I get why people are doing that, but I feel like it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The first ever MRNA shot pushed out as fast as possible in order to make the most profit and control people, vs. vaccines that have had decades of testing and have eliminated or nearly eliminated the diseases they're for.
I'm not saying legacy vaccines are ineffective, but the vast majority of diseases were reduced to a fraction of their lethality and community spread long, long before their respective vaccines even hit the market.
The bottom line for me is, if I get bit by a rabid dog I'm getting a rabies shot. But I'll never ever get another flu shot long as I live. They're all getting reevaluated on their own merits against the threat of the disease.
Let's see . . . measles, mumps, German measles (rubella?) whooping cough, diphtheria/tetanus, and polio are the childhood vaccines I got. I forget what cocktail they shot us up with in the 1980's Army. What's with the smorgasbord here? And why are infants advised to get hepatitis B shots?
And aren't flu vaccinations for kids only necessary during especially bad outbreaks?
The coof fiasco puts CDC in a bad light, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject those vaccines that have been proven effective. The trouble is, there has always been a group of deeply irrational people who believe vaccinations per se are some sort of evil plot to accomplish something or other.
"Anti-vaccinators" have in the past objected to whooping cough and measles vaccinations and opted out, resulting in outbreaks of these nearly extinct diseases.
"Anti-vaccinators" have in the past objected to whooping cough and measles vaccinations and opted out, resulting in outbreaks of these nearly extinct diseases.
Yeah, I used to think that. Now I'm not sure, because the same people who were saying that stuff also say that the mRNA jabs are safe and effective and have no side effects and COVID was the deadliest pandemic ever and if you question any of it you're a filthy anti-science anti-vaxxer.
This is why nobody likes anti-vaxxers. You dumbfucks come online and tell people to not get vaccinated against measles and shit.
Childhood vaccination is one of the most life-saving things to have ever been invented. Horrible and widespread diseases have been completely suppressed thanks to herd immunity from near-comprehensive vaccination.
Anti-vaxxers freeload and free ride off of sane people who vax. All you idiots are only safe because 80-90% of people vax and this herd immunity keeps you safe. If you dumbfucks all went to live together in unvaxxed communities, you'd get assfucked by completely preventable disease outbreaks regularly.
We already know this because you can just look at unvaccinated african countries and see how assfucked they get by preventable disease.
You know the MMR vaccine is banned in Japan because it's not safe. They have a measles vaccine but they don't use MMR. Being against how the United States does vaccines doesn't mean you're against the entire concept of vaccines. Your disdain for "anti-vaxxers" is letting big pharma lead you around by the nose.
People like dekachins, who obviously took the mRNA, are smart enough to know that in this case somebody has to be a complete idiot, but not wise enough to admit it's them.
So they make these pathetic displays pretending that everybody that didn't get mRNA are against all vaccines, have 80 IQ (comparison to Africa), and marry their sisters - or whatever makes the 'bad guys' dumber than how they feel about themselves.
It's like in the gaming space when some fuckwit pays 170$ for the collectors edition of some dogshit game, and instead of refunding or simply admitting it's bad, they just say everyone ELSE is a dumbass and has no taste and they meat ride with the fury of 1000 dying suns.
I actually did not get the COVID vaccine because I'm young and healthy enough that I didn't think it mattered.
I also did not think it was liquid poison that would turn the frogs gay, though, or that it has microchips from Bill Gates in it, or that my risk of myocarditis would be higher than the risks associated with COVID.
My girlfriend got vaccinated. I did not. We both got COVID in December thanks to a fucking cruise. We got equally sick, because her older vaccine did jack shit against the new Omicron variant, and she hadn't gotten the updated booster made for Omicron.
I highly recommended that my elderly grandparents get vaccinated, though. They also got COVID in December. However, I immediately told them to go out and get Paxlovid. They told me the vaxx would be enough to protect them, and I said no, that's wrong, you need to get meds, so they did, and the meds helped them immensely.
The world is not black and white. I'm a reasonable person who doesn't believe the world is a giant conspiracy. I was skeptical of the wild claims made exaggerating the importance of the vaccines outside of high risk populations, and I (and many others) was proven right. But I also don't believe the crazy anti-vaxx shit that the vaccine isn't effective and doesn't save the lives of old people and people with high risk. It absolutely does. This has been proven over and over, and is super clear in the data. The only caveat to this is that "anigenic original sin" means that in limited circumstances the vaccine will not help, for example, the original vaccine is basically worthless at this point against Omicron. However, newer vaccines addressed this.
