posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +23 / -18

I think it goes to show you how bad things are but it does seem like a bunch of people are buying that game as a way of snubbing Ubisoft's artificial hyping which is pretty funny but this is a classic example of just because the crowds seem to like something doesn't mean you'll find it fun.

If Sony really does end up doing a purge of it's western studios though, the may be able to muscle in on market share simply by virtue of not being woke it doesn't change the fact that I think most open world titles are beyond boring and follow the ubisoft design philosophy. They're probably going to make millions simply by not following through on censorship half as much as other studios lol.

. Create empty open world with random NPCs that's way too big so even if it looks pretty there isn't that much to do

. Extremely awkward camera angles and behaviour you can't adjust to your liking

. Scatter collectible crap in it you barely use if you're simply going through the main story and it doesn't really have much impact on the story anyway

. Don't even attempt to try and play this game M&K

. Spam QTE on fucking everything even if you're just trying to do something like turn a wheel or stand up

Just something to be aware of if you see anyone trying to hype up these titles.