I've had doxycycline when doing work in the tropics before, my main issue has always been I'm utterly rubbish at taking meds since I can't swallow them without some kind of aid.
There are other options to treat malaria however it swaps between preventative methods and curative, where Doxy being something you take daily would be the former, while something from the Artimicinines would be the latter. Unfortunately resistance to treatments eventually renders things redundant despite how effective they might have been at first. Artimicinines were groundbreaking in their effectiveness at first but slowly lost potency.
As for weaponising vectors it's always very likely going to be in the mind of someone close enough to these kind of projects because they know the work done treating a problem like this will lead to a lot of the work relating to their own personal porjcets being done without requiring specific research and funding. Co-opting existing studies and methods is always cheaper and easier to then apply new targets to, similar to how in the entertainment industry popular franchises get taken over and infected by talentless hacks trying to push their own agendas because without the existing audiences you get things like Concord which flop immediately.
I've had doxycycline when doing work in the tropics before, my main issue has always been I'm utterly rubbish at taking meds since I can't swallow them without some kind of aid.
There are other options to treat malaria however it swaps between preventative methods and curative, where Doxy being something you take daily would be the former, while something from the Artimicinines would be the latter. Unfortunately resistance to treatments eventually renders things redundant despite how effective they might have been at first. Artimicinines were groundbreaking in their effectiveness at first but slowly lost potency.
As for weaponising vectors it's always very likely going to be in the mind of someone close enough to these kind of projects because they know the work done treating a problem like this will lead to a lot of the work relating to their own personal porjcets being done without requiring specific research and funding. Co-opting existing studies and methods is always cheaper and easier to then apply new targets to, similar to how in the entertainment industry popular franchises get taken over and infected by talentless hacks trying to push their own agendas because without the existing audiences you get things like Concord which flop immediately.