1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Your Grace, the House of Aquarius has declared open war on you. Our allies of House Taurus and House Scorpio have been summoned, and House Virgo has promised 2000 men and 1000 horses if you will consent to letting them hunt in the Capricorn border forests during the harvest months.

Yeah I'd watch that for a bit.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Come on, Joan Rivers? Really?

Yes, if only tangentially. Joan talks directly into some guy's camera saying "everyone knows Michelle Obama is a dude" and then dies during a routine plastic surgery right afterward. Don't tell me you haven't seen any of the pictures/videos of Big Mike's bulge? It's not my go-to for political assassinations and mysterious deaths, but I'm convinced it fits the bill.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

It would astonish me greatly that the Democrats had somehow never managed to dig up any dirt on the Trumps that would point to them being the kind of people that would have bodies in their basement. We know that Democrats are surrounded by people that die suspiciously all the time; any of Hillary's friends, Seth Rich, Epstein, that Obama pool guy, the dead girl in Joe Scarborough's office, Joan Rivers after calling Michelle Obama a tranny, etc.

I balk and the scenario turn-around just because I think the quality of people involved is so different. Sam's problem is that he is so rabidly anti-Trump because of the media he consumes and the people he surrounds himself with. He openly expresses and indulges in his hypocrisy that he's okay with a conspiracy to keep Trump out of office by hiding Hunter's laptop, but then tries to pretend that it wasn't a conspiracy either, and that it can't be a "Left Wing" conspiracy because Liz Cheney was involved (same clip as above). I am anti-Biden and Democrats because I actually engage with and see reality instead of fighting against it and lying about it brazenly; no human is illegal, trannies are women, women are equal to men, all people are equal value, etc.

If Eric had dead kids in his basement, I would not suddenly support the opposite political party, but that is not Sam's problem. He refuses to accept that the world that has been created for him is a lie, and that he has lost his grip on reality. His information is faulty, and he refuses to perform the personal introspection necessary to avoid destroying himself with it. I don't need him to support Trump, I need him to be the honest intellectual that he has built a career pretending to be.

1776ReasonsWhy 30 points ago +30 / -0

I guess that explains why Jordan did a Christian and Muslim criticism video, but reacted with extreme hostility to questions about when the Jewish one was coming out. "Juden Peterstein" indeed.

1776ReasonsWhy 39 points ago +39 / -0

Sam Harris said that dead children piled in Hunter Biden's basement wouldn't convince him to sway his positions on Joe Biden, or Democrats generally. The man rejected God and Christianity so thoroughly it has him literally defending (hypothetical) child murder for ideology. Truly the descendants of Cain.

1776ReasonsWhy 29 points ago +31 / -2

ALL WOMEN ARE SAME. They will always lash out at their detractors in the same ways of shaming, silencing, and status-attacks. There have no capacity for self-reflection, their egos cannot handle it.

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I love seeing them chained together, like "Disney's Marvel's The Avengers." It become so obnoxious to say and write all the time.

1776ReasonsWhy 23 points ago +23 / -0

This is an interesting note to me. Trannies LOVE having it highlighted that they are trannies. It's a special class above basically any other. When they want to make gross trannies in video games it's because they want to maintain that status, even though they could just play the sex they think they are and be done with it.

Here, however, is a person who wants to drop the prefix of the company name. They don't want the name associated with the brand because it differentiates it from the original creation. I've seen several tv/movie reviewers on youtube refuse to call Rings of Power "Lord of the Rings" because they hate it so much. Here is the reverse, in a way; yes, it's Star Wars but it is Disney Star Wars. The name is attached to it almost as a warning. This person seems to know that the label is a black mark and wants it to go away.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean the whole article, it's filled with so much bizarre Engrish and it then turns into talking about Gnosticism towards the end.

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

My instinct is ESL. He uses past tense "was" but rarely conjugates the following verbs to also be past tense. This strikes me as Chinese grammar where verbs are not conjugated themselves, they just include a grammatical particle that signifies the sentence is past/future tense.

was view - X

was known - O

to be make fun of - X

was view - X

was perceive - X

This may be pedantic, but I would also start the quotes at "that" in "that one group of people."

