They wrote all that just to make the "its racist if the victim is black, even if nothing else changes." They are so deep into their double think they cannot even budge from that rigid thinking.
Its really funny how they are so deep in their own bigotry that they keep comparing Snape to every single boogeyman they can think of, and its only suddenly a problem if he is black because they can't fathom a nigger being a wrongthinker.
Also, I really like how they spend a paragraph hyping James up as this heroic hero hero who is just so great and progressive. And then spends the three after pointing out he was a literal piece of shit to a point where it would be considering comically over the top in an after school special.
Its such a perfect example of how something that most people consider pretty evil (absurdly violent and cruel bullying) can be handwaved away if you like the person and they adopt good Leftie politics.
God, they're so delusional. They live in a fantasy world where all the forces of good (and every fictional character by which they define it) is 100% on the side of transgenderism and wouldn't even find them the slightest bit inappropriate. It's an absurd cope.
Saw someone say “Harry is gonna think the black guy is pure evil when they first meet, until he realizes the guy in the turban is the real bad guy.” So the politics suck all around.
Also...fuck Reddit:
Yeah, I can't think of a worse character to raceswap than Snape. The way James treats him is already a point of contention in the fandom. And I'm sure all the people who think Harry is a asshole jock who wants to be a cop will love the fact he now hates his black teacher.
Yeah because when I think of 4v1 beatdowns in school, I think of all those stories about negroes getting picked on. Oh wait, a couple years ago a kid who went to the high school near my house was savagely stomped to death by like twenty nigs.
They wrote all that just to make the "its racist if the victim is black, even if nothing else changes." They are so deep into their double think they cannot even budge from that rigid thinking.
Its really funny how they are so deep in their own bigotry that they keep comparing Snape to every single boogeyman they can think of, and its only suddenly a problem if he is black because they can't fathom a nigger being a wrongthinker.
Also, I really like how they spend a paragraph hyping James up as this heroic hero hero who is just so great and progressive. And then spends the three after pointing out he was a literal piece of shit to a point where it would be considering comically over the top in an after school special.
Its such a perfect example of how something that most people consider pretty evil (absurdly violent and cruel bullying) can be handwaved away if you like the person and they adopt good Leftie politics.
God, they're so delusional. They live in a fantasy world where all the forces of good (and every fictional character by which they define it) is 100% on the side of transgenderism and wouldn't even find them the slightest bit inappropriate. It's an absurd cope.
What did the OP mean by this?
OP was the shooter.
The left can’t meme.
TLDR; it's bad because it makes a black guy look like a pussy who gets beat up by a popular white guy.
And here I thought they liked subverting expectations.
Also...fuck Reddit:
You fuckin' what, mate?
Cry harder.
Where did this lore come from? Did they want Snape to be likeable (to modern audiences) or not?
This gives me an idea
That it's time to push new horizons for diversity and let a black man play Hitler?
Nah I made a post
I'm still waiting for a black Buffy.
The Young Turks don't want one but what do they know, genocidal maniacs!
Ah yes CharacterRant, where people go to participate in the delusion that they know something about writing.
Yeah because when I think of 4v1 beatdowns in school, I think of all those stories about negroes getting picked on. Oh wait, a couple years ago a kid who went to the high school near my house was savagely stomped to death by like twenty nigs.
Mall shooting lol...guaranteed hoodrat
I wonder what stance just kidding is going to speak out for in this, but she'll likely mysteriously become a deaf-mute on the matter.
This is going to be hilarious and amazing to watch. The pearl clutching by the HP fans. Not the show itself.
Make Hermione a 'gender non-conforming non-binary feminist' (read: closeted lesbian). It'll be hilarious.
I believe that's part of the point.
Change Snape to a black guy, then claim JK is racist because the white guys bully him.