Maybe, but most likely not. There are venomous animals which can be quite readily digested because the dangerous venom they carry simply doesn't survive the stomach barrier. They can only cause damage when able to properly introduce venom to body tissue and the circulatory system since many venoms are paralysing agents or necrotic.
Poisonous creatures however are the ones which would cause problems there and there are some rare animals which are both venomous and poisonous at the same time, but midges aren't going to be one of them when carrying a vaccine. No matter how many you or something else consumed there would be no chance a vaccine made it through the acidic environment of a stomach.
Maybe, but most likely not. There are venomous animals which can be quite readily digested because the dangerous venom they carry simply doesn't survive the stomach barrier. They can only cause damage when able to properly introduce venom to body tissue and the circulatory system since many venoms are paralysing agents or necrotic.
Poisonous creatures however are the ones which would cause problems there and there are some rare animals which are both venomous and poisonous at the same time, but midges aren't going to be one of them when carrying a vaccine. No matter how many you or something else consumed there would be no chance a vaccine made it through the acidic environment of a stomach.
You are forgetting the tongue linings of the mouth and overall olfactory system Mr. Gates.
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