That article is just filled with weirdo phrases that aren't present in English.

to the very tattoos on our very skin

We wouldn't say "very" twice here

Post 1960s AD

We wouldn't say "AD" in a casual article like this, and we would call it the 1960s.

the image of the Geek/nerd/Trekkie, is one who is highlighted by his artifacts, his living room is always shown full with action figures, spaceship modules, and a obsession with a fictional universe than anything but real.

Highlighted by his artifacts? "Full with" instead of "full of" "a obsession" "than anything but real."

JUST IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. This article is insane.

like all mega Hambugerian corporate I.Ps it must be under H.R regulation to be “inclusive”, whatever “inclusive” actually impose to means.

That so great about vague words, they could mean whatever the powers at be want them to be.

with the release of Marvel’s the Avengers, the year 2012AD was pronounce as the year when “Nerd Culture Become mainstream”.

As stated in the classic film Man In Black “A person is based, but people are cringe”.

What in the fuck am I reading.

As “Nerd” stuff take took-over the Hot Topics, and began to inflect all those other mall stores,

Guys please read this, it's amazing.

1776ReasonsWhy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in Portland, but it's because of family obligations. pls no bully. ;_; I just don't want to abandon my mom in her current Biden-adjacent stage of life, but I may have to make a very dark choice between keeping her company at end-of-life and seeking shelter from a coming storm in a safer environment, family ties be damned.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had a thought, and it's mostly dramatic postulation; incapacitate Biden and use a bunch of in-house deepfakes to make it seem like he's still active as they find his replacement, then also fake Biden ceding his position as top Democrat to whoever that is.

We've seen the way his handlers shepherd him around already, and if it comes down to potentially losing their power because Biden is too ineffectual, to what depths would they not stoop to maintain it? I've never seen Democrats so publicly on the backfoot.

1776ReasonsWhy 10 points ago +10 / -0

I see the date in the corner from "Quinnipiac poll, January 31" of this year. Do you think women are honest enough to shift after the abysmal debate performance?

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

He is supposed to look like the hunch-backed gorilla pet of the other two?

1776ReasonsWhy 1 point ago +1 / -0

They would have to be weird Lefties screeching about it because no one who would usually be smeared for talking about DEW's would need to mention them. Biden is just old as fuck and falling apart. Is nature and life itself now a Far Right Conspiracy Theory?

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I looked at a man posting on reddit!

They may well be sourcing comments posted by bots, and basically none of their data is actually coming from a real human being in the first place. A real live Stand Alone Complex.

1776ReasonsWhy 27 points ago +27 / -0

"Harry Sisson... is subtly advocating for political violence."

Motherfucker, that's as open and brazen as it gets. How long until major Democrat politicians are just repeat-tweeting "KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM" over and over?

1776ReasonsWhy 38 points ago +40 / -2

My pattern recognition is tingling, but it would be...

Rolls dice

...racist for me to acknowledge it, with a bonus +2 to antisemitic.

1776ReasonsWhy 42 points ago +42 / -0

A bit over a decade ago we started pulling on the thread that was an annoying woman with a big nose who was crying about video games being sexist, and now we've unraveled a blanket the size of a global conspiracy to subvert representative governments and control them through gay race communism, corporate cronyism, and identity politics.

Video game subjects still crop up, but they are not the entirety of our discussions.

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just as God breathed life into Adam through his nostrils, someone somewhere breathed Pure Leftist Ideology into this woman's asshole to create her.

1776ReasonsWhy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do recognize this, but I must maintain thinking at the level of this braindead normie who could not possibly conceive of Joe being a puppet and not having a hand in anything happening in his administration without his knowledge or go-ahead. He would never, in his twisted and broken life, give Trump any benefit of the doubt that he was fine but his administration were the bad guys. It would be broad brushstrokes all the way down.

1776ReasonsWhy 26 points ago +26 / -0

Joe Biden is totally neutral on trannies which is why he broadcast their flag onto the White House and hires as many of them into his cabinet as he can get away with. I can just take the 100% opposite stance on anything Democrats believe and I bet it would be a more reliable description of reality than trying to figure it out myself.

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

blax womxn with retard afro


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