And syrup can be boiled down from any hardwood sap. So even if there is a maple shortage, it'll create an opening to sell walnut, hickory, etc syrups, which are also delicious.
There's a small cottage industry making the stuff, but they aren't big enough to get on grocery store shelves most places. Instead they sell through their own website or Amazon.
Either way, searching on hickory syrup in your search engine of choice gives you a few options. And also recipes, in case you have access to some good sized trees and want to try DIYing it next winter.
Vermont maple syrup is also a thing. At the stores I shop at it's a complete toss up if the maple syrup stocked is from Vermont or Canada. I'm sure we can get by with domestic syrup.
I can assure you Québec has no intention to cut our lucrative power exports to the North-Eastern USA.
Hydro-Québec is not under federal jurisdiction and the federal government would be looking for a constitutional crisis if it stepped-in to tell us what to do with our own Québec state monopoly.
It might get waved around as a fake negociation strategy, but we desperately need your billions since we never got a real good DOGE clean-up of our government corruption.
The public comission on corruption in government construction contracts didn't actually fix the problems. The liberals in the government system simply deliberately registered the ''extras'' apart from the main contract so that FOI requests wouldn't return those juicy budget overspendings.
It's a forced thing here. Our press follows his Conservative Party rival around, listens to his press conferences, and redirects to whether or not Canadians should be booing Americans. Trudeau's handlers see this as their shot at holding onto power and actually want a trade war.
There's also zero uniparty daylight between any of the federal or provincial politicians on what the response should be to Trump’s tariff threats (other than Alberta Premier Danielle Smith who is trying to keep oil exports flowing & Max Bernier who has no representation).
It's just like COVID, Ukraine, the US election coverage, etc.
Much like Americans, Canadians are some of the most propagandized people on Earth.
Poor Canadians got triggered when they realized they weren’t anything but a low tier US state we allow to exist. Don’t worry, we’ll let you keep your flag when you become a us territory, the French fags in Quebec are going to start learning English though.
This is the most obvious play for attention possible and the sad thing is that it's going to fucking work on every Canadian boomer, ensuring the Liberals will have another term.
Oh NOW Canadians care about national sovereingty and identity. This might actually move me, if this wasn't all performative to appease their DNC masters and they weren't being openly and enthusiastically colonised by India.
"Change their spending habits"
80-90% of their population lives within 50 miles of the US border. They simply don't exist as a viable country without us.
Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, and Michiganders are incapable of having an economy without Canada!
We're not really sure, so we'll just say it with confidence and that will make it more true!
(no one will notice, the midwest already makes it's own maple syrup)
It's from the same species of trees in the same climate... which is why the idea that we can't get syrup is hilariously dumb.
And syrup can be boiled down from any hardwood sap. So even if there is a maple shortage, it'll create an opening to sell walnut, hickory, etc syrups, which are also delicious.
I did not know this, but it makes sense. How may I go about getting some?
There's a small cottage industry making the stuff, but they aren't big enough to get on grocery store shelves most places. Instead they sell through their own website or Amazon.
Either way, searching on hickory syrup in your search engine of choice gives you a few options. And also recipes, in case you have access to some good sized trees and want to try DIYing it next winter.
Vermont maple syrup is also a thing. At the stores I shop at it's a complete toss up if the maple syrup stocked is from Vermont or Canada. I'm sure we can get by with domestic syrup.
Agreed. My problem is that Vermont is about as Leftwing as Canada thanks to shithole liberal cities.
See this is what happens when you base your identity on 'I'm not them' than actual history, tradition or values.
You end up with idiots like charge...
More than half of the reason people voted for Trudeau in the first place was "he isn't Harper."
Like, that's been a problem for them even pre-TDS.
Canada needs another Luis Riel, otherwise, it might end up being led by people like Luis Riel.
That was the least convincing "we're gonna win" I've ever seen in my life.
"We'll cut power"
Well, I guess all those West Virginia coal miners who never learned to code are getting over-time pay for out coal power plants then.
Shut up you Leftist faggots.
I can assure you Québec has no intention to cut our lucrative power exports to the North-Eastern USA.
Hydro-Québec is not under federal jurisdiction and the federal government would be looking for a constitutional crisis if it stepped-in to tell us what to do with our own Québec state monopoly.
It might get waved around as a fake negociation strategy, but we desperately need your billions since we never got a real good DOGE clean-up of our government corruption.
The public comission on corruption in government construction contracts didn't actually fix the problems. The liberals in the government system simply deliberately registered the ''extras'' apart from the main contract so that FOI requests wouldn't return those juicy budget overspendings.
Ah yes, I forgot the Quebeckers and their ravenous semi-autonomy.
Quebec could use with a proper DOGE style clean up, but they'd have to stop voting for Leftists.
It's a forced thing here. Our press follows his Conservative Party rival around, listens to his press conferences, and redirects to whether or not Canadians should be booing Americans. Trudeau's handlers see this as their shot at holding onto power and actually want a trade war.
There's also zero uniparty daylight between any of the federal or provincial politicians on what the response should be to Trump’s tariff threats (other than Alberta Premier Danielle Smith who is trying to keep oil exports flowing & Max Bernier who has no representation).
It's just like COVID, Ukraine, the US election coverage, etc.
Much like Americans, Canadians are some of the most propagandized people on Earth.
But unlike Americans, Canadians actually believe it.
All you have to say is, "But US bad!" and Canadians will follow your directions into a spinning turbine.
Youtube is swarmed with Liberal party advertisements so bad they can't make Poilievre sound worse that Trudeau.
''Oh no, Poilievre said the system is broken, Trump said that too, ORANGE MAN BAD, VOTE FOR LIBERALS.''
Poor Canadians got triggered when they realized they weren’t anything but a low tier US state we allow to exist. Don’t worry, we’ll let you keep your flag when you become a us territory, the French fags in Quebec are going to start learning English though.
"Your boos means nothing, I have seen what made you cheer"
Hah, gaaaay!
This is the most obvious play for attention possible and the sad thing is that it's going to fucking work on every Canadian boomer, ensuring the Liberals will have another term.
Don't do it Trudeau. If you boo them they win!
communists aren't good leaders. They're fantastic rabble rousers, but terrible leaders.
Oh NOW Canadians care about national sovereingty and identity. This might actually move me, if this wasn't all performative to appease their DNC masters and they weren't being openly and enthusiastically colonised by India.