The 1980s called, they want their failed policies back.
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Typical tradcuck simping. It's always on men to fix the problem. Christ forbid we should ask women to take responsibility.
That's like asking a goat to take responsibility for eating the cabbage patch. The goat can't comprehend the concept and it's the farmers fault for failing to keep the goat out of the cabbages.
Well in that context then it's the fault of Tucker Carlson and Josh Hawley, and all the other men of their generation and previous ones who folded up like a cheap suit in the face of the feminist movement as it infiltrated every institution from education to the courts. To extoll young men to take the kind of insane risks they're being asked to take here, with their livelihoods, their reputations, their very freedom, in order to try and clean up the mess made by the men who came before them is the very opposite of positive advice.
You're actually pretty much right here. I'd say it goes back even further, to the ones that voted for the 19th amendment and quite possibly even earlier than that. Too many of the prior generation were too chickenshit to stomp out these problems when they started and excused it to themselves with platitudes like "they'll grow out of it someday".
Feminism was a societal shit test that we failed miserably.
Remember when they gave women no-fault divorce in exchange for Andrea Dworkin's support for the Meese Report?
They sold us out, then cry about the "sanctity" of the very institution they sold out.
Why is it always people who haven't dated for a decade+ who give this shitty advice?
The best advice I can give a man is trust a woman like you would trust a rabid dog not to bite.
It's the leftist MO. Kill something that people value then wear its carcass as a skin suit and demand that people show the bastardized version the same respect as they showed the original.
Women can't comprehend that exploiting people is bad?!
Of course they can. They just don't care because they consider themselves your superiors.
Your idea that women are as capable as men, instead of irrational creatures unable to control their passions, makes you functionally a feminist.
This attitude is what convinced me that imp is a self-hating woman. They certainly act like a woman. She's also utterly convinced that feminism secretly rules the world, rather than seeing it as the elite's puppet for "divide and conquer" that it is.
My Monopoly money is still on 'troon'.
There are easier ways to ask for a dick pic.
You think Imp is really a woman? Not just the ideal of what the perfect woman would be?
Who said they were just as capable? There's a difference between being a drooling retard and being a genius.
They slot completely in the middle, extremely average people who only excel at spewing hatred.
They absolutely know what they are doing. They just don't care. That's the part nobody wants to admit, it's more comforting to say they're out of their depth, or the Jews made them do it, rather than admit they can be horrible people deliberately.
Conceptualizing women as having agency, as you do here, is on the slippery slope of feminism. It is this very mindset that would eventually lead to the 19th amendment.
Actually, they got the 19th because of the race cucks. Women's groups called their plan to get the white woman vote the "snow under" strategy when appealing to them.
This was named because women's vote was supposed to drown out the vote of freed slaves.
lol, LMAO even... there you go believing women again.
If you don't want to enter an inherently bad deal for you, you must be a communist or something.
Women are rubbing their hands together in excitement like the Jew meme at this line though. All the out-of-touch elderly who worship Tucker will be pushing this BS on the young people over Christmas, just in time for women to milk the new wave of naive young men for all they're worth through the start of the new year.
I never should have defended Hawley when women went after him on some bullshit. They've learned reverse psychology, to oppose those who help them. I hoped their hatred would prevent them using it, because "women support (blank)" was always a good way to see who wasn't a good option.
Between this and the threat of war with Russia, it's like the 80s are back. I wonder when we get the shitty fashions like platform shoes?
I heard women need men like fish need a bicycle. I'd rather just keep my money and look out for myself. Not interested in being robbed and having my heart stomped on by some modern liberated cunt.
I'd rather pet rabid dogs in the middle of Chernobyl than get married.
This is the problem I have with tradcons. Their end goal of intact nuclear families is a good one, but they're completely unprepared to talk about what it would take to make it a reality. The feminist rot has become so pervasive that fixing intergender relations and families is beyond the imagination of even most conservatives.
