100% agree. Always hated that faggy redditism. I know there's a lot of autists and ESLs on the internet, but most of the time they need to sit down and assume they're wrong and missing important subtext. It's not our job to cater to them.
This response would be over-the-top crazy even on a far-left site. What's the likelihood that someone here would unironically say that he'd rather be screwing his nephew than protesting the government?
People need to exercise some discretion, that's all. Also, I don't mind people misunderstanding sarcasm as not being that. That is also funny.
I HOPE this isn't true for the victim's sake, but if it is, is he Canadian so we can sign him up for MAID?
Man who makes pornographic song is a degenerate? What a surprise. Feel bad for the nephew though.
Dude looks and sounds like a degenerate even without the suggestions of him sexually abusing his nephew (now an adult man and politician, apparently).
Grant Macdonald had a ranch,
And a poke-poke here and a poke-poke there...
I had some trouble with archive.is myself last night.
Submission looked like it was finishing but just looped forever at the bottom.
A year from this coming Wednesday
At least I'm not a trucker protesting the government.
was this meant to be in quotes?
No, I use neither quotes nor '/s'.
100% agree. Always hated that faggy redditism. I know there's a lot of autists and ESLs on the internet, but most of the time they need to sit down and assume they're wrong and missing important subtext. It's not our job to cater to them.
then I can't help but admire your dedication to a shit opinion
It's actually a great opinion and everyone else should do the same. You should not be helping readers figure out that something is sarcasm.
Poe's law exists. if you don't want people taking you seriously, make it clear
This response would be over-the-top crazy even on a far-left site. What's the likelihood that someone here would unironically say that he'd rather be screwing his nephew than protesting the government?
People need to exercise some discretion, that's all. Also, I don't mind people misunderstanding sarcasm as not being that. That is also funny.