posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +8 / -20

There are other 'retards' pointing out the exact same thing that I am, please stop shooting the messenger. I do not agree with what the DOJ is doing at all, I think it's ridiculous, I'm just pointing out the legality and shadiness of it all. On a personal level I also hate glowies on any side of the aisle and always will.

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A little advice for anyone reading, if you ever find yourself pretending to be mad on the internet for the amusement of two-digit IQ boomers:

If you receive large influxes of cash and """"investment"""" for videos with specific political messaging, do your due diligence to make sure that it's not coming from a country that is currently under a fuckton of US sanctions.

If you discover that you are taking money from a foreign national or entity that is currently under US sanctions, wash your fucking penis money.

The Kiwifarms thread is worth a read despite the autistic sperging, they're predictably going into a lot of detail on this. The commentators are not looking good from it as I expected. If I ever got offered that much money for anything like this I would immediately ask first whether they have any kinds of ties with a government organisation or receive government money.