Bill Gates and George Soros do the same thing. Charities have more power and influence, and it's tax free. The National Defense Industrial Association is, hilariously, a 501c3.
I can easily unify humanity, just give me the money and I'll change my name to doctor evil and become the greatest villain ever thus uniting all of humanity against me.
I even promise to laugh maniacally and pet a cat while I slowly turn around in my giant office chair.
As for my evil I know, I'll tell kids they have the wrong gender and cut....well shit there goes my plan.
I know, I can sell people poison mislabeled as a cure and .....
So...he's what the left says all billionaires are, a super villain. Big whoop. We have nothing to worry about. Like these greedy bastards will ever give up their billions.
I think I remember coming across a video that said that's the difference between Russian oligarchs and Western billionaires. Formers don't pretend to be anything but greedy bastards but the latter on the other hand pretend to be altruistic and humanitarian but turns out everything they do is for self-serving purpose. Any russians here can confirm about the oligarchs?
People who can unify humanity by ... demonising white men and boys.
Hey now, what else can writers do to create quality modern day entertainment if they can’t run with the 5000th “white man bad” plot line?
Bill Gates and George Soros do the same thing. Charities have more power and influence, and it's tax free. The National Defense Industrial Association is, hilariously, a 501c3.
I know they aren't actually altrustic.
I'm starting to think the money isn't actually theirs, someone else has a claim on it...
He had connections to maxwell and epstein didn't he? Bill...
It's our time boys.
I can easily unify humanity, just give me the money and I'll change my name to doctor evil and become the greatest villain ever thus uniting all of humanity against me.
I even promise to laugh maniacally and pet a cat while I slowly turn around in my giant office chair.
As for my evil I know, I'll tell kids they have the wrong gender and cut....well shit there goes my plan.
I know, I can sell people poison mislabeled as a cure and .....
Okay maybe I can't out-evil current year
So...he's what the left says all billionaires are, a super villain. Big whoop. We have nothing to worry about. Like these greedy bastards will ever give up their billions.
If we kill everyone who disagrees with us, then we'll be able to unify the rest. This strategy has worked every time it has been tried...
I think I remember coming across a video that said that's the difference between Russian oligarchs and Western billionaires. Formers don't pretend to be anything but greedy bastards but the latter on the other hand pretend to be altruistic and humanitarian but turns out everything they do is for self-serving purpose. Any russians here can confirm about the oligarchs?
Why are Russians "oligarchs" and Westerners are "billionaires"?
I mean if you give me the money I can easily accomplish that within a month
That many billions means I can afford to invade and conquer China easily...
What does fighting climate change mean? Forcing people to freeze due to the climate cult?
Aka: Jeff Bezos is engaging in terrorist financing like other globalist conspirators.
That doesn't sound like charity, that sounds like giving money to authoritarians.