It's one of those things where they don't even need to have agreed a story before hand, you can guarantee that every single one of the attackers will have immediately tried to make that claim by default.
You have to admit though. Any white people who live in Baltimore and have kids is fucking retarded though. If you have a white kid, why would you subject him or her to living in a place that is mostly black people and a ghetto? A lot of people are too stupid to be parents.
An armed society is a polite society. Too many faggots have forgotten this. Weak men and fatherless women pretend to be socially conscious and responsible adults, but aren't willing to actually put in the work to protect themselves or others.
Ye better start believin’ in race wars…
A war where only one side fights isn't a war. It's a massacre.
There is more than one side fighting. Rule16s, pajeets, spics, and chinks are all fighting too. And they are all fighting against us.
Funny how there's one group you can't even speak of negatively, but implying they have disproportionate power and influence is a "conspiracy theory"
Not a massacre, it's a genocide.
Genocide even.
...Cause yer in one!
And start getting more racist.
The police are busy trying to prove this evil cracka called one of them a nigger.
It's one of those things where they don't even need to have agreed a story before hand, you can guarantee that every single one of the attackers will have immediately tried to make that claim by default.
You not seeing race vs. race seeing you.
Total Nigger Death, etc.
Not the first time that has happened, and not even really that unusual.
It will continue until the blowback instils utter fear into feral dindus.
Equity is why they can get away with it. No more equality.. its where "its [D]ifferent" comes from.
You have to admit though. Any white people who live in Baltimore and have kids is fucking retarded though. If you have a white kid, why would you subject him or her to living in a place that is mostly black people and a ghetto? A lot of people are too stupid to be parents.
If they leave, its white flight.
If they stay, its gentrification.
The list goes on.
Haven't there been numerous articles to the tune of "if you're white, the only way to be truly non-racist is not have kids and then die" ?
Sounds like it's time to look into being racist.
It’s possible they’re priced out of moving, or need to stay there for work.
Teens strike again.
Remember this when the online Nudge units tell you that leftists don't want to kill you.
The trick is to grab an attacker's leg and slash through the tendons on the ankle.
The trick is to put them down permanently the first time. They fuck around, shoot them.
An armed society is a polite society. Too many faggots have forgotten this. Weak men and fatherless women pretend to be socially conscious and responsible adults, but aren't willing to actually put in the work to protect themselves or others.
Many are actively on the side of the attackers. White self-hatred is a disease.
White, male, american, western, christian - all terms that have been poisoned by decades of communists working through media and the education system.
This pisses me off.
Hitting someone who's already down is attempted murder in many jurisdictions.
Oink oink goes the pig.
Sounds like those police need some corrective education and their wages suspended until they change their minds.
Thr police is just another enemy
This is hard to watch 😮💨
Where do I get a hunting license for this?
Baltimore; from baltic/balta - "white"...
Niggers are the same everywhere.
When I saw this was from Alex Jones I assumed the victim was either jewish or black.