The problem with 'incorporating diversity in a believable way' is that it comes after a wave of complete and utter hamfisted hostility, where diversity was crammed into every open orifice, and then some.
It's natural to have an instinctual reaction of disgust and revilement to more of the same. Even if it is at this point a more 'believable' version.
And the problem is that they’ve done it so openly and brazenly, with so much hate and animosity towards us that it’s “instinctual” now as you said.
I don’t want ANY chocolate faces in a game about medieval Europe, and I don’t want ANY fag bullshit either. I don’t give a single baker’s fuck how “tastefully” it’s done or how “actually there WERE gays back then, and many famous nig nobility and even a renowned samurai…🤪”
No. Fucking no.
I’m done. Make a medieval knight game or make Gay faggots of the Serengeti, you can’t have both anymore.
Personally, I've dealt with enough blacks and other forms of diversity in my daily life that I want escapism from that. Their very existence is something I want to forget in my entertainment if possible.
You should also check out the drainage wokeguard forums. It's a litany of people shitting on bioware and copium addicts desperately trying to defend them game and failing.
I'm holding out hope that the story critical faggot scene is Henry finds out the main antagonist has a male lover and you can use it against him, and that muslim physician is an ancillary character you can dispose of upon discovery. But yeah, I wasn't going to be buying the game on launch anyways. I only got the first one like a year after it came out, and I remember hearing how buggy it was.
Someone mentioned that they include some dialogue to flirt with same sex but that seems very much not something that would happen in any medieval setting.
I'm waiting for reviews. Glad I didn't preorder it.
Game will probably be really great they overworked the crime system quite a lot. But yeah I doubt putting that black guy and gay scene in was worth it... and I have the feeling lots of leftists jumped on the hatetrain too to see it fail.
Supposedly it's optional, and if you do venture down that path, it has been stated from the director "you'll likely experience a realistic response from other people in the game". Which may mean you'll get condemned and shunned for it. We will see.
Reality check will be a bittersweet affirmation of living your beautiful truth in spite of the haters, and a subtle message to the player to be thankful we live in more progressive times now. 🏳️🌈
Indiana johnes game was advertised by a lowT gender freak developer with a rainbow shirt but the game was good enough and free of woke shit.
Doubt. it just were not the same over the top as wolfenstein, which quite a easy bar to pass, and if such is your standards of failure , Do not fear the plan is to rollback the poison amount, until the propaganda unit deems proper once more to battery you into oblivion, there is no doubt of the endgame.
There is actions of vavra himself, that moves away from his modus operandi, and there is the fact on what happens when you sell out to a investment group. (Especially an investment group that proudly wears it doctrine)
Indiana johnes game was advertised by a lowT gender freak developer with a rainbow shirt but the game was good enough and free of woke shit.
And I still haven't bought it because of it and never will. I don't give money to people who spread the DEI cancer ever, even if their product is "good".
The reason the industry is as fucked as it is, is because the left will organize and refuse to financially support their enemies, while the right just bends over, spreads their cheeks, and invites their enemies to go balls deep. I am sick of you weak ass bitches destroying the things I love because you don't have the strength to resist a bit of FOMO. Get some fucking principles already.
Why do people even care? Just dont buy it. I was super excited about it (LOVED KCD), I found out the sequel would be trash, I won't be buying it. It will be another DA Failgard. End of the story.
I will however thank the company for being so open with their sequel game being woke trash. Saved me some time.
I don’t care who is moderating the steam board, the fact that Vavra and co is not giving a definitive answer on the black guy and the faggot shit in the game is the proof I need to know he has sold out like the spineless coward that he is.
the fact that Vavra and co is not giving a definitive answer
I initially was one of the people really pushing that those screenshots seemed fake and were probably a gayop.
But Vavra is incredibly online, has certainly seen them by now, and hasn't commented on them. Which can only mean they are likely true and he knows its going to go over poorly. Because if he was secure about it he'd champion it, and if it was fake he'd repeat what he did last time.
Sounds like someone's about to take a trip down Find Out lane...
The problem with 'incorporating diversity in a believable way' is that it comes after a wave of complete and utter hamfisted hostility, where diversity was crammed into every open orifice, and then some.
It's natural to have an instinctual reaction of disgust and revilement to more of the same. Even if it is at this point a more 'believable' version.
You’re right.
And the problem is that they’ve done it so openly and brazenly, with so much hate and animosity towards us that it’s “instinctual” now as you said.
I don’t want ANY chocolate faces in a game about medieval Europe, and I don’t want ANY fag bullshit either. I don’t give a single baker’s fuck how “tastefully” it’s done or how “actually there WERE gays back then, and many famous nig nobility and even a renowned samurai…🤪”
No. Fucking no.
