honestly, I support this. A school shouldn't give you a diploma if you don't meet the standards for it.
The only thing is: what damages can she possibly be expected to be awarded? The school is likely a public school so its not like she paid to attend. If anything its the DoE that should be paid damages. Or the city.
While I am loathe to defend a nog, minors aren't 100% legally responsible for their actions (its why we separate them into their own category) and its often on the authority figures in charge to actually force them into actions for their own good.
Now we know nigs are basically impossible to actually teach or control in class, but that's why we shouldn't consider diplomas "a given" that every child must have and we can stop pretending "Everyone needs education."
Justice system needs a way to do punitive damages that don't all go to the plaintiff.
This kind of case should have to be a class action so it's at least split between all the kids that were given a pass - or really it should be all the kids in the school because everyone had their education impacted by classes with illiterate students in them.
I support this too, not because I think the school has any debt to her, but because I want schools to worry about the potential consequences of giving a free pass to barely-literate retards more than they worry about “being mean” by holding them back.
The school should lose the total cost of education of a student for 12 years.
Lawyers should get $0.
She should get $0.
The money should be distributed to the taxpayers proportioned by their local taxes paid over the last 12 years. Then the process should be repeated for every illiterate student they promoted.
The people did not get what they paid for. They should get a refund.
Because they took our tax money for 12+ years to clearly fake "educating" someone and tried to pass it off with a certificate that they were now "qualified" for basic things.
In another other industry that would be a huge fucking problem, regardless of how retarded the niggers are.
In another other industry that would be a huge fucking problem
Maybe 20 years ago but nowadays there are plenty of industries that operate like this. Jeets can get a CDL in a week without proper qualifications. Let's not even talk about colleges....
True, but most of the time we acknowledge those are huge fucking problems and people openly criticize it, even if we can't stamp it out to stop it, yet.
But schools are considered sacred and unquestioned so people just take it as a given that people must go to them, we must fund them, and children deserve to be there like its some privilege.
Right, she is the victim. Utterly powerless and without fault. Yep. Her parents were powerless too. In fact, it was obviously a conspiracy by everyone in the school district to do this to her. That's plausible.
Reminds me of the jew who left Orthodox judaism in Québec sued the government because they did nothing to ensure the children were educated, instead letting the cults operate ''schools'' where they learn the Torah, stop school early, and are incapable to function in society or even function in first grade of a normal higschool if they ever left the cult.
The government of Québec, like pretty much all Western governments, is terrified of being accused of antisemitism, so they let them do whatever the hell they want. This includes trafic violations, building code violations, and during CoViD, mandates violations. The guy who documented that was sued by Orthodox jews for harassment/hatespeech/whatever ( but he won ).
This is the problem. You're heavily pushed not to flunk kids who deserve flunking. Was quite surprised when I went to an american uni and there was quite a lot of blatant cheating going around and people who shouldn't have passed their courses passing. Probably way worse in high school and grade school especially with minorities cause they can just cry racism
What’s the solution then if we cant flunk them or pass them? Try and transfer them like japan and south korea do to problematic students? They’re still going to end up somewhere
puerto rico is a U.S. Territory. there's been talk of making them a state for years, decades really...
When Ortiz moved from Puerto Rico to Connecticut in first grade, she struggled with a language barrier compounded by a speech impediment, dyslexia, and ADHD.
honestly, I support this. A school shouldn't give you a diploma if you don't meet the standards for it.
The only thing is: what damages can she possibly be expected to be awarded? The school is likely a public school so its not like she paid to attend. If anything its the DoE that should be paid damages. Or the city.
It's not worth 3 million and how much of it is her own fault
While I am loathe to defend a nog, minors aren't 100% legally responsible for their actions (its why we separate them into their own category) and its often on the authority figures in charge to actually force them into actions for their own good.
Now we know nigs are basically impossible to actually teach or control in class, but that's why we shouldn't consider diplomas "a given" that every child must have and we can stop pretending "Everyone needs education."
beaner, not nog.
Anyway it's like suing the school for being short.
Can't help stupid.
