even if the original mods still don't like the place because it showed how well trained those mods are to the Reddit admins.

That's also why a "KiA5" exists. Because there are people who want to further splinter what exists and sow division.

Personally, while I definitely want pedojeet gone, his pithy postings of gore and shit like that is so fucking mundane to me these days, and people that earnestly spend as much time as they do bitching about it only show how young they are regarding the internet, and if they aren't young that even they too have been sanitised just like the rest of the internet has been into this sterile wasteland of mediocrity. I remember when shit like gore was posted on Reddit and it wasn't bannable, namely on WTF. But that's all gone now, and people have absolutely gotten more fragile as a result, and that isn't just applicable to the leftist and normie idiots out there.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure. This is all isolated and has absolutely no other context or history regarding how you've behaved in the past.

Just remember that when people dismiss you, it's your own fault. Maybe we're all wrong and you're not just some D&C troll. Maybe you have legitimate issues. But your behaviour has ensure that all gets ignored because you set off too many red flags. And that's on you.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let's see, I'm torn between "What would you ultimately do differently if you were doing D&C shit" with the answer being "nothing at all" and mocking that you have "other things to do" when you've made a dedicated account to shitting on a moderator you dislike. Like yeah, jannies are fags, but you're going out of your way to single this one out.

But sure, you're "too busy" as you shitpost on an internet board and get pissy by one of the oldest online trolling attempts out there, and the response has long been to ignore/downvote, report, block and move on, not obsess about it for months on end. Lurk more, child.

You've already made a name for yourself and it's clear nobody here wants you as some weird keyboard vigilante for the board. Maybe take the hint that what you're selling isn't what people here want to buy.

AccountWasFree 22 points ago +23 / -1

If you boycotted every time a corp committed a crime, you would quickly find yourself using no products or services at all.

You say that like it would be a bad thing.

Don't be an idiot and start boycotting all at once, but it's an incredibly good idea to try and boycott as much as possible while being as independent as possible.

Remember, nothing is hated more than people who don't need what the establishment has (or rather, claims to has) to offer. Can you boycott everyone? Probably not. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to better yourself by cutting these cancers borne out of a misguided sense of convenience out of your life. There's no reason to give up on bettering your circumstances just because you might not be able to make it to some idealistic hypothetical.

Also, I doubt OP has much issue with companies committing "crimes", broadly speaking, and more cares about what types of immoral/unethical actions they've undertaken. There's a big difference between a company fudging their tax numbers and a company utilising state powers against people to leave said targets financially ruined. Really pales in comparison to one another.

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