Its disgusting. No foreign aid, except to Jews. During inauguration a rabbi speaks first, kvetching about Israel.
The worst part of it all is realizing the right wing in this country sees nothing wrong with putting our country behind Jews because they have some brainwashed obsession with "Israel". Its sickening and traitorous. They'd rather support Israel than take care of our own.
Didn't Charlie Kirk recently, and adamantly, deny that Israel attacked the USS Liberty, claiming it was a "conspiracy theory" and not true? I saw a video of it about 1-2 weeks ago, where college students were asking him questions, and a few of them pressed him on his support for jews and Israel.
I am unsure. I have just noticed a shift with Charlie Kirk away from the mantra "Israel is our greatest ally," especially with a lack of motivation from him for an American military intervention in the Middle East after the Oct. 7 attack in Israel.
I thought for sure Oct. 7 would re-emerge a MIGA mentality from Kirk, but nothing of the sort happened.
That's probably because the openly satanic globalist world order is scared with how many people are waking up to their obvious evil. They're now trying to placate the masses by giving us a few small "wins" (pretending to back off of DEI, putting Trump in office, etc.), and backing off their overt subversion and destructive plans, in the hopes of stalling the exponential rise in noticing. They didn't have a change of heart. They just adjusted their plans to be more subtle (like they were in the 80s and 90s), while executing their plans more secretly.
The Israel and jew worshippers are similarly remaining quiet on those issues, because they know they no longer have the upper hand, and any mention of those topics results in more people getting red pilled. They didn't have a change of heart, either, and are just being quiet about those topics. Unless someone vocally and publicly tells why they had a change of heart, and acts in accordance to that change, they can't be trusted.
Zionists have done one helluva job getting Protestants to peddle "Christian Zionism" and the patently anti-Christian notion that Christians are here to serve at the feet of "God's Chosen."
Like, NO! Jesus didn't come here to make a tier of "second-class" servants for Jews. He came to fulfil the Law of Moses so that we can ALL be Saved and share in the Bounty of Heaven. Judaism is a dead religion.
"And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you." ~ Galatians 3:29
Those Baptized in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ are the New Israel, His Children. We are ALL heirs to God's Love and Favor!
What does America get from this supposed alliance with Israel?
From my perspective as a Canadian that also has to suffer politicians and journalists bloviate about how Israel is the greatest ally ever, it feels very one sided. Did Israel contribute a lot of soldiers, arms, or other aid during the Iraq war? How about Afghanistan? When has being allied to Israel ever benefitted us in the Christian West?
I know a certain sect of Christians are trying to "kickstart" the apocalypse. Which to me sounds kinda jewish behavior, trying to evoke God or trick him.
Protestant so-called "Christian Zionists." See my other post here in this thread. They're fucking nuts. Their "pastors" need to be mocked and resisted at ALL costs, and their victims need to be educated with REAL Scripture, beginning with Galatians 3:29.
Jesus didn't come to make a "second-class" tier of servants for Jews. He came to bring Salvation to all those who confess His Holy Name. "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Yes, even Jews are called to submit to Christ, and Christians are called to proclaim Him, not serve those who murdered Him.
Evangelical and "Christian" Zionists aren't Christians. I pray for God to smite their heretical asses. I agree they do act almost Hebraic when it comes to them trying to trick God into starting the Rapture. It's almost funny because were the Rapture to happen tomorrow I would bet money they would not get the reception by Christ they expect.
As you know, it never has. The shabbos goy puppets that screech "muh gratestest all-lie" never say what makes them that (because they know there is nothing, other than the scraps from their foul table that go in the puppet's pocket) and when asked directly they cry "muh auntie symitizmz"
To which I would respond "Yes, I hate kike parasites. Now answer the fucking question."
When they say "our greatest ally," the "our" doesn't refer to America. It refers to their own political circles. And they're a great campaign ally during elections.
Almost makes you wonder what it was that motivated Trump to sign an EO saying treason gets the death penalty. Guarantee you it wasnt for stuff like this...
Hmm. This could be an indication that Rubio is Israel's preferred candidate for the 2028 presidential election. Need to see how Israel treats JD Vance.
DISCLAIMER: Downvote campaign against me for my daring to argue that so-called "transwomen" are not women
You're responding to people who have an hard on for hating jews, regardless of reality. Nothing you can do or say will make them realize they're in a cult.
The down votes are hilarious, and nobody has disproven the point. Sure activates the almonds...
We don't hate Jews, we find their extremely disproportionate degrees of influence and wealth both suspicious and alarming. The fact you don't suggests you're mentally retarded.
Nah. You guys hate them and want them genocided. But saying it out loud makes you look even more retarded, so you never say it. At least some of you have the balls to admit it.
Nah. I don't, I just want their tendrils out of everyone else's business. Stop presuming what I think. You're not even smart enough to see what's directly in front of you, so you shouldn't trust yourself to make assumptions about others. Now piss off, you miserable cunt.
Gas them until not a one remains, as they've shown over thousands of years to be unable to not be a plague on whatever civilization they embed themselves in.