Ah, that's what I get for making an assumption based on the title.
I think we all made that assumption, though.
Justice system needs a way to do punitive damages that don't all go to the plaintiff.
This kind of case should have to be a class action so it's at least split between all the kids that were given a pass - or really it should be all the kids in the school because everyone had their education impacted by classes with illiterate students in them.
I support this too, not because I think the school has any debt to her, but because I want schools to worry about the potential consequences of giving a free pass to barely-literate retards more than they worry about “being mean” by holding them back.
The city will wind up paying the judgment since the school system is part of the city government.
If they pay, it's a very expensive precedent to set.
How many more of them cant read and are therefore up for a $3M payout?
85% of urban blacks (which is most of them) are functionally illiterate.
It's a reality no one wants to confront.
They can barely speak in clear sentences, and forget about actual grammar. It's astonishing.
In a just world the school would be threatened with closure if their next graduating class can't even read their diploma.
Exactly. Whatever happened to flunking kids and holding them back a grade?
The school should lose the total cost of education of a student for 12 years.
Lawyers should get $0.
She should get $0.
The money should be distributed to the taxpayers proportioned by their local taxes paid over the last 12 years. Then the process should be repeated for every illiterate student they promoted.
The people did not get what they paid for. They should get a refund.
Because they took our tax money for 12+ years to clearly fake "educating" someone and tried to pass it off with a certificate that they were now "qualified" for basic things.
In another other industry that would be a huge fucking problem, regardless of how retarded the niggers are.
Maybe 20 years ago but nowadays there are plenty of industries that operate like this. Jeets can get a CDL in a week without proper qualifications. Let's not even talk about colleges....
True, but most of the time we acknowledge those are huge fucking problems and people openly criticize it, even if we can't stamp it out to stop it, yet.
But schools are considered sacred and unquestioned so people just take it as a given that people must go to them, we must fund them, and children deserve to be there like its some privilege.
Because they graduated her.
How can she sue if she can’t write her own name?
They let Maxine Waters into Congress. Anything is possible.
she can sign her X in front of a literate witness, ie: a friend or family member.
Right, she is the victim. Utterly powerless and without fault. Yep. Her parents were powerless too. In fact, it was obviously a conspiracy by everyone in the school district to do this to her. That's plausible.
Reminds me of the jew who left Orthodox judaism in Québec sued the government because they did nothing to ensure the children were educated, instead letting the cults operate ''schools'' where they learn the Torah, stop school early, and are incapable to function in society or even function in first grade of a normal higschool if they ever left the cult.
The government of Québec, like pretty much all Western governments, is terrified of being accused of antisemitism, so they let them do whatever the hell they want. This includes trafic violations, building code violations, and during CoViD, mandates violations. The guy who documented that was sued by Orthodox jews for harassment/hatespeech/whatever ( but he won ).
Demand a simple IQ test be done, lawsuit dismissed.
Why? If it's sub 80, it'll still prove they shouldnt have let her graduate
Hand in glove
She used up a spot in class and didn't learn, she's guilty of wasting taxpayer funds...
Contributory negligence - 100%.
This is the problem. You're heavily pushed not to flunk kids who deserve flunking. Was quite surprised when I went to an american uni and there was quite a lot of blatant cheating going around and people who shouldn't have passed their courses passing. Probably way worse in high school and grade school especially with minorities cause they can just cry racism
If we flunked kids who deserved flunking, high schools would be full of 14 year olds in the same classes as 22 year olds.
Which creates a whole different major problem I'm sure you can figure out regarding consent laws and trying to enforce them.
Maybe with that level of visibility we could start to address the racial elephant in the room.
What’s the solution then if we cant flunk them or pass them? Try and transfer them like japan and south korea do to problematic students? They’re still going to end up somewhere
I won't pretend I have a solution, as clearly every angle brings considerable issues.
We get it, get more material.
she was born in another country
puerto rico is a U.S. Territory. there's been talk of making them a state for years, decades really...
yeah, cause she blamed her language barrier as one of the reasons she never bothered to learn to read or write