It's been a long time now of watching instantly deleted handshake comments and going to the mod logs and seeing dozens or hundreds of what look like mostly reasonable comments auto-deleted in the week(s) since Dom was last active.
I know things were set up extra draconian to deter a certain child bride and gore themed obsessive trolling campaign, but I haven't seen them caught in the net in a long time. All I'm seeing are tens of fresh users getting sandbagged for weeks and never coming back.
It might be time to try loosening the muzzle a bit?
Too bad. I’m happy I don’t have to interact with pedojeets.
Me too, but if we can tune down the collateral without letting it in that'd be better.
There's no good filter setting that runs automatically without intervention. You just need an active mod who reviews the logs and can "unban" legit users right away.
u/GangstaTrump below looks like a reasonable poster who didn't even know his comments were being hidden.
Unfortunately we're stuck with dom instead.
I wonder if this is why pedojeet is here, to destroy engagement by forcing such aggressive filters that we stop getting legit new posters? Did anyone else notice he disappeared for a few weeks after USAIDs funds were cut?
Ok, now it's just fucking weird that you turn up exactly now after days of being autofiltered.
You spoke of the devil.
Who is that alonefag? Looks like a moron, so blocked like so many others.
Everyone who’s dot.
I'm almost suspicious of new users coming here in the first place. We are kind of tucked away pretty well from being casually found.
Which means its usually with purpose, and almost certainly not a good one for anyone. Whether that's Jeet spam or people trying to push an agenda with little care to actually engage the community besides.
I don't think there is a good answer to the autofiltering balance, such as there was never a good answer to the moderation problem short of having at least one mod always online skulking around to whack a mole by hand.
It doesn't help that we only have a single mod who's a power-tripping faggot who refuses to relinquish his fiefdom, often to the active detriment of this community as evidenced by the pajeet infestation we suffered.
I think one of the reasons why the automod is so strict is because people complained that he wasn't doing enough work and that's why the pajeet was able to run so rampant.
I don't like most of Dom's actions, especially in recent years, but its as I said. There is no good answer to the moderation problem because everybody thinks they know how it should work and that way will infuriate someone else.
Does anyone still use the reddit sub?I got ip banned for bullying a pedo
LiveFree's right. I checked a few weeks ago for the first time in years and saw someone make a post complaining about something woke in a game and they got massively downvoted and shit on in the comments. That sub has completely lost its identity.
I stopped lurking there years ago soon as I saw a .win domain for KIA, and never looked back. As you've now discovered, the sub is for trannies and faggots, like all of Reddit.
The KIA2 one? No I stopped posting there when it became spammed by that one Brazillian (Silver777? something like that) posting the same ugly red hair girl's clickbait for 50% of the posts, and anything besides agreeing with everyone on the common narrative would just cause them to dogpile you with the dumbest responses around. Its also basically dead now because all the fun posters came here, while the Leftie types fucked off back to KIA1.
KIA1 has all the same problems it always has and I only go there to read the news sometimes because its an okay aggregate.
Dude is either that red headed chick or just the biggest simp
I looked as his profile once, to see if it was a pure shill.
Every single thing he posts is in Portuguese on Brazilian forums. He only uses English in the titles posting it on KIA2 and rarely a few other places. I don't think he has ever even posted in his own threads, so its purely dropping her videos and leaving.
So its almost certainly a 3rd world monkey she is paying to shill her videos elsewhere.
Its a double edged sword because the filters deter the jeet from making infinite alts, but at the same time actually prevents new users from coming in (KIA2 barely breaks a 100 active users per day)
Do they? I haven't paid the closet attention, but I don't recall ever seeing him getting filtered. It's other potentially genuine people who get caught. Interestingly, as far as I can tell, he stopped around the time filters got ridiculously strict. Now, maybe he'd come back without the filters, I don't know, but it's not him getting caught, and hasn't been since the beginning. Again, as far as I can tell.
Maybe he got what he wanted? I still see him jeeting up other boards.
You don't see any flaw in these statements? :D
Either you're wrong and you just didn't notice his new alts because he didn't bring up Brooke Shields before getting filtered, or you're right and he stopped posting because the filter slowed him down. (which is all Knight_Of_Saint_John claimed)
He's still spamming Memes so he isn't gone.
There should be an option to let us disable moderation and see (and interact) with all without having to browse the mod logs.
The more fragile souls among us can keep the bubble wrapped safe space option enabled by default.
I suspect that the place would immediately be drown under a torrent of stormfag wannabees calling for genocide for the Jews.
At that point the potential new members would drop to zero.
Sounds like DoM got his USAID funding cut. No loss there, or with the invaders getting stopped.
I tried making a post a while back, but Dom said that it wasn't visible to others, lol. I just lurk so I don't care, but I guess if all new comments are blocked, at that point you guys should just have a private community somewhere else.
Seems like a pretty easy tradeoff -- don't allow posts for brand new users, but do allow comments. Maybe with a daily limit or something that gets larger based on not getting downvoted into oblivion.
Then do the same thing for posts; after a month of not being an idiot in comments, give someone a chance to not be an idiot in posts as well. And make the flag easily reset-able if someone chooses to be an idiot.
Blanket comment deletions are stupid.
New users are faggots come to pollute our community.
Fuck 'em.
Yeah, you faggots are alright. But some of the missing comments look pretty decent sometimes too.
Listen, I'm just saying that if you don't gatekeep then your community goes to shit.
I get it, and 100% true. But it's a gate so you can still occasionally let the good ones in, otherwise you're just walled off. Which isn't always a bad thing either, if the freak tide is too high, sealing off is better than being flooded.
Just keeping an eye on the balance
This, exactly this.
Any board gradually loses users over time, new users keep the place alive. Gatekeeping is important, but you can't just close it entirely, that strangles and slowly kills the community.
Eh, he's probably getting beaten up in some black site for 'humiliating the WEF'.