They are no more my buddy than you are, friend. This time tomorrow I'll be eating 40+ downvotes for calling them tryhards and insufferable, and be called the same names as you for doing so.
It was intentionally so just to provide no weasel room around "you didn't say X the right way" which both sides of this debate will default to when you confront them.
Thanks for being honest about it at least.
The rest of your buddies ate cuckolds though. Our tranny loving degenerates, based on how that seems to go.
They are no more my buddy than you are, friend. This time tomorrow I'll be eating 40+ downvotes for calling them tryhards and insufferable, and be called the same names as you for doing so.
I won't call you any of those things, but I think your comment was a bit dramatic.
It was intentionally so just to provide no weasel room around "you didn't say X the right way" which both sides of this debate will default to when you confront them.
Fair enough, my man.