I also did not think it was liquid poison that would turn the frogs gay, though, or that it has microchips from Bill Gates in it,
Because you're such a reasonable person and all those idiots didn't get it so their pet frog wouldn't turn gay from 'shedding'. "Whatever makes the 'bad guys' dumber than how they feel about themselves" -- you're doing the exact thing I said you would. Your whole post is a caricature of anti-mRNA and antivaxxers in general to make yourself feel better in comparison.
If you want to salvage your image as a reasonable person, go on and tell us why actual reasonable people didn't get the mRNA shots. It doesn't seem like you even know why at-the-time informed people chose not to get it. If we take you at your word, you only didn't get it out of indifference.
You sound like a huge faggot that's coping and seething over being so fucking retarded that they got the clotshot AND all the boosters.
Yeah, sure, some vaccines are actually useful, but your unreasonable rage just stinks of faggot projection that usually happens when dumbfucks realize they've been had but are too stupid or prideful to admit it.
living in mud huts, deplorable unsanitary conditions, among garbage and filth, in all year round hot climate which is just ideal for diseases to spread.
Sounds like a perfect environment to train natural immunity. The Africans must have immune systems like the Incredible Hulk, right? right???
No... they actually just die and get and stay sick in far higher numbers.
The (old) influenza vaccine for kids is pretty safe but its effectiveness sucks, needs two doses at initiation and requires boosters every fall.
Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae Type B shots are also pretty useful.
There's not really many shots on here that are particularly suspect, though I can see parents balking at the volume.
The least needed are probably things like the oral Rotavirus vaccine (literally the stomach flu) and Hepatitis B (which doesn't really exist in the wild anymore due to mass vaccination).
Also,- A Midwestern Doctor, Aug 24, 2022, "The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Infant Deaths"
Note the section, Historical Evidence Connecting Vaccination to SIDS
CDC - sponsored by Pfizer.
Meanwhile- https://dailysceptic.org/2023/02/02/99-doctors-and-medical-professionals-demand-the-british-heart-foundation-comes-clean-about-vaccine-heart-injury-cover-up/
I also have recommendations, mostly involving rope, heavy metal and violations of rules 1 and 2.
The difference here is. unlike the covid "vaccine", these vaccines actually have been proven to work and are very very rarely dangerous.
I've always been very pro vaccine but the last two years has really caused me to reevaluate that stance.
I get why people are doing that, but I feel like it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The first ever MRNA shot pushed out as fast as possible in order to make the most profit and control people, vs. vaccines that have had decades of testing and have eliminated or nearly eliminated the diseases they're for.
I'm not saying legacy vaccines are ineffective, but the vast majority of diseases were reduced to a fraction of their lethality and community spread long, long before their respective vaccines even hit the market.
The bottom line for me is, if I get bit by a rabid dog I'm getting a rabies shot. But I'll never ever get another flu shot long as I live. They're all getting reevaluated on their own merits against the threat of the disease.
Except you don't know that's actually what they're injecting your kid with.
Yeah, I mean, except for the fact that they haven't been proven to 'work'.
Let's see . . . measles, mumps, German measles (rubella?) whooping cough, diphtheria/tetanus, and polio are the childhood vaccines I got. I forget what cocktail they shot us up with in the 1980's Army. What's with the smorgasbord here? And why are infants advised to get hepatitis B shots?
And aren't flu vaccinations for kids only necessary during especially bad outbreaks?
The coof fiasco puts CDC in a bad light, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject those vaccines that have been proven effective. The trouble is, there has always been a group of deeply irrational people who believe vaccinations per se are some sort of evil plot to accomplish something or other.
"Anti-vaccinators" have in the past objected to whooping cough and measles vaccinations and opted out, resulting in outbreaks of these nearly extinct diseases.
Yeah, I used to think that. Now I'm not sure, because the same people who were saying that stuff also say that the mRNA jabs are safe and effective and have no side effects and COVID was the deadliest pandemic ever and if you question any of it you're a filthy anti-science anti-vaxxer.
I believe infant Hep B jabs are unique to the US.
In Canada, they are delayed until mass school vaccination programs in middle school.
This is why nobody likes anti-vaxxers. You dumbfucks come online and tell people to not get vaccinated against measles and shit.