They are no more my buddy than you are, friend. This time tomorrow I'll be eating 40+ downvotes for calling them tryhards and insufferable, and be called the same names as you for doing so.
“White peoples who don’t submit to Jewish power are traitors to white nations and cultures, and they should go live in the Middle East with the rest of the people who won’t submit to Jewish power.”
Because if we all lived somewhere else, you would totally leave us alone, right?
Is anyone allowed to live in their own countries and govern themselves?
Yeah, if you all fucked off back to conpro and stayed there I'd be a lot happier. Or try to go to the middle east with your commie terrorist friends, and actually nut up. But you won't, because you're a giant pussy.
The “Judeo-Christian” psyop is the same as the MAGA+Israel psyop. They’ve made support for your own people contingent upon also supporting them. Anyone who suggests simply championing their own nation, culture, or faith and without supporting the diaspora nation of Israel is immediately branded a bigot. Logically, the definition of a bigot is “anyone who doesn’t put the interests of the Jewish ethnic demographic first”.
It's funny that "nationalism" only ever boils down to protecting your people and nationhood against subversive foreign influences - and every time it's just that one single group that takes issue with this.
Have you ever addressed the fact that Israel openly controls American government via AIPAC? They boast about this influence on social media for all to see, but we’re the conspiracy theorists for listening to them.
Its disgusting. No foreign aid, except to Jews. During inauguration a rabbi speaks first, kvetching about Israel.
The worst part of it all is realizing the right wing in this country sees nothing wrong with putting our country behind Jews because they have some brainwashed obsession with "Israel". Its sickening and traitorous. They'd rather support Israel than take care of our own.
The influence is diminishing. Even Charles (Charlie) Kirk of Turning Point is no longer a reliable supporter of them.
DISCLAIMER: Downvote campaign against me for my daring to argue that so-called "transwomen" are not women
Didn't Charlie Kirk recently, and adamantly, deny that Israel attacked the USS Liberty, claiming it was a "conspiracy theory" and not true? I saw a video of it about 1-2 weeks ago, where college students were asking him questions, and a few of them pressed him on his support for jews and Israel.
I am unsure. I have just noticed a shift with Charlie Kirk away from the mantra "Israel is our greatest ally," especially with a lack of motivation from him for an American military intervention in the Middle East after the Oct. 7 attack in Israel.
That's probably because the openly satanic globalist world order is scared with how many people are waking up to their obvious evil. They're now trying to placate the masses by giving us a few small "wins" (pretending to back off of DEI, putting Trump in office, etc.), and backing off their overt subversion and destructive plans, in the hopes of stalling the exponential rise in noticing. They didn't have a change of heart. They just adjusted their plans to be more subtle (like they were in the 80s and 90s), while executing their plans more secretly.
The Israel and jew worshippers are similarly remaining quiet on those issues, because they know they no longer have the upper hand, and any mention of those topics results in more people getting red pilled. They didn't have a change of heart, either, and are just being quiet about those topics. Unless someone vocally and publicly tells why they had a change of heart, and acts in accordance to that change, they can't be trusted.
You smell like a bot
I am not a bot.
That sounds exactly like something a chinese bot would say.
Prove you are not by reciting the following line:
Ching Chong Ding Dong Xi Jinping is big gay
Ching Chong Ding Dong Xi Jinping is big ga... FAILURE. FAILURE. ABORT. ABORT.
Just kidding. Here:
Ching Chong Ding Dong Xi Jinping is big gay.
He doesn't look at all like a bot.
What's with the weird disclaimer shit? Also he's patently wrong about Charlie kirk.
Zionists have done one helluva job getting Protestants to peddle "Christian Zionism" and the patently anti-Christian notion that Christians are here to serve at the feet of "God's Chosen."
Like, NO! Jesus didn't come here to make a tier of "second-class" servants for Jews. He came to fulfil the Law of Moses so that we can ALL be Saved and share in the Bounty of Heaven. Judaism is a dead religion.
Those Baptized in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ are the New Israel, His Children. We are ALL heirs to God's Love and Favor!
These mother fuckers man...
What does America get from this supposed alliance with Israel?
From my perspective as a Canadian that also has to suffer politicians and journalists bloviate about how Israel is the greatest ally ever, it feels very one sided. Did Israel contribute a lot of soldiers, arms, or other aid during the Iraq war? How about Afghanistan? When has being allied to Israel ever benefitted us in the Christian West?
I know a certain sect of Christians are trying to "kickstart" the apocalypse. Which to me sounds kinda jewish behavior, trying to evoke God or trick him.
Protestant so-called "Christian Zionists." See my other post here in this thread. They're fucking nuts. Their "pastors" need to be mocked and resisted at ALL costs, and their victims need to be educated with REAL Scripture, beginning with Galatians 3:29.
Jesus didn't come to make a "second-class" tier of servants for Jews. He came to bring Salvation to all those who confess His Holy Name. "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Yes, even Jews are called to submit to Christ, and Christians are called to proclaim Him, not serve those who murdered Him.
