I absolutely understand the value of a country being able to produce its own materials, but one thing I’ve always question is how many people, man or woman is actually willing to work these positions once they get back to the US.
Most of why they were outsourced is because corporations can pay (or not pay) people in third world countries much less than they can Americans, but how do you convince companies to open these mines and factories in the US, and how do you convince these companies to actually play their employees first world wages? A lot of the regulations we have in place in terms of operating mines is because of corporations cutting corners, intentionally hiding the health risks until they were unavoidable and similar actions, so it’s just something I honestly can’t wait to see how it actually comes into action.
How did this country work before the last 3/4 century of bullshit?
"Obviously it was off the backs of all those black slaves, you racist nazi chud bigot!"
volunteer? hardly anyone.
agree to work in exchange for wages? a whole lot!
It's like people have been conditioned to think increasing wages and creating efficiency is physically impossible.
We have an epidemic of people so disaffected they would rather shut down on fent just for a moment's reprieve from the hopelessness or beating each other into retardation on the street for a sense of purpose.
Manufacturing work might still not be for everyone, but for a whole lot of Americans it would be a huge upgrade.
As for how to keep wages competitive, tariffs are the most direct way. Doesn't matter if they only have to pay third world rates for third world performance, if they have to pay uncle Sam a fee for overlooking American workers, even multinationals will start to see the appeal of higher paid more consistent workers to produce locally for the American market. The only industries that won't work for are the rare few that don't have much of a domestic market to speak of.
Basically the culture has to change to where working a non-white collar job, can get you laid with the under-30 chick demographic. Right now, many jobs, no matter the pay, remain empty because men cannot get laid if they take them.
That is the true shadow economy. Chicks as a whole don't normally wife-up to dudes beneath their self perceived social caste or pay grade.
The gutting of DEI has made a huge step in that regard, as those were often jobs designed entirely for useless white women to be given a ridiculous wage for her skill/productivity. Which meant she was limited to the small amount of men who could beat her infinite grant/government money job.
DEI gutting is good but DEI isn't dead, not even close to dead. And it'll take another 10 years minimum to reverse the damage DEI has done to society. But I do agree with your optimism that eliminating the pork that funded DEI and made this worthless women get a job and think their "DEI director" job was a real job would do a good job of getting rid of these cunts.
Well of course its not dead, it can never die. As long as humans have instincts and we have a major political party unscrupulous enough to manipulate them, it'll always come back somehow.
The real third rail of politics right there.
Never thought of it that way but makes sense
Plumbers and electricians get bitches, bro. It’s the seemingly no skill construction jobs that just need some PR.
The handsome, owns-his-own-business, general contractor love interest is absolutely a female fantasy archetype.
I agree. There are exceptions. My niece married a plumber. I'm talking as a whole though.
I would certainly encourage my daughter to marry a tradesman. There's a lot to be said for guaranteed, long term, stable work, even if it's not glamorous.
And you KNOW if you're a woman your man will be able to fix shit. From a practical standpoint that's ez $$$$ saved.
You don't volunteer to do a job, you do it in exchange for money. The reason it got sent overseas was because foreign slave labor is cheaper than domestic labor and the people making the decisions are devoid of both morals and fear of reprisal for their betrayal. Cut off the supply of slave labor and the work still needs doing, suddenly it turns out there's money to pay people. That or your empire collapses because it was never financially viable to begin with.
Most of them aren't because they've given all their executives and top brass such ridiculous salaries and bonuses that the only way for their company to remain solvent is to pay those peanuts, because those guys will never vote to reduce their pay. If asked, they would golden parachute out and leave the company in shambles.
Miners make bank. Still.
Industrial workers can make bank.
This is an oversupply of cheap labor problem
Mining is still a white-dominated profession north of the border even with all the infinity Indians.
I think we could very well have an uptick in blue collar jobs, with guys like Mike Rowe going around promoting them and not shaming people for choosing them.
Great point. Have you seen his latest show called Story Behind the Story? The stigma with blue collar jobs needs to go. Nothing wrong with them. I guess part of it has to do with telling young people that college is the only path to success
Eliminating their slave labor is a big step. If they are interested in profit, the recent changes in policies have made it so that it can be potentially profitable for them to incentivize Citizens to work in these jobs. Given that they can no longer rely on the importation of slave labor, they will be forced to up the wages like in the first term when many businesses returned to the US and competed with each other for American labor, driving up starting wages.
Nearly every man in my family worked in the oilfield, most of them offshore or in the Middle East/Africa. They usually had a fucking line of guys out the door willing to work those jobs.
Anyone whose worked them can tell you its fucking grueling, dangerous work that expects you to have a short shelf life in it. Yet they never have any problem getting staffed. Because they paid good money for what they asked of you, enough that you would put yourself through hell willingly.
We shouldn't need to convince these companies to not outsource or import illegals they can pay like slaves. If they cannot pay competitive wages enough to attract employees they should go fucking bankrupt and drive up the demand on the product enough that a new company can afford to staff itself reliably to fulfill the market need. Illegals are fucking illegal already and outsourcing should be met with the necessary tariffs to balance them out.
We shouldn't need to treat companies like girlfriends we are convincing to give us a chance. We should be letting them rot until they play ball, because we don't owe them shit. And if they are willing to do so, then we let them be American institutions, with all the leniency that brings.
A few important distinctions:
Hard labour in United States will be significantly safer and potentially easier due to better equipment, regulations and standards.
You are going to want these jobs because they pay well. Part of the reason why there is a huge nursing shortage in Canada is because the pay is awful compared to a factory job. You can work 19 bucks an hour CAD to service 40 patients which often times means lifting 200 pounds every 10 minutes while lugging a cart that is around 300 pounds full of meds while at the same time dealing with angry patient families who think you are not giving good service (which you aren't because you have 40 patients) OR you can work in a mine doing similar back breaking labor and get paid 38 dollars CAD an hour. Even if I try to steelman the nursing position and say you are getting 32 dollars an hour (hospital wages) that's still lower than a mining job. You can't outsource nursing either but people don't want to work if they aren't getting paid properly. Mining jobs and factory jobs pay well.
US isn't Canada so it doesn't do stupid shit like freeze wages for extremely difficult jobs. The corps may be greedy but they still want the job done. You'll actually get benefits and have proper contracts that don't screw you out of benefits. At least I've not seen any real evidence that US resource extraction industry treats its workers like expendable trash.
Nursing as a profession has also been watered down by creating subclasses of credentials.
There are Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Personal Support Workers, etc.
Nursing homes in my jurisdiction are literally hiring FOBs off the street with zero credentials and placing them in care roles by pretending there is a labor shortage and refusing to pay even the lowest credentialed PSWs more than a buck or two above minimum wage.
What does FOB mean? Not familiar with that acronym.
Fresh Off the Boat
I don't know, how many homeless drug addicts on welfare do we need a work program for? Probably more than the shitty jobs available.
Wrong fucking word, idk why I put the word volunteer in the title, but you get the point
I need to correct you on one assumption. The government did not make the work place safer. The injury rate was declining at a certain percentage every year, then OSHA took over and that percentage stayed the same. Except that now companies needed to pay more and more money to jump through regulatory hoops, thus lowering wages companies could pay. This effected smaller companies much more.
This is why other countries can out compete us, an insane amount of red tape to operate a business.
If that shit pays good money, a lot.
There are men and boys out there looking for good work for good pay WITHOUT having to go to that college faggotry. The positions will be filled.