Childhood vaccination is one of the most life-saving things to have ever been invented. Horrible and widespread diseases have been completely suppressed thanks to herd immunity from near-comprehensive vaccination.
Anti-vaxxers freeload and free ride off of sane people who vax. All you idiots are only safe because 80-90% of people vax and this herd immunity keeps you safe. If you dumbfucks all went to live together in unvaxxed communities, you'd get assfucked by completely preventable disease outbreaks regularly.
We already know this because you can just look at unvaccinated african countries and see how assfucked they get by preventable disease.
You know the MMR vaccine is banned in Japan because it's not safe. They have a measles vaccine but they don't use MMR. Being against how the United States does vaccines doesn't mean you're against the entire concept of vaccines. Your disdain for "anti-vaxxers" is letting big pharma lead you around by the nose.
Imagine actually believing this after the last two years, lol.
People like dekachins, who obviously took the mRNA, are smart enough to know that in this case somebody has to be a complete idiot, but not wise enough to admit it's them.
So they make these pathetic displays pretending that everybody that didn't get mRNA are against all vaccines, have 80 IQ (comparison to Africa), and marry their sisters - or whatever makes the 'bad guys' dumber than how they feel about themselves.
It's like in the gaming space when some fuckwit pays 170$ for the collectors edition of some dogshit game, and instead of refunding or simply admitting it's bad, they just say everyone ELSE is a dumbass and has no taste and they meat ride with the fury of 1000 dying suns.
I actually did not get the COVID vaccine because I'm young and healthy enough that I didn't think it mattered.
I also did not think it was liquid poison that would turn the frogs gay, though, or that it has microchips from Bill Gates in it, or that my risk of myocarditis would be higher than the risks associated with COVID.
My girlfriend got vaccinated. I did not. We both got COVID in December thanks to a fucking cruise. We got equally sick, because her older vaccine did jack shit against the new Omicron variant, and she hadn't gotten the updated booster made for Omicron.
I highly recommended that my elderly grandparents get vaccinated, though. They also got COVID in December. However, I immediately told them to go out and get Paxlovid. They told me the vaxx would be enough to protect them, and I said no, that's wrong, you need to get meds, so they did, and the meds helped them immensely.
The world is not black and white. I'm a reasonable person who doesn't believe the world is a giant conspiracy. I was skeptical of the wild claims made exaggerating the importance of the vaccines outside of high risk populations, and I (and many others) was proven right. But I also don't believe the crazy anti-vaxx shit that the vaccine isn't effective and doesn't save the lives of old people and people with high risk. It absolutely does. This has been proven over and over, and is super clear in the data. The only caveat to this is that "anigenic original sin" means that in limited circumstances the vaccine will not help, for example, the original vaccine is basically worthless at this point against Omicron. However, newer vaccines addressed this.
Because you're such a reasonable person and all those idiots didn't get it so their pet frog wouldn't turn gay from 'shedding'. "Whatever makes the 'bad guys' dumber than how they feel about themselves" -- you're doing the exact thing I said you would. Your whole post is a caricature of anti-mRNA and antivaxxers in general to make yourself feel better in comparison.
If you want to salvage your image as a reasonable person, go on and tell us why actual reasonable people didn't get the mRNA shots. It doesn't seem like you even know why at-the-time informed people chose not to get it. If we take you at your word, you only didn't get it out of indifference.
You sound like a huge faggot that's coping and seething over being so fucking retarded that they got the clotshot AND all the boosters.
Yeah, sure, some vaccines are actually useful, but your unreasonable rage just stinks of faggot projection that usually happens when dumbfucks realize they've been had but are too stupid or prideful to admit it.
Thoughts? Try to keep it above 80IQ tho.
Sounds like a perfect environment to train natural immunity. The Africans must have immune systems like the Incredible Hulk, right? right???
No... they actually just die and get and stay sick in far higher numbers.
They're looking to sneak MRNA shit in there too now. No injection can be trusted now.
The (old) influenza vaccine for kids is pretty safe but its effectiveness sucks, needs two doses at initiation and requires boosters every fall.
Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae Type B shots are also pretty useful.
There's not really many shots on here that are particularly suspect, though I can see parents balking at the volume.
The least needed are probably things like the oral Rotavirus vaccine (literally the stomach flu) and Hepatitis B (which doesn't really exist in the wild anymore due to mass vaccination).