APDSmith 13 points ago +13 / -0

... has it not already done so, this being Amazon doing their best to coax the burning wreckage back into the air?

APDSmith 10 points ago +11 / -1

Puritanism - the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy

Congratulations, you're a puritan atheist, a combination I had previously thought impossible.

APDSmith 11 points ago +11 / -0

As I understand it, Milie's idea with the currency thing is to wrest control of the economy away from Argentina's Central Bank, which has proven to be about as steady and sober as a sailor on leave.

As far as I see it, whether he switches to dollar or Bitcoin, it's still going to be a step up from the peso, that's how bad it's gotten.

APDSmith 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, that is the only way she can win an argument...

APDSmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

See, the issue is that because you're a bigot, you assume everybody here is just that and proceed accordingly.

Would you like it if everybody here assumed you were a paedophile in each and every interaction?

APDSmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not surprised. Listening to others is not a strong suit of yours.

APDSmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not "my" holy book.

The reason you get push back is because you act like an arsehole every time you are here.

Which is fine, by the way. If you want to act like an arsehole, go right ahead.

But don't expect people to ignore the fact that you're acting like an arsehole.

APDSmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember, just as one Christian being an ass doesn't mean all Christians are asses, not all atheists are like this person.

I'm not...

APDSmith 18 points ago +18 / -0

However, two councillors from the ruling Fianna Fáil party said government policy had inundated Ireland with refugees and driven people to take drastic action – a view once confined to fringe far-right groups.

"Oh, no, we're losing control of the narrative!"

"Quick, call someone a racist, that's always worked in the past!"

APDSmith 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm sure you can see, though, the problem the woke crowd would have with having a character stand purely on the strength of their writing and personality?

APDSmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, for the pinnacle of electro-mechanical systems in this regard, you'd probably be looking at early radio sets - for example the Alexanderson alternator - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexanderson_alternator - basically a giant multi-polar generator set up to generate current at VLF frequencies.

And those things were horrendously expensive maintenance nightmares.

APDSmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

All good points. Ones I might expect someone familar with the topic, such as a science teacher, to be able to make, rather than wishy-washy talk like "but your heart and brain are male."

APDSmith 20 points ago +20 / -0

Even if there weren't, mythology belongs to all humans, we all get to share in it

All board for White Wakanda! All aboard!

APDSmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be interesting to learn the approximate percentages of the various disorders quoted.

I get the strong impression that in the name of equality, this person seek to impose an aristocracy comprised of 0.1% of the population upon us all...

APDSmith 8 points ago +8 / -0

... does anybody with a male heart and a male brain in a female body make it out of the womb, or do they die in vitro due to what I must assume would be a massive autoimmune response?

APDSmith 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not forgetting that voltage switching using DC is a royal pain in the butt.

Historically, the easiest way to do so was actually to covert DC to AC and then convert that AC to the desired DC voltage.

And this is important, because one of the things that makes grid power practical is the high-tension power lines that carry the stuff from the power plant to your neighbourhood. If the grid is AC anyway, it's comparatively simple to run an AC-AC transformer to step the voltage up to transmission voltage and then back down again at the other end, without having to worry about who's going to babysit the M-G sets you would have needed floating around all over the shop for a DC backbone.

APDSmith 9 points ago +9 / -0

From what little I understand, it's actually largely just really stupid stuff like grit and dust eroding the aerodynamic surfaces of the blades. No one bit of grit does a huge amount of damage, but those things are out in the weather all day every day, and that takes it's toll...

APDSmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, the constant-speed thing has been available since ... well, since steam engines, really, hasn't it? The early ones had regulators for that.

Matching the phase of the grid was the major bit of concern, unsure how you'd do that mechanically.

APDSmith 18 points ago +18 / -0

From what I recall from reading about domestic installations, the issue is the inverter, to flip the DC voltage from the panels over to mains AC. Solar might be economical for a while, but once the inverter needs replacement you're basically look at most of the cost of the system all over again.

Windmills could at least potentially use an AC generator, but I presume there's other electronics in there, as otherwise you're looking at some weird mechanical system to force a windmill generator to run at 50Hz, matching phase to the grid. So again, expensive electronics boxes.

And that's before we get to the issue that windmills are basically impossible to recycle. Those massive aerofoil blades are tough, to the point that while it's theoretically possible to recycle them, hardly anybody bothers.

APDSmith 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only war allows them to sweep their colossal number of fuckups under the carpet in the way they need.

Civil war, or international war, they're really not fussed which.

APDSmith 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's actually something of a step up that this one even concedes misandry is a thing in the first place.

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