Bill Gates is funding research to use mosquitoes as “flying vaccinators”
Bill Gates is funding research to develop “flying vaccinators,” which are genetically modified mosquitoes designed to deliver vaccines. The project is being conducted by researchers at Leiden Unive…
This is biological warfare. Full stop.
Random biological warfare. We know they won't be able to control the spread of mosquitos.
The government doesn't want to talk about the fact that it has already repeatedly gone to Africa to experiment on the locals, and that several vaccines caused outbreaks of the disease they were indented to prevent.
So yes. Biological warfare.
...and what is the correct response to someone waging war on you? Oh it's a rule 2 violation. How convenient.
It's because Dom is a reddit faggot and is acting in bad faith. Same reason we can't get additional mods to clean up the chronic gore posting in a timely manner.
There is no reason that having Bill Gates arrested at the airport and legally tried in a country he is transferring through is a Rule 2 violation.
It isn't an immediate threat yet.
Sure, but advocating for that is functionally the same as not bothering because the aristocracy(or whatever we're calling the untouchably wealthy class to which Gates belong) is never held to account for this sort of thing.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
That's not a Rule 2 violation. You could violate the rule if you say: "We should engage in some Rule 2 violations against these people"
That mechanic is more commonly referred to as a "photonic fence" and uses a 2 stage laser method of low powered identification scanning laser and higher power killing lasers. Comparatively the energy difference is minimal to almost everything except something as frail as a mosquito where even just a few degree of energy change can be significant, hence how and why some bees boil invading hornets alive by dog piling said hornets with numerous bee drones and vibrating in unison to create a localised increase in temperature that kills the invader.
Precisely what is scanned for varies on a species by species basis as it's precise enough to differentiate between male and female mosquitoes. Since only female mosquitoes feed on blood and other methods of mosquito control such as modified sterile males affect different targets integrated pest management [IPM] strategies would be unhampered by photonic fences engaging in active use.
It's never likely to be a perfect solution though hence why both direct eradication through methods such as the photonic fence and vector based strategies such as vaccines and are being looked at together.
Excellent, another round of one of my pet projects, namely mosquitoes and pest control.
Regarding species the topic here is initially Malaria and then some notes about similar work involving Leishmaniasis. Both are caused by protozoan parasites of different Genera, the former being the Plasmodium with the latter being Leishmania, which is certainly far easier to pair with its related disease.
What's important about protozoan vs other causes of insect borne diseases are just how much larger they are vs bacterium and viruses.
Imagine the difference between a motorbike, a humvee, and a double decker bus. Protozoa are the double decker bus, viruses are the motorbikes, and just like how a motorbike can get in between things neither the bus or humvee can the viruses can infect along vectors that protozoan are simply too large to copy.
This difference in parasite can be significant enough to warrant drastically different control methods because in the case of Malaria carriers no Anopheles spp. or other Malaria carrying mosquito is ever born carrying the diseases, they have to feed on an already infected host first then transfer it to another. Whereas something like Dengue which is transmitted by a virus can be passed on from generation to generation in mosquitoes so newly hatched Aedes aegyptii for example are already infectious. This is as highlighted above because of the size difference in the parasites. Dengue and other viruses are small enough to undergo vertical transmission from mother to offspring, Malaria is too large however.
So in order to avoid infection with Malaria you need to prevent the known hosts from feeding on an infected host and/or then transferring the diseases to healthy hosts, a somewhat easier process than trying to prevent any and all Dengue infections from instantly infecting vectors feeding just the once.
Precisely how you prevent those hosts doing things in the first example varies from vaccinating healthy individuals on the off chance any future mosquito bite might be the one with the diseases, to vaccinating against the actual mosquito itself - It's possible to create a vaccine that targets the mosquitoes carrying the disease so that if they feed on such vaccinated hosts the mosquitoes die preventing subsequent transmissions.
There's also the "Star Wars" option of using a photonic fence to simply zap your target vector out the air before it reaches anyone or anything to bite, however the infrastructure required for these suffers from local problems of lack of electricity and flat out theft of the devices 🙄
Also worth pointing out Leishmaniasis isn't just spread by mosquitoes [Culicidae], there are also horse-flies [Tabanidae] and midges [Ceratopogonidae] so such control methods aren't even that absolute and would require broader control methods than simply focusing on "the mosquito problem", and if people think mosquitoes are bad then they've never had the displeasure of being bitten by a horse-fly or swarmed by midges.
