From a lefty friend
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Nice to see a lefty coming around on the vax mandates fina...oh, no, this is the baby killing thing still.
Of course it is. They'll never respect the rights of their political opponents unless they're forced to at gunpoint. Which is why they want to disarm us.
I've seen that excellent meme posted a lot in the week or two since I first saw it. I thought it was just a really well put comment by a member here. Was it a thing before that?
Like most things, it originate from 4chan, hell if I remember correctly that was one of the reason hiroshimoot pushed the westerners on 2chan to fuck off and create 4chan.
This place is halfway between reddit and halfway between 4chan, with all due respect to anyone involved, there isn't anything new being made here, it's mostly just an antechamber where people share news of what's going on, their mind still stuck in a reddit mindset (upvotes, downvotes, ecelebs, etc...)
It resurfaces every time there's a gun control push.
A bit confusing if you ask me
It's about troonery as usual. It's referring to women pretending to be men or calling themselves queer or nonbinary for commie street cred.
Why do troons always make it about themselves?
Narcissism and perversion.
It's very real.
Were they being ironic? This looks like an intentionally poorly constructed meme.
Quite serious.
Don’t dead, open inside
I agree that two parents (man and woman) and the supreme, triune God should be making decisions about babies.
Your "friend" is a turnip and will seek to eat you the minute the lights go off. Ghost this person and seek better friends.
They're frickin' demons, man!
Unless he, she, and they decide with their doctor that he, she, and they shouldn't get a government mandated injection.
Then, fuck 'em.
They'll bring up financial abortion? Very nice.
Its interesting that trannies are normal and not wanting to be a tranny is considered abnormal. Heheh
What about neo-pronouns? Why does your friend ignore those people? Are they not valid humans as well?
He is clearly neopronounphobic
Tell that lefty friend to step their confused ass in front of a bus.