They wrote all that just to make the "its racist if the victim is black, even if nothing else changes." They are so deep into their double think they cannot even budge from that rigid thinking.
Its really funny how they are so deep in their own bigotry that they keep comparing Snape to every single boogeyman they can think of, and its only suddenly a problem if he is black because they can't fathom a nigger being a wrongthinker.
Also, I really like how they spend a paragraph hyping James up as this heroic hero hero who is just so great and progressive. And then spends the three after pointing out he was a literal piece of shit to a point where it would be considering comically over the top in an after school special.
Its such a perfect example of how something that most people consider pretty evil (absurdly violent and cruel bullying) can be handwaved away if you like the person and they adopt good Leftie politics.
They wrote all that just to make the "its racist if the victim is black, even if nothing else changes." They are so deep into their double think they cannot even budge from that rigid thinking.
Its really funny how they are so deep in their own bigotry that they keep comparing Snape to every single boogeyman they can think of, and its only suddenly a problem if he is black because they can't fathom a nigger being a wrongthinker.
Also, I really like how they spend a paragraph hyping James up as this heroic hero hero who is just so great and progressive. And then spends the three after pointing out he was a literal piece of shit to a point where it would be considering comically over the top in an after school special.
Its such a perfect example of how something that most people consider pretty evil (absurdly violent and cruel bullying) can be handwaved away if you like the person and they adopt good Leftie politics.