His point to the 10/7 thing in my opinion can be summarized as this: White Nationalists/White people who don't like Jews/whatever you wanna call yourselves nowadays, allying with Muslims against Jews is less than worthless because those same Muslims have raped and assaulted millions of White women in the past, and will continue to do so. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend, so why even attempt this alliance, as it does near nothing to advance the goal of de-attaching US support for Isreal, and is only a detriment.
I think the reason he goes into the insults is more so because at least since 10/7, I've seen people act like single issue voters about the issue on here at least, like I haven't seen a border post since 10/7, the only immigration shit I've seen on here since then is about Muslims, which is pretty shit considering at least from the outside looking in, there's a lot more than just Jews and Muslims that the group (not gonna bother giving a name at this point) needs to worry about.
Personally, I just threw my hands up and said "Go do you, if both sides kill each other, that's on them.", and I at least see people saying that on this board, but in general, I get his point that trying to latch onto Muslim hate for Jews is literally a detriment not just currently, but in the long term, since those same Muslims hate you too.
meta posts are gay
A name found in Scandinavian countries is Mette. Whenever there is a meta talk, I think about the 5-6 people I know with that name. Is this the Mette of Honor or is it that one?
Why listen to anything that liberal says?
He believes the IPCC, he is pro diversity, he hates Anglos and Southereners, he is a free trader, he is a former (if he is to be believed) fed. He has nearly no redeeming qualities.
And you are mistaking letting enemies fight as allying with one or the other. Muslims are useful as proxies to attack jews, because they do not suffer for it, not as allies.
I live by the philosophy of 'the enemy of my enemy are useful body fodder as I prepare artillery'. I want both sides to grind themselves down to the point of obscurity and it's why I was happy as hell the left joining in too as more meat for the grinder.
This is a time to not try to 'get some on our side', this is a time to take a head count and resupply while the enemy has a civil war.
jews can whine all day every day about what Whites or Germans supposedly did to them to the point that we arent even allowed to question the holocaust in some countries. But say something about what israel is doing to Palestinians (which has a lot more evidence backing it), and there's so much kvetching and whining from people who claim to be "neutral". And like others said if you want to complain about muslims in the west , complain about the people who brought them here in the first place
Your analysis isn't needed. I'm sure the guy could "defend" himself or clarify his own comments if he cared too. In fact if you go back far enough in Gizo's history I'm sure there's a comment explaining why he "goes into the insults". By the way I haven't noticed anything different about his comments since 10/7. (is that the date Hamas attacked Israel?)
Yep, it is
Muslims have always been this way. It isn’t difficult to shift the Overton window on Islam. People have shit on this horrible religion for centuries and will continue to do so.
“Cries out in pain as he bombs a hospital full of children” is so far beyond that pale that it has created a unique opportunity to destroy a very persistent and powerful control grid.
It's kinda of a pickle when suddenly a group of people decide to hate on another for no particular reason, innit?
Palestinians are the rightful owners of Palestine and should be sent back there and deal with their colonizer problem how they see fit.
Not accepted into Western countries.
Therefore, the flags of the Middle Eastern states reflect their diverse and complex histories, cultures, and religions, and cannot be simply categorized by the presence or absence of the Pan-Arab colors or the Shahada.
Islam is a separate entity from most Arabic/Middle Eastern nations, as it is a religion that transcends national boundaries and encompasses various sects, schools, and interpretations.
Trying to reason with the stormfags is pointless. Even those of us who do to some extent subscribe to a white separatist/white nationalist viewpoint can't honestly debate any of our views on forums like this, because such discussions are immediately derailed by the stormfags. You can't appeal to them with rational discussion, because their entire purpose here is to derail and disrupt rational discussion.
Interesting rationale
If this is you, then what’s a stormfag? Someone who dares to notice why you can’t actually discuss your views in any legitimate public space? You harbor all the same “hateful” ideas as “your fellow conservative white people”, but you refuse to see who exactly has labeled them hateful (and destroys your life if you promote any of it)?
I’m not a white separatist/nationalist. I think that ship sailed (heh) when southern elites refused to pick their own cotton. You don’t get to demand an ethnostate when you forcibly imported a non-white underclass for free labor. But the war on white solidarity and identity is a dysgenic force that did not originate from within the white demographic.
Muslims are invading your country and stabbing white people en masse because they're white? Blame the Jews.
Muslims go around in organized gangs raping white kids because they're white? Blame the Jews.
Muslims go around blowing shit up and shooting up concert halls using weapons and explosives purchased using Gulf State oil money? Blame the Jews
Black kids go around in gangs beating the shit out of white kids because they're white? Blame the Jews.
Those same black people and Muslims viscerally hate the Jews and go around attacking Jews because they're Jews? Blame the Jews, and also totally root for the violent, backwards, degenerate Muslims.
Indians and Asians take over entire industry sectors in white countries and insist on hiring only other Indians and Asians regardless of merit? Blame the Jews.
You are the least tricky one-trick pony in the history of that metaphor.
And all the while they continue to shill for powerful central government, just like their masters in the cabal want.
The wehraboos are a fed op, they're too retarded and illogical to be legitimate, and they organize shitpost brigades out of their containment board.
You have no actual evidence that there is a secret cabal of Jews acting like a gestalt consciousness pulling the strings of all of our politicians and elites. The overwhelming majority of the super-rich, politicians and civil servants who push for and benefit from these policies are gentile.
No evidence. None of that changes what I said. The overwhelming majority of the people pushing the anti-white agenda are not Jewish, and the overwhelming majority of the people benefiting from it are not Jewish.
Every non-European culture and society on Earth is hostile towards white people and wants to destroy European society, and you still insist we focus on the least significant of them.
I prefer to confront the enemies who are engaged in active, overt hostile action against my community. The ones who are actually raping our children, stabbing our neighbours at random in the streets, burning down our churches and blowing up our landmarks.
You have literally no leg to stand on. The overwhelming majority of the elites, politicians and civil servants who have driven that agenda and who benefit from it are not Jewish. The pattern you demand we all focus on is not there.
That part was particularly funny.