After Oct 7 I got tired of the constant derangement syndrome, and saw right through the lot of them. Total 180 from "facts don't care about your feelings"
Reeeeeeee babies! Reee burned babies! Reeee terrerists Reeeeeeee right to exist Reeeeeeee beheaded babies Reeeeeeee~eeeeeeee insert everything about muh poor jews reeeeeeeeeeeee
Sorry bros, I was with you because Im tired of the tribalism. But you're just against it because it's not your tribalism.
And being stuck in the same Boomer ideological rut that has done nothing but degrade this country for generations while offering zero solutions to the problems it nurtured and encouraged at every single turn.
Anyone who's carrying the banner of tradition but isn't advocating for the abolition of women's rights and civil rights at this stage of the game is not a serious person and should be openly mocked and derided as nothing more than a living caricature.
They've made three movies I can think of, off the top of my head. And did they ever make that Brett Cooper Snow White? They had the school shooter movie, the Gina Carano western, the tranny basketball movie. I'm not saying they are Warner Brothers but they've made movies
I find him to be a mixed bag. Sometimes he has great takes and but at times he got godawful shitty take. We'll see if he was given a omitted script or is he expressing his true opinions.
What's kinda funny about this is that unlike the daily wire, rebel media is very sturdy due to all the donations they get for their legal battles, and could theoretically flee to the US before they get apple daily'ed.
Note: Apple daily is a hong kong news company that owned Next Media/tomo, and are now defunct due to PRC interference which includes the wrongful conviction of it's owner for offending the government.
I feel like Michael Knowles is similar to Walsh he’s just better at hiding it. I think they both hide their power level because they want to get that bag. Once DW goes down they will pull a Tucker or Candace.
Please Lord, I don't ask for much, but please dunk on Shapiro and Boering because it would be so funny
Walsh is the only one I listen to anymore.
After Oct 7 I got tired of the constant derangement syndrome, and saw right through the lot of them. Total 180 from "facts don't care about your feelings"
Reeeeeeee babies! Reee burned babies! Reeee terrerists Reeeeeeee right to exist Reeeeeeee beheaded babies Reeeeeeee~eeeeeeee insert everything about muh poor jews reeeeeeeeeeeee
Sorry bros, I was with you because Im tired of the tribalism. But you're just against it because it's not your tribalism.
If you disagree with anything they say you are antisemitic. Hmm... remind you of any other group that doesn't like arguing with facts?
Who ever hated tribalism?
That's like saying you hate football teams. No. You just hate when your football team loses.
I just want a good, clean race war. May the better race win!
Let's go! I want to hear Walsh when he's obviously not self censoring because of the DW
And attacking video games and anime, thereby ruining any momentum the Right has with young men.
Yeah, I don't see why anyone would expect anything different. If Walsh had principles he would have left.
And being stuck in the same Boomer ideological rut that has done nothing but degrade this country for generations while offering zero solutions to the problems it nurtured and encouraged at every single turn.
Anyone who's carrying the banner of tradition but isn't advocating for the abolition of women's rights and civil rights at this stage of the game is not a serious person and should be openly mocked and derided as nothing more than a living caricature.
I love how yall whine about that but he says plenty of things sympathetic to single men as well. It's like yall choose selective outrage
Yes because he is usually trying to lure them back into the "dance for woman, don't enjoy anything in life otherwise" cycle.
Its why he hates any hobbies single men have that aren't meant to attract women, like anime and video games.
I'd like to think I'm openminded to that. Do you have some examples? Being serious.
What's DW? It's DZ ... Daily Zionist.
The guy in the video says making a movie is different from filming content.
But Daily Wire has made movies. Suggesting they were unaware of the difficulties isn't a fair statement
No he says that about making a "Hollywood movie".
Daily Wire's most expensive movie was like $3 million to follow Walsh around with an iphone or whatever. That's independent or arthouse level.
Maybe too pedantic for this gossip report, but I think the mustache guy knows they made some small-time movies.
Likely an issue of scale, but I take your point.
Lady Ballers, the one with Gina Carano in the Western, a couple of Matt Walsh parody documentaries.
These were all relatively low budget fare compared to something like a series adaptation with a quarter of a capeshit movie outlay.
Filming a documentary is different than a motion picture.
They've made three movies I can think of, off the top of my head. And did they ever make that Brett Cooper Snow White? They had the school shooter movie, the Gina Carano western, the tranny basketball movie. I'm not saying they are Warner Brothers but they've made movies
I didn't know about any of those movies aside from snow white which got canned because of their falling out with Brett Cooper.
Okay but you being unaware doesn't make them any less real.
the school shooting one they distributed but didn't produce, the western and the child molestor horror movie i think they did produce
I find him to be a mixed bag. Sometimes he has great takes and but at times he got godawful shitty take. We'll see if he was given a omitted script or is he expressing his true opinions.
Agreed. He shits on anime for no reason. Just cartoons equal bad. So is non motion art also bad if it's not adhering to strict realism?
Isn't he kind of a shill for Jews, too?
It's Ian Carroll.
He went viral for conspiracy stuff from a centrist/leftist POV over the last year or two on Tiktok and X.
He also had a recent Rogan appearance where he talked a little bit about Jews to normies and the usual suspects lost their minds.
I've seen his vids reposted and I've heard of Ian Carroll and it wasn't until your comment I realized they are the same person.
I discovered him about a year ago on Twitter when hoe_math said "If I disappear for any reason, follow this guy in my absence".
I personally don't pay attention to Ian anymore.
I did for awhile. I don't really have any ideological issue with him.
His content style just didn't jive with me. Lots of flash and innuendo, but all over the place.
Oooh, tasty drama!
What's kinda funny about this is that unlike the daily wire, rebel media is very sturdy due to all the donations they get for their legal battles, and could theoretically flee to the US before they get apple daily'ed.
Note: Apple daily is a hong kong news company that owned Next Media/tomo, and are now defunct due to PRC interference which includes the wrongful conviction of it's owner for offending the government.
I guess they are Daily Wireless now.
I feel like Michael Knowles is similar to Walsh he’s just better at hiding it. I think they both hide their power level because they want to get that bag. Once DW goes down they will pull a Tucker or Candace.
In not so surprising news, Ben Shapiro announces he now has full control over the Daily Wire as he is the New CEO.
I have a feeling Matt likes being cucked. He'll find a new master.