In the United States, thirteen states — Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma,[1] South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,[2] Utah, and Wyoming[3] have trigger laws that would automatically ban abortion in the first and second trimesters if the landmark case Roe v. Wade were overturned.[4][5][6] Illinois formerly had a trigger law (enacted in 1975), but repealed it in 2017.[7][8][9] Also, nine states — Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin as well as the already mentioned Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas, still have their unenforced pre-Roe v. Wade abortion bans on the law books. Those laws are not currently enforceable due to Roe v. Wade, but could be enforced if Roe v. Wade was overturned.[5]
The one thing I do have to ask is if these 18 states do end up banning abortion, are we going to see women traveling interstate in order to get abortions? What exactly is going to happen? For the ones here who have a problem with black people, if Roe v Wade never happened, do you think the country would have been able to handle having double the amount of black people it’s had since RvW, or no? It’s all rather interesting to me.
In several of those listed states, mine included, traveling out of state to commit a child murder will still be a felony.
I think 90% of their population should be deported regardless.
Do you think black people who got abortions before are going to just give birth instead, or do you think they'll deport themselves to a liberal state?
Oh I meant deported back to Africa where they belong.
But let's entertain the ideas. If abortion had never been legalized, the nation would have been forced to address two problems much sooner. The black crime problem, and the welfare problem.
I don't see that as a bad thing. I'm an accelerationist; anything that gets the fight started in earnest, faster, is a good thing in my eyes.
As for moving, I think this will cause an enormous migration of leftoids(white, black, and otherwise) away from red states, which is also a good thing. It lets us solidify our territory before the war starts, which is again a huge positive.
Well, yea, Africa is ideal. But if we could just start by deporting them from red states, I'd be happy.
I don't know if slut bounty hunting will be a thing, but I hope slut bounty hunting will be a thing.
I'm excited for arrest warrents and asset seizures from pro life states against babykillers in other states.
You do understand that the law doesn't work that way right? Oklahoma cannot charge a Colorado doctor with violating Oklahoma law for performing legal abortions in Colorado.
The feds will step in an vaporize any state laws to this effect the second they attempt to enforce them.
I think some states will have very strict abortion laws and some will have extreme laws that almost lets you kill a newborn and everything in between. Interstate travel won’t matter.
If only it were that nice
Allow me to show you just how limitless their insanity is- from the link above:
They don't even plan to stop at birth.
California currently has a bill under consideration for unlimited no questions asked post birth abortion.
Instead of the normal route, it goes the anarcho-tyrrany route. Up to 1 month after birth, a woman is allowed to kill her child and law makes it illegal for the police to investigate.
Oh yea. The governor in Virginia said that
What creeps me out is how he said it so matter-of-factly in the audio because there couldn't have been a single voice sane enough in his bubble to tell him "What the absolute fuck are you thinking?! That's literally infanticide you stupid, evil shit stain!"
Exactly. Low-IQ impulsive people can still generally pay the rent because they can borrow from fiends/payday loan to do what's required in the moment, they just can't plan for the future.
Abortion makes unprotected slutty sex a future problem. Black guys hope they can convince their baby momma to abort, black women get free abortions so they don't need any caution at all.
Clearly abortion was intended to decrease the black population, but it's hard to say whether the degeneracy it fostered didn't completely counteract it. In any case most problems are in some type of equilibrium tradeoff; for instance, society isn't going to pay for 30% of people being blacks on welfare - they'd cut off the welfare/healthcare and that particular problem will take care of it self.
When ACB was first nominated, I told leftists that they were panicking over nothing and nobody was coming for their abortions.
Now that roe v wade is getting overturned, I say we are going to ban abortions, and that’s a good thing.
You: Ay guys that was totally a great idea fuck black people am I right fellow kids
Being black and growing up outside of the hood, but knowing ghetto black people, I understand why there's a lot of white people that hate black people.
I didn't grow up in the hood either but this stupid idea that it's good to allow abortion to own the libs who are the reason abortion exist and the "need" for it is ridiculous. It's cutting your nose off to spite your face and it's also confusing the order of events in history
A total ban on abortion would have certainly accelerated the issues plaguing the country over the past 60 years. Thus, if I'm in an accelerationist mood, I'm for banning it. In reality, I'm not for bans on abortion (though there is no good reason to allow for them past the first trimester other than safety of the woman), but I'm also for the total and utter elimination of the welfare state, which would put a natural counterweight on the problem. Ideally, culture and communities would limit out-of-wedlock childbirth via shame and even explusion, due to the undue burdens it puts on extended families and communities. This is also why I'm opposed to Barrett's argument for a guarantee of adoptive services.
It's difficult to say what effect the legality of abortion has on the amount of people who become pregnant in the first place. A lot of "abortion as birth control" demons out there.
Saying this is a policy disaster is like saying something is "controversial" just because the Left doesn't like it. It's about time overturning Roe v. Wade happened, it was clearly never legally sound, and if people don't like it, too bad. We live under the rule of law, not the whims of the most radical.
If any corporation or person wants abortion bad enough to move out of the state, let them. This is the line in the sand people will fight for.
Reading more things as I go, apparently the interpretation of the 14th amendment used to justify this was the same one used in Loving vs Virginia (interracial marriage), Lawrence vs Texas (anal sex/sodomy), and Obergefell vs Hodges (gay marriage) (or at least that's what I have some libs telling me), so this opens up a huge can of worms (if they're to be believed.)
If the feminist movement didn’t destroy the social trust, the blacks today would be nothing like they are. there would be a high likelihood that the hatred that exists toward them now based on whats happened since then would have little basis. Blacks didn’t start the fire, they were used for fuel. Same way they’re being tooled by the libs today.
No refunds though. All that baby killing almost certainly severed any potentially socially adaptive traits that they once possessed, and have been overtaken by the genetic line of a very violent, opportunistic and solipsistic variant.