The answers are simple: Go back to the old ways of restraining female hypergamy so the average man doesn't give up on women by age 20 due to repeated failure. Stop allowing women to label anyone who approaches them as a predator if they don't find them attractive. Fix the rotten legal system that makes getting involved with women so dangerous. Everything from VAWA to bullshit restraining orders to loss of gun rights over red flag law/RO/DV abuse to the corrupt family courts that steal everything a man has ever worked for. Restore the responsibilities that women have in marriage and make them pay for their own bad decisions instead of enslaving men to do it.
Fix the anti-male system and the rest will solve itself. In the 1950's we didn't need Josh Hawley types to get men to take the deal they were offered. Men took the deal because for most of them it was a good deal. Now the deal has changed and men want nothing do with it. Maybe change the deal instead of expecting men to throw their lives away for the shitty deal currently on offer?
I'll happily talk about making it a reality. It involves abolishing democracy and establishing an expressly Christian state that outlaws the various trappings and outcomes of post modernism. It looks like putting 90% of college professors and judges to the gallows, because the legal and education system can't be reformed so long as they live. It looks like making unmarried women the effective property of the oldest man in their household. It looks like the expulsion of degenerate demographics of all variety.
But most of all it involves admitting the necessity of violence, because reform is not possible.
Sounds like a plan. Do we get to give feminists and their soy boy simps the same treatment we give the professors and judges? I'll volunteer as a hangman if the answer is yes.
The implication is that the former would be dead and subjugated by the time we have sufficient control to take care of the latter.
Christianity is a failed ideology. You can argue the religious merits of it, but the tenets of it are a stupid way to build a society.
Live and let live bullshit.
I hate how detached so many men are to the problems with dating in modernity.
Just today for example, a colleague of mine (a woman) who is single was telling another girl about the new guy she was dating. She spent a good 5 minutes describing how much she liked him except not a single thing she mentioned was anything to do with the man's qualities. It was all the things he did for her. Gifts he bought her, things he did for her like take the garbage out, pickup groceries, gifts her bought for her daughter (not his child, she's a single mom, divorced), etc...
That's all most women see men. A slave. You exists to do things for women and women want men that do the most for them while requiring the woman to give the least in return.
I have no desire to be a woman's slave, nor do I want to subject myself to unfair separation/cohabitation laws.
They aren't detached. These people sold out.
They're getting paid handsomely for services to female supremacy, I wouldn't at all expect otherwise.
Fox is owned by the same person who put a woman in charge of the WSJ and leads the Ronald DeSimptis fan club.
The time for fixing this problem is over. Isolate your world and values from the degeneracy. If something you cannot control becomes infected, cut it off and shun those who participate in it. You cannot change the infected, nor should you try. Protect the borders of your culture and your home.
No, they sound like our worse halves excited that someone's going to bail them out for being awful.
I’m sure our collapsing society will be bettered by young men losing hope, becoming addicted to porn, avoiding social interaction, and staying on screens all day. This truly is awful advice; thank you for your wisdom Imp.
Our society is collapsing because all that has already come to pass. No one is talking why all that has come to pass because it would involve acknowledging the obese pink haired elephant in the room.
No. They will die. A new generation will fill the void. You have to start from fresh cloth. Its the only way.
I mean, if we're playing the game of worst possible outcomes, you lost a while ago. Your system has created nothing but problems, it has failed to produce stability, it has failed to produce cordial relations between men and women and it has failed to produce children worth anything to society for the last 50 years. It has produced nothing but simps, single mother raised criminals and trannies.
Your flailing to keep it alive has made feminism stronger and more difficult to defeat.
Do you think the nation will improve when there's thousands of them in jail on false rape charges, when they have to give half their minimum wage (because women locked down every job higher) to the piece of shit they used to be married to, when they're constantly suicidal because they had a kid they'll never get to see?
The nation will improve when women's sympathizers are ignored.
What "compromise" will be given to women for this one? They got no-fault divorce back in the 80s.