Change this to the guy on the left saying "you suck at math", and the left one responding by saying "crap" and the right one "HR! Help! My colleague is a sexist!"
If GIRL A saw GIRL B make a mistake, she'd also point the accusation at the individual.
If GIRL A saw BOY B make a mistake, she'd also point the accusation at all boys.
Also, when people do this to your face they're usually either (1) trying to bully you, or (2) flirting or playfully teasing you, so this interaction is more complicated than someone earnestly believing the generalization.
This just proves that it doesn't matter for men, without any restrictions stopping us, we'll tell you that you suck at something so get good or fuck off
I'm just not sure what the point of amplifying regressive leftist (or troll) content is. We already know they are malicious, stupid, and hate us because they anus.
Change this to the guy on the left saying "you suck at math", and the left one responding by saying "crap" and the right one "HR! Help! My colleague is a sexist!"
And of course they use an incredibly broad definition of "sexual assault" to include "a guy tried to kiss me and I wasn't into it."
"Help! An ugly guy asked me out on a date! Please, authority figure, punish him severely!"
I've had women straight up randomly grope me. Hell I had one old bitch following me through a crowd at a concert squeezing me ass
If GIRL A saw GIRL B make a mistake, she'd also point the accusation at the individual.
If GIRL A saw BOY B make a mistake, she'd also point the accusation at all boys.
Also, when people do this to your face they're usually either (1) trying to bully you, or (2) flirting or playfully teasing you, so this interaction is more complicated than someone earnestly believing the generalization.
Wow, feminists suck at memes.
This just proves that it doesn't matter for men, without any restrictions stopping us, we'll tell you that you suck at something so get good or fuck off
This is probably just trolling.
I'm just not sure what the point of amplifying regressive leftist (or troll) content is. We already know they are malicious, stupid, and hate us because they anus.
Totally credible, bro
I think that answer would make sense if the limits are from 0 to (3pi)^(1/3)
Mostly just posting this because I was proud that I was still able to remember how to do that lol
Truth hurts.
As per usual, women can't figure out statistics.