ALTRIGHT = making fun of people politically
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Shut up, ugly.
Yo dawg who u callin ugly cracka
Giovanni Gentile would like a word with whoever wrote that.
Be careful. Ideally use a VM to DL. Enjoy. YUhSMGNITTZMeTltYVd4bGN5NWpZWFJpYjNndWJXOWxMMjUzTkhVM2FDNXdaR1k9
wetransfer: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlhSeVlXNXpabVZ5TG1OdmJTOWtiM2R1Ykc5aFpITXZZV1JsWkdaa05HUmlORFpoTmpFeFlqYzBaV0UwTWpreE5XTmpNRGMwWVRjeU1ESXlNRGN4TnpBM01qWXdNQzgyWlRRelpHUT0=
filepost: YUhSMGNITTZMeTltYVd4bGNHOXpkQzVwYnk5a0x6ZGpaSEpyUkVvemQzRT0=
From the Handbook of Hate Memes discussed yesterday.
LOL did you buy the book?
No, this is just a photo they posted.
They voluntarily posted this, which makes them look like idiots and shows they cannot spell 'Muslim'?
The entire thing comes off to me as distinctly low-effort. Obviously they wanted to spin a particular narrative, but first and foremost it seems like they want to get free government money and donations so they just threw a bunch of shit together.
Kind of like how Anita Sarkeesian took other people's gameplay footage or how she conveniently missed the fact that hurting those women in Hitman was actually punished by the game. Except these people don't seem nearly as good at the grift as she was.
I think it's actually a giant REDPILL
I think they're just so used to typing words that end with "ism" it's become muscle memory for them.
I kind of want the book as an amusing conversation piece. OTOH I don't want to support them.
I wouldn't mind buying it. Looks like a helpful manual.
taxpayer funded!
I had to create an account to comment on this aberration:
Based on their descriptions alone you can tell they conceived "altright" as a subset of "ridicule," meaning that in order for a meme to be categorized "altright" it necessarily also has to be under "ridicule" too. This begs the question then, how the hell does altright (A) have such a higher frequency than ridicule (R) if altright is contained within ridicule? I'm obviously going to guess they subtracted the "altright" memes from the "ridicule" set to avoid overlap (and to make altright seem more serious than it actually is) but that makes the descriptions misleading then. God I hate dumb undergrads making stupid simple mistakes like this.
A ⊂ R and A > R is a mathematical absurd.
The "tag" system they're using is much like tag systems on other sites or the one in WordPress, actually, which is to say that there is no nesting or subsets. There are memes tagged as either RIDICULE or ALTRIGHT, and there are memes tagged as both.
The entire thing is a fucking mess. For just one example, this meme is tagged not only as "ALTRIGHT" and "LGBT" but also as "SEXISM" despite having literally nothing to do with sexism.
Jesus Christ, it's worse than I thought.
So, wait, according to this's worse to "shitpost" (they fucked up the definition too!) than it is to be alt-right? Is this Mean Tweets all over again?
Seriously, I'm not really surprised, but how the fuck do they mess basic shit up this badly? There is no inherent cruelty in shitposting. Shitposting can be cruel, sure, but it's not baked in.
Here's shitposting according to Wikipedia (I know, not a good source, I was just curious):
This meme book shit makes Data Society's nonsense look professional and well researched.
Print your own book sleeves simply put on the cover "REDPILLS"
Fascism = socialism
And any socialist needs to be ridiculed and mocked until they cry themselves to sleep.
I used to draw the distinction that fascism is just more honest socialism...then I read some Marx and realized socialists are just even more retarded than I thought, and don't even understand their own shit.
For a 'cashless, stateless, classless society'...Marx sure fucking loved the State, central banking, and class identity. If you read some Marx and some chosen fascist literature...there's really not a whole lot of difference. If anything, socialism comes off as even more devious than classic fascism.
Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself in your summary!
It really is fucking hilarious. Marx loved fiat currency, because he saw its value in being able to control the masses. He even had financial schemes in place where he proposed taking people's gold and silver, giving them fiat, then using the silver and gold for international trade, while intentionally devaluing the fiat to oppress the people.
Most Marxists have never read Marx...and are probably more like Leninists anyway. It's sad how clueless they are.
Even if you take Marxists at their word, socialism still basically sounds like fascism. If you actually read Marx, becomes clear it just is fascism.
Their data is wrong. Since shitpost and altright are subsets of ridicule, the bar of ridicule should be longer than them both.
I detailed it in another comment, but there are no subsets. IMO that makes it even worse.