EXCLUSIVE: Wikipedia Effectively Blacklists ALL Right-Leaning Media; Smearing Trump, GOP and Conservatives
Hoping to avoid misinformation about President Donald Trump’s nominees and appointments on Wikipedia? Good luck. Wikipedia has designed a protocol that directly and unerringly produces the worst descriptions about conservatives and Republicans by virtually...
I saw what they were doing over a decade ago with muh "reliable sources" and checked out of participating in editing.
How many times do I need to tell you guys that Wikipedia' made the "Cyber Commandos" (yeah, that's what they call themselves) at the Jewish Internet Defense Force full-access mods?
Source: How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet
It's far more revealing what sites they do allow. They should be prosecuted for illegal in-kind campaign contributions to the Democrats and for election interference (assuming that is a crime when the alleged perp is not orange).
With all these site’s population going haywire on the same day USAID is becoming penniless, one has to ask: Were they always CIA psy-ops or did they get infested with their agents over time?
Wikipedia probably started out as a well intentioned tech libertarian project but had absolutely no anti-communist immune system.
Yes. Seems like some companies fall into A and others fall into B
I really hate titles like this, because it makes it sound like this is some shocking new change instead of the way its been for as long as I can remember.
So now I have no idea if this is an article by someone who only just started paying attention (and is therefore retarded) or clickbait trying to get me to sift through their editorial to figure out what has changed from the norm (probably not a lot, only more blatant now).
A lot of people woke up during Covid, so there's still a need for this sort of thing.
Also, people on the 'right' tend to have normal lives, so it's odd to them that there are armies of leftists who devote their entire lives to lying/prevaricating.
Wikipedia is and always has been a commie faggot operation.
Got completely taken over by the DNC and various relentless activist groups.
The problem, as with many such cases such as Reddit, is that no parallel economy alternatives have emerged to counter Wikipedia despite the editorial bias being known and obvious for years.
At least YT has flawed but available alternatives like Rumble & Odyssey.
I myself have to be careful not to Gell-Mann Amnesia myself on a regular basis because using Wikipedia as a first-hit online search encyclopedia answer for new concepts is just so damn convenient.
The problem is that they weren't even held to account under the current laws in various jurisdictions while being artificially funded at the same time.
my sides...