GangstaTrump 12 points ago +12 / -0

The fear is a least a little justified because thanks to feminism women seem to be ruder in general when they reject, or you run the risk of being accused of sexual harassment. If you are in college or the workplace, this is pretty much a death sentence for a man.

There's also that if you are an average or ugly guy and get rejected over and over again with no real success beyond one date for a girl, eventually that guy will say, "Why bother?" and could be working on personal improvement... or playing video games.

GangstaTrump 6 points ago +6 / -0

I guess I'm in the MGTOW camp too, though I'm fat so I don't qualify for the men described in your post, lol. (This is my fault and I know I need to change it.)

I've not completely "dropped out" since I'm working on a doctorate, but I definitely have no desire to "do anything" in the sense of having a real career. As long as I have a stable job and can make 50K a year, I will be completely content with that until I die.

To me, this society isn't really worth participating in except to care for my family as they grow old and guide the people I meet to Christ. I know the latter sounds cringe, but I think for me personally, that's the only thing I can do to help this society actually be worth living in.