Evangelical and "Christian" Zionists aren't Christians. I pray for God to smite their heretical asses. I agree they do act almost Hebraic when it comes to them trying to trick God into starting the Rapture. It's almost funny because were the Rapture to happen tomorrow I would bet money they would not get the reception by Christ they expect.
As you know, it never has. The shabbos goy puppets that screech "muh gratestest all-lie" never say what makes them that (because they know there is nothing, other than the scraps from their foul table that go in the puppet's pocket) and when asked directly they cry "muh auntie symitizmz"
To which I would respond "Yes, I hate kike parasites. Now answer the fucking question."
I'm guessing there are Epstein vids on them
When they say "our greatest ally," the "our" doesn't refer to America. It refers to their own political circles. And they're a great campaign ally during elections.
Reporting in to the real boss
Almost makes you wonder what it was that motivated Trump to sign an EO saying treason gets the death penalty. Guarantee you it wasnt for stuff like this...
Its for Fauci and Obama, Q told me.
"Do nothing goy...I mean patriots. The good guys are in charge. Just watch your sports ball and vote harder."
He has also been talking about expanding the influence of State Department.
Checking in with his Jewish handlers
He may literally be.
Hmm. This could be an indication that Rubio is Israel's preferred candidate for the 2028 presidential election. Need to see how Israel treats JD Vance.
DISCLAIMER: Downvote campaign against me for my daring to argue that so-called "transwomen" are not women
Fuck off Rubio.
One day, you will all see why Israel has to be the last piece taken. No sooner.
Why? Is he making sure Isreal is keeping to the ceasefire? Why print he's calling Bibi but not the reason for it?
You mean to tell me that his first call was to one of three leaders in the world involved in wars that Trump said he would end?
There was a 33% chance it would be Bibi, Zelensky, or Vlad.
Lets not beat around the bush, we all know Little Marco wasnt calling Bibi to do anything other than offer to suck his mutilated dick.
You're responding to people who have an hard on for hating jews, regardless of reality. Nothing you can do or say will make them realize they're in a cult.
The down votes are hilarious, and nobody has disproven the point. Sure activates the almonds...
We don't hate Jews, we find their extremely disproportionate degrees of influence and wealth both suspicious and alarming. The fact you don't suggests you're mentally retarded.
Nah. You guys hate them and want them genocided. But saying it out loud makes you look even more retarded, so you never say it. At least some of you have the balls to admit it.
The rest of you are cuckolds.
Nah. I don't, I just want their tendrils out of everyone else's business. Stop presuming what I think. You're not even smart enough to see what's directly in front of you, so you shouldn't trust yourself to make assumptions about others. Now piss off, you miserable cunt.
it’s a mistake is try to reason with these jew faggots, it’s like arguing with a broken record, just tell them to fuck off and go along with your day
Fuck off back to conpro retard.
I'll say it.
Gas them until not a one remains, as they've shown over thousands of years to be unable to not be a plague on whatever civilization they embed themselves in.
There you go.
Thanks for being honest about it at least.
The rest of your buddies ate cuckolds though. Our tranny loving degenerates, based on how that seems to go.
They are no more my buddy than you are, friend. This time tomorrow I'll be eating 40+ downvotes for calling them tryhards and insufferable, and be called the same names as you for doing so.
I won't call you any of those things, but I think your comment was a bit dramatic.
fuck off back to israel faggot
I'm still not a jew, stormfag.
oh is that so? and you just happen to love playing white savior to jews on forums lol? yeah fuck off ya jewish faggot
No, I just hate you retards and wish you'd all fuck back off to the sand dunes with your commie terrorist friends.
“White peoples who don’t submit to Jewish power are traitors to white nations and cultures, and they should go live in the Middle East with the rest of the people who won’t submit to Jewish power.”
Because if we all lived somewhere else, you would totally leave us alone, right?
Is anyone allowed to live in their own countries and govern themselves?
Yeah, if you all fucked off back to conpro and stayed there I'd be a lot happier. Or try to go to the middle east with your commie terrorist friends, and actually nut up. But you won't, because you're a giant pussy.
We don't hate Jews, liar. We love America. That means resisting anyone -- ANYONE AT ALL -- who seeks to usurp and subjugate our country!
I swore to protect this nation from ALL enemies, "foreign and domestic." Part of that is calling out those enemies to deny them all cover.
The “Judeo-Christian” psyop is the same as the MAGA+Israel psyop. They’ve made support for your own people contingent upon also supporting them. Anyone who suggests simply championing their own nation, culture, or faith and without supporting the diaspora nation of Israel is immediately branded a bigot. Logically, the definition of a bigot is “anyone who doesn’t put the interests of the Jewish ethnic demographic first”.
Parasites gonna parasite. 🙄
It's funny that "nationalism" only ever boils down to protecting your people and nationhood against subversive foreign influences - and every time it's just that one single group that takes issue with this.
No, you just hate jews. We all know it. But the forum sliding has happened, and the destruction of a legitimate right ring space has happened again.
Have you ever addressed the fact that Israel openly controls American government via AIPAC? They boast about this influence on social media for all to see, but we’re the conspiracy theorists for listening to them.
I'm against all pacs, regardless of who funds them. Next question?