Be ye very afraid
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... so they're saying climate change, by definition, is not man-made as regards Venus?
Why, then, does it have to be man-made on Earth?
Lol. No discussion about HOW or WHY Venus's climate "changed". Just babble about greenhouse effect without any discussion of bio regulated carbon cycle, tectonic carbon cycling or the mysterious cause that initiated the greenhouse effect in the first place.
Give me more science or I'm keeping my money and freedom
No discussion about atmospheric density or the temperatures at the 1 atm isobar either.
They also really don't like discussing temperatures and CO2 levels from the late Cretaceous (1000 - 7000 ppm) and how that didn't cause a runaway green house effect.
I mean the planet doesn't have tectonic plates which shovel a lot of carbon underground after volcanos shoot it out. So that cycle isn't at work there.
Show me a tropical planet with a large moon and active tectonics that turned into 400°C hellhole and I'll be satisfied
Venus was never Earthlike. It's too close to the sun to have the light elements necessary. Venus can't keep hydrogen.
Why would humans would've done such a thing? 🤔
Fucking Capitalism man. Big Oil can't even keep their greedy hands off other planets. 😡
Damn White people!
but i thought space was the one place not corrupted by capitalism!
Sounds like a potentially cool Sci-Fi story though.
Why didn't all they all just switch to electric cars?
Clearly they didn't make enough virgin sacrifices on the planet of love.
Yes and those Venusians crash landed thousands of years ago in a place called Sub-Saharan Africa.
That would explain a lot...
Venus had an earth-like biosphere and atmosphere. What caused its sorry state today is the result of billions of EV battery fires all at once. The few remnants emigrated to earth. And it looks like the same mistake is about to be made yet again.
I'm going to need a new controller after I get finished pressing X on this one, holy shit.
Venus never turned globalist abusers into sunshades on pointy sticks, and look what happened to their climate now. 🤷♂️
Did climate change make Venus' crust paper thin and jelly-like?
More believable if they said Mars. Even then, them stating that proves that climate change isn’t man made and we can’t control it (unless they believe we come from Venus.)