Mosquitoes can and will bite you and you won't know it until later if ever. You WILL know when a horse-fly bites you, it's unironically like being stabbed it's that sudden and significant a sensation. Midges however are in the completely opposite end of any such a spectrum and will not only be impossible to feel biting you but do so in such numbers you won't realise it has happened until you're already covered in countless bites because they're that small in comparison. Mosquitoes can be as large as 18mm in length and you might at least hear coming and going, but midges top out at around 3mm so good luck seeing them let alone hearing them.
The notes about consent aren't wrong though, and while the proposed method would work well against controlling Malaria and then other diseases there is a whole list of issues this then brings up, the least of which being yet again a decrease in mortality in areas already suffering from overpopulation and lacking resources. Then there's the far more sinister point about once this method is actually finalised it's not much additional work to change the payload to something dangerous and weaponise the vaccine vector, which some will suggest is the point in the first place.
As someone who's taken government mandated anti-malaria medicines before, I don't trust the government with the power of weaponizing mosquitos as a bio-weapon against their own population, especially when the side effects of the drug we were given included untreatable hysterical insanity. I think it was called Doxycycline.
I've had doxycycline when doing work in the tropics before, my main issue has always been I'm utterly rubbish at taking meds since I can't swallow them without some kind of aid.
There are other options to treat malaria however it swaps between preventative methods and curative, where Doxy being something you take daily would be the former, while something from the Artimicinines would be the latter. Unfortunately resistance to treatments eventually renders things redundant despite how effective they might have been at first. Artimicinines were groundbreaking in their effectiveness at first but slowly lost potency.
As for weaponising vectors it's always very likely going to be in the mind of someone close enough to these kind of projects because they know the work done treating a problem like this will lead to a lot of the work relating to their own personal porjcets being done without requiring specific research and funding. Co-opting existing studies and methods is always cheaper and easier to then apply new targets to, similar to how in the entertainment industry popular franchises get taken over and infected by talentless hacks trying to push their own agendas because without the existing audiences you get things like Concord which flop immediately.
Maybe, but most likely not. There are venomous animals which can be quite readily digested because the dangerous venom they carry simply doesn't survive the stomach barrier. They can only cause damage when able to properly introduce venom to body tissue and the circulatory system since many venoms are paralysing agents or necrotic.
Poisonous creatures however are the ones which would cause problems there and there are some rare animals which are both venomous and poisonous at the same time, but midges aren't going to be one of them when carrying a vaccine. No matter how many you or something else consumed there would be no chance a vaccine made it through the acidic environment of a stomach.
Here's an orthogonal post on the topic of mosquitos (August, 2022):
Archive since source appears to be down -
Thank God that we have Bill Gates looking out for all of us. And we barely hear about all of the excellent food research he's been involved in, or the vast swarths of farm land that he bought up in recent years, likely in relation! Tons to look forward to.
On topic but not Gates: the Japanese have been busy producing sa-mRNA aka "replicon" vaccines if you haven't heard about them.
I certainly hadn't until recently:
...but it is a thing that merits watching. Substack seems to have better coverage on it.
We surprisingly didn't get 2024 lockdowns, but the world of science never stops aiming to delight us in exciting ways. Happy New Year!
I moral arguments against this are innumerable, as one of the easiest is a violation of consent. Not only because a mandate is unethical, but because it will also be injected into people who can't consent (like children), and aren't under the mandate (like people in foreign countries).
In a just world, Bill Gates would be tried for crimes against humanity.
He would also be hanged.
Unfortunately we don't live in a just world so the best we can hope for is a Mario to carry on Luigi's work.
So... bat boxes? I believe bats eat their weight in mosquitos daily.
Also the other boxes of liberty...
Another recent Gates development:
There is absolutely nothing ethical about this. This will be misused the moment it becomes functional.
This is evil.
This is straight out of an apocalyptic movie. Someone needs to stop this moron
What, mass weaponizing of an ubiquitous insect to mass-spread a highly volatile and mutatable disease with random amounts of dosing from none to hundreds of bites on any given person, then releasing that onto the public without oversight, doesn't seem like a scientifically safe experiment to you?
Well when you put it that way; no
This has been going on for years.
Normally in my area the DNR uses mosquito control chemicals in the wetlands to keep the population down. A few years ago they stopped doing it entirely, and the mosquito population exploded to the point you can't go outside in summer without dousing your entire yard in bifenthrin.
When my kids got mosquito bites that year their entire faces/arms/legs/etc. swelled up like a bee sting. Totally out of whack from previous bites. I'm pretty sure they already used this shit on us.
Here comes the the plague rider
Mosquitos are such hated creatures that even the most ardent pro-animal people are only just barely against their extinction because of their place in the food chain.
Giving us a moral and political reason to hate them might finally just tip that edge.