I’m done. Make a medieval knight game or make Gay faggots of the Serengeti, you can’t have both anymore.
Right there with you. Good post.
“Well it could be!” No, fuck you.
Personally, I've dealt with enough blacks and other forms of diversity in my daily life that I want escapism from that. Their very existence is something I want to forget in my entertainment if possible.
They are pushing it a bit with a black doctor rather then a northern African being judgmental of European culture.
I too support complying with Saudi censors. They always get the "clean" version of things.
Broke: using VPNs to get uncensored media in countries with restrictions.
Woke: using VPNs to get the censored version because it has less BS in it.
Based: using VPNs to get the "censored" version because it's free of all troon BS in it.
I'd be happy if the West got the anti-QWERTY "Saudi" version of everything.
Swapping your VPN location to Riyadh for the entire month of June.
Kingdom Come is dead, now the only based Medieval Hungary simulator left is Felvidek.
Serves them right, they trusted a jew
You should also check out the drainage wokeguard forums. It's a litany of people shitting on bioware and copium addicts desperately trying to defend them game and failing.
I'm holding out hope that the story critical faggot scene is Henry finds out the main antagonist has a male lover and you can use it against him, and that muslim physician is an ancillary character you can dispose of upon discovery. But yeah, I wasn't going to be buying the game on launch anyways. I only got the first one like a year after it came out, and I remember hearing how buggy it was.
Sadly buggery is not just technical issues this time around.
Someone mentioned that they include some dialogue to flirt with same sex but that seems very much not something that would happen in any medieval setting.
I'm waiting for reviews. Glad I didn't preorder it.
The devs were so awesome defending the first one.
Now? Seriously.
Game will probably be really great they overworked the crime system quite a lot. But yeah I doubt putting that black guy and gay scene in was worth it... and I have the feeling lots of leftists jumped on the hatetrain too to see it fail.
Supposedly it's optional, and if you do venture down that path, it has been stated from the director "you'll likely experience a realistic response from other people in the game". Which may mean you'll get condemned and shunned for it. We will see.
Because it's important to portray just how "evil and backwards" the typical peasant was in my European action RPG...
Good, if you pick that scenario you deserve a based reality check.
It’s time that you Jews take a step back from gaming.
To the contrary, I was hoping that it would be revealed that sodomy was a sin and 'a crime against nature' for most of human existence.
Reality check will be a bittersweet affirmation of living your beautiful truth in spite of the haters, and a subtle message to the player to be thankful we live in more progressive times now. 🏳️🌈
True. I was hoping for more maiming, death, fines, or exile.
I’m not going to allow my ancestors to be desecrated anymore.
Plaion, their publisher. You can also see the CoCsucker post was made by a user named "Plaion_My4NH"
Doubt. it just were not the same over the top as wolfenstein, which quite a easy bar to pass, and if such is your standards of failure , Do not fear the plan is to rollback the poison amount, until the propaganda unit deems proper once more to battery you into oblivion, there is no doubt of the endgame.
There is actions of vavra himself, that moves away from his modus operandi, and there is the fact on what happens when you sell out to a investment group. (Especially an investment group that proudly wears it doctrine)
And I still haven't bought it because of it and never will. I don't give money to people who spread the DEI cancer ever, even if their product is "good".
The reason the industry is as fucked as it is, is because the left will organize and refuse to financially support their enemies, while the right just bends over, spreads their cheeks, and invites their enemies to go balls deep. I am sick of you weak ass bitches destroying the things I love because you don't have the strength to resist a bit of FOMO. Get some fucking principles already.
Outsourcing is no excuse for failure.
x doubt
I'm only a couple of hours in to it, but it so far has been good and free of eye rolling stuff.
The main vilian is gay, ofc. Also tons of strong female characters and lesbos.
The game plays like shit anyway.
Why do people even care? Just dont buy it. I was super excited about it (LOVED KCD), I found out the sequel would be trash, I won't be buying it. It will be another DA Failgard. End of the story.
I will however thank the company for being so open with their sequel game being woke trash. Saved me some time.
Canada is cucked. Your post is telling.
I don’t care who is moderating the steam board, the fact that Vavra and co is not giving a definitive answer on the black guy and the faggot shit in the game is the proof I need to know he has sold out like the spineless coward that he is.
I initially was one of the people really pushing that those screenshots seemed fake and were probably a gayop.
But Vavra is incredibly online, has certainly seen them by now, and hasn't commented on them. Which can only mean they are likely true and he knows its going to go over poorly. Because if he was secure about it he'd champion it, and if it was fake he'd repeat what he did last time.
Except they aren't. They're trying to hide